Risk Assessment Report Form

Activity: Landfill Site Tour – Sidegate lane Wellingborough Date Compiled: 11/11/2011 Heather Marden

·  Journey to and from the school / Collision with vehicle / low / Pupils from school being picked up by coach/accompanying teachers / ·  Children are briefed before they leave the school building to sensibly walk in pairs towards the parked coach which is parked in a safe and accessible place.
·  Children must be checked before they leave the school buildings that they have their wellington boots on. All teachers and accompanying teachers to ensure they are also wearing wellington boots.
·  Entering or leaving site
·  Working on the site / Collision with vehicle / low / Pupils/
Accompanying adults
WEO (Waste Education Officer) / ·  Everybody remains on the coach until they are met by the WEO
·  WEO to meet coach at the entrance to landfill site.
·  WEO to board vehicle and direct driver to designated area for the children to alight. WEO to organise to stop all traffic if site roads are crossed
·  Visitors alight from the coach with their hi visibility jackets and wellington boots already on and head towards the designated walkway and move straight to a safe meeting area.
·  Group leader to sign visitors’ book to include total number of persons in group
·  Sita Waste Management to inform all site operations and customers from the site office/weighbridge that a school visit is underway and all must take extra care during the period of the visit.
Site machinery/plant / Injuries caused by collision with moving machinery / low / Pupils
Accompanying adults
WEO / ·  Hard hats and high visibility clothing: provided by the WEO. Wellington boots must be worn for the tour by all visitors (no open toed shoes)
·  Children accompanied at all times
·  Pre-visit briefing note to the group leader
·  Pre landfill tour briefing to the group leader upon request.
·  Safety signs and clearly marked walkways to be followed.
·  Tour parties to consist of a maximum of 30 children to 3 adults: one leading and one back marker.
·  In addition to the 3 school teachers, WEO and Sita Landfill representative accompanying group at all times throughout the tour.
·  Authorised personnel must accompany all visitors. Areas are out of bounds unless escorted by WEO – under instruction from Sita Management.
Walking on site
·  Movement around the landfill
·  Fire / Injuries from loose waste, small objects, spillages and dust. Wind blown objects. Injuries caused by falls or falling materials. Health problems exacerbated by exposure to dust or noise. Dirty hands.
Use of anti-bacterial gel and soaps. / Low / Pupils/
Accompanying adults
WEO (Waste Education Officer) / ·  Teachers to pre-brief the importance of children’s safe and sensible behaviour throughout the tour and to follow any instructions given by the Sita representative or the WEO.
·  First aid personnel and equipment available on site: (WEO is not a First Aider) Names and contact details displayed in the gatehouse of the landfill. Teachers are also encouraged to bring their own first aid kit and to have a school first aider present.
·  Group leaders are responsible for ensuring that no child leaves the landfill unaccompanied.
·  Children will be walking along designated walkways that are away from any vehicles and waste in the landfill.
·  There is netting around the site at a height to limit wind blown objects. The gatehouse and any vehicles entering the site whilst tour is happening will be briefed that the tour is happening at the time of their waste tip.
·  All children and teachers are to follow instructions from WEO. Full safety clothing will be worn by all visitors and all must stay as part of the group.
·  Group Leaders and WEO must try and prevent children from touching their face whilst they are walking around the site as they may get dirty from touching hand rails etc. WEO to ensure that all visitors have the opportunity to use supplied hand gel. Some children may be allergic to the anti-bacterial gel. School group leaders to provide an alternative if any pupils have an allergy.
·  Toilet facilities are available onsite; however these are shared facilities with the office staff. Teachers are encouraged to remind children to go before they get on the coach.