CLARIN-PLUS workshop “Working with Parliamentary Records”

Date: 27-29 March 2017

Venue: Sofia City Hotel (

Host: IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria

CLARIN web page:


Day 1: Monday 27 March

10:00-12:00Focus group session

Willemien Sanders & DarjaFišer

12:00-13:30 Lunch

14:00-14:15 Welcome - introduction to CLARIN

Franciska de Jong

14:15-14:30 Support for research with parliamentary data


14:30-15:30 Invited contribution 1: Linking Parliamentary Data: an event perspective

Laura Hollink (CWI, The Netherlands)

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:20 Presentations by participants: Curators and NLP experts

16:00-16:10'European Identity' presented in Bulgarian political speeches


16:10-16:20The Polish Parliamentary Corpus


16:20-16:30Slovenian parliamentary corpus SlovParl

Andrej Pančur

16:30-16:40“These results must come with a disclaimer”. On some perils and

pitfalls in working with 'verbatim' parliamentary records.

Roberto La Rocca

16:40-16:50Governing science through democratic institutions

Kristina Petkova

16:50-17:00PoliticalMashup, collect all parliamentary proceedings of all

European states inside one system

Maarten Marx

17:00-17:10PqViz - Rendering Maltese Parliamentary Questions more accessible

to the Public

Joel Azzopardi

17:10-17:20Ireland in the eyes of the UK Parliament

Stefano Menini

17:20-18:00Questions, discussion on obstacles, gaps and requirements 1

(chair: Willemien Sanders)

Day 2: Tuesday 28 March

09:00-10:00Invited contribution 2: The preparation and analysis of corpora of parliamentary

debates. Ideas for making things sustainable

Andreas Blätte (UniDuisberg, Germany)

10:00-10:30Coffee break

10:30-12:00Hands-on session 1

Laura Hollink

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:10Invited contribution 3: Parliamentary proceedings in Italian Senate. Current

management and perspectives

Manuela Ruisi (Italian Senate)

14:10-15:10Presentations by participants: SSH researchers

14:10-14:20Parliamentary Records as Data for Linguistic Discourse Studies


14:20-14:30Analysing Parliamentary Data in Hungarian

CsabaMolnár and IstvanMicsinai

14:30-14:40Can we learn about the topics a specific Parliament discussed?

Elena Tarasheva

14:40-14:50Using the Greek parliamentary speech corpus for the study of

aggressive political discourse


14:50-15:00Linking cultural heritage collections to parliamentary data - The

PoliMedia Project


15:00-15:10Finding latent dimensions in Polish parliamentary debates

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

15:10-15:30Questions, discussion on obstacles, gaps and requirements 2

(chair: Andreas Blätte)

15:30-15:50Coffee break

15:50-16:30Presentationsdemonstrations by participants: NLP/ SSH experts

15:50-16:00 Semantic Annotation and Analysis of the UK Hansard

Fraser Dallachy

16:00-16:10The German Political Speeches Corpus – Extraction and

Visualization of Key Terms

Adrien Barbaresi

16:10-16:20Greek Parliamentary Speech in the clarin:el repository

Katerina Frantzi

16:20-16:30The Corpus of the Saeima (Parliament of Latvia) Sessions

Roberts Darģis and IlzeAuziņa

16:30-16:40Methods and Techniques for the Analysis of Parliamentary Records:

Two Case Studies on Italian

Simonetta Montemagni

16:40-16:50Dealing with huge amounts of real-life parliamentary data and fixing potholes along the way
Filip Dobranić

16:40-17:00Questions, discussion on obstacles, gaps and requirements 3

(chair: Franciska de Jong)

17:00-17:30Discussion: Development of EU COST proposal ParliamentPortal

Margit van der Steen

Day 3: Wednesday 29 March

09:00-11:00Hands-on session 2

Andreas Blätte

11:00-11:30Coffee break

11:30-12:30Workshop findings, agenda for the next steps

