Collegiate Farmers Union Constitution and Bylaws

Article I. Name and Purpose

Section A. Name: The name of this organization shall be “Collegiate Farmers Union,” also known as CFU.

Section B. Purpose: To promote agricultural awareness in the areas of education legislation, and cooperation by:

·  educating members and the general public on the important role of agriculture and rural life,

·  promoting cooperative philosophy and business,

·  encouraging civic engagement and community involvement,

·  developing leaders for the campus the Farmers Union organization and the wider community.

Article II. Membership

Section A. The Collegiate Farmers Union shall accept new members without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Section B. Membership shall consist of regular, associate, and honorary members as defined in the bylaws.

Article III. Officers

Section A. The Executive board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Advisor.

Section B. Elected officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section C. The Advisor shall be the staff or faculty member at OSU who meets the requirements set by the university.

Section D. All officers must be members in good standing of Ohio Farmers Union.

Section E. Eligible officer candidates shall be regular members who are at least half time students.

Section F. Duties of officers shall be prescribed in the bylaws.

Section G. Elected officers shall serve a one year term and may serve consecutive terms.

Section H. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in other officer positions shall be filled by special elections.

Article IV. Meetings

Section A. Regular meetings will be held twice a month during the academic year.

Section B. A majority of dues-paying members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any regular meeting.

Section C. The President or a majority of the members may call special meetings.

Section D. Executive meetings will be held when deemed necessary by any executive member.

Article V. Method to Amend the Constitution

Section A. A two-thirds vote of regular members at any regular meeting is needed to change the constitution.

Article VI. Statement of Affiliation

Section A. The Collegiate Farmers Union shall be affiliated with the Ohio Farmers Union. Membership rights in the Ohio Farmers Union shall be determined by the Ohio Farmers Union.

Section B. Rules and Regulations of Ohio Farmers Union Articles and Bylaws shall be followed when not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the Collegiate Farmers Union.

The Collegiate Farmers Union Bylaws

Bylaw I. Membership

Section A. Regular members include any OSU students who have paid dues, and are the only members who may vote or hold an office.

Section B. Associate members include faculty, staff or any other interested person or business.

Section C. Honorary members are anyone who is recognized by the Collegiate Farmers Union.

Bylaw II. Dues

Section A. Membership dues are required to become a regular voting member. Dues will be established by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the first meeting.

Section B. Regular members who have not paid dues will not be allowed to vote.

Bylaw III. Officer Powers and Duties

Section A. The President shall:

·  Preside over all meetings.

·  Act as a liaison between the Collegiate Farmers Union and the Ohio Farmers Union or any other organization.

·  Appoint special committee chairs and members.

·  Set the time and date of meetings.

Section B. The Vice-President shall:

·  Preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.

·  Assume responsibilities in the temporary or permanent absence of the President.

·  Assist the President in any of his or her duties.

Section C. The Secretary shall:

·  Record the minutes of each meeting.

·  Send meeting notifications to the membership via e-mail.

·  Conduct official correspondence for the Collegiate Farmers Union.

Section D. The Treasurer shall:

·  Collect dues from all members.

·  Keep track of all income and expenses.

Bylaw IV. Elections

Section A. Election of officers shall be conducted at the last regular meeting of the year.

Section B. All regular members are eligible to vote and hold office.

Section C. Elections shall be by secret ballot.

Section D. The advisor, and an out-going officer not running for the re-election, shall count the ballots.

Section E. In the event of a tie, a majority vote of the executive board shall determine the winner.

Bylaw V. Method to Amend the Bylaws

Section A. A two-thirds vote of the membership at any regular meeting is needed to change the bylaws.