Curriculum for Excellence Maths and Numeracy Experiences and Outcomes

Early Level
MTH 0-16a
I enjoy investigating objects and shapes and can sort, describe and be creative with them / Key Learning Intentions / Learners’ Experiences / Possible Contexts
Consider: collaborative learning, creativity, problem solving/investigative approaches, use of ICT, links across the curriculum etc. / Success Criteria / Evaluation and Next Steps
Shapes are all around us
We match shapes in the environment
We are creative with 3D objects and 2D shapes
We create and copy 3D and 2D structures using building blocks and everyday objects
We recognise the link between 3D objects and 2D shapes
We sort 3D objects and 2D shapes by sight/touch
We identify and name a variety of 2D shapes
·  Rectangle
·  Square
·  Triangle
·  Circle
We begin to recognise the properties of a variety of 2D shapes: sides, corners, etc.
We begin to identify and name a variety of 3D objects
We identity features of these 3D objects: curved, flat faces etc.
We recognise the properties of 3D objects: those that roll, stack, etc.
We use appropriate vocabulary to describe the properties of 3D objects: roll, stack, etc. / Key vocabulary
Match, sort, roll, stack, straight, curved, side, corner, the same is (2D faces on 3Dobjects)
Active Learning
Singing Games
Baking/ cooking
Malleable materials (dough, clay…)
Modelling –construction
Junk modelling
Construction – building blocks
Sand play
Physical play(indoors and outdoors)
Looking for/ talking about “environmental shape”, i.e.
·  Buildings
·  Vehicles
·  Road signs
Shape box
Shapes in the environment-finding, matching, sorting, discussing
Collage and modelling
Shape games
Snack – shape crockery, food, cutters, slices (i.e. orange = 3D while orange slices =2D)
Construction – very important, exploring and investigating shapes and their properties
Shape books
Simple instructions; sit in a circle, run to the corner, etc.
Painting, sponges, etc.
(2D shape activities with playdough) / I can recognise shapes in the environment
I can match shapes
I can be creative with 3D objects and 2D shapes
I can create/copy structures using 3D objects and 2D shapes
I can recognise the link between 2D shapes and 3D objects; that 2D shapes appear on 3D objects
I can sort 3D objects and 2D shapes by sight/touch
I can identify and name a variety of 2D shapes
I can identify properties of these 2D shapes
I can begin to name a variety of 3D objects
I can identify properties of these 3D objects
I can sort 3D objects (i.e. those which stack or roll)
I can use the language of shape appropriately
Links to Current 5-14 Planners
Links to 3-5 curriculum aspects
(3.5 and 3.15 – sorting)


Properties of 2D Shapes and 3D Objects City of Edinburgh Council