Algebra II



Mrs. Harris


Tutorial: 7:40 – 8:00 each day. This time is available to you for the purpose of additional help with assignments. Use it!!!!! I am available after school by arrangement—make an appointment.

Plan:A day: 1sthour (8:05 – 9:30), B day: 4thhour (1:10 – 2:35)

Email: and phone #347-2126

Materials needed: These need to be broughtdaily to class starting the following Monday or Tuesday.

  1. 3 ring binder (at least 1”) – only for this class
  2. binder dividers (needfour titled ACT/PSAT Review, ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES, GRAPH PAPER)
  3. loose leaf paper (preferred wide ruled, no spiral notebook paper!)
  4. graphing paper (no spiral notebook paper!)
  5. graphing calculator(Strongly recommend, especially if college bound)
  1. pencil(assignments will only be accepted when written in pencil!)
  2. red pen(for grading)
  3. 2 Composition books—1 for Notes and 1 for quick class problems.
  4. Kleenex – 1 box

Objective:Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to

  1. perform operations with rational, radical, and polynomial expressions, as well as expressions involving complex numbers.
  2. use the relationships among the solution of an equation, zero of a function, x-intercepts of a graph, and factors of a polynomial expression to solve problems involving relations and functions.

Major Concepts:

Number Systems and Algebraic Operations – Real and Complex Numbers

Functions and Relations – Quadratic, Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, Rational

Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Relationships, Measures of Central Tendency and Variability, Sequences and Series

Homework:Reminder: This is a math class. Homework may be given daily. You are expected to do all assignments yourself. Do NOT copy homework from a classmate.You must develop the habit of SHOWING ALL WORK!!! No points will be awarded for only answers. At the top right hand corner of each paper, PRINT your name (first and last), date, period. On the top center of the paper, write the exact assignment description.

Note: Homework will be checked in at the beginning of each class period and graded within the week. If you have questions about the homework you need to come to tutorial.

Pop Quiz:Quizzes will be given. Quizzes will consist of homework quizzes and/or teacher-made quizzes. You may or may not know the day I will give a quiz. Homework quizzes are to ensure you are working and completing your homework daily. These questions will be pulled from previous assigned homework. I will also create quizzes to ensure each student understands the concepts. These are traditionally known as pop quizzes.

Late Work:You will not receive excused late work passes each semester but I will drop 2 to 3 low homework scores just before semester grades are recorded. Any assignment/homework not received within two days of the initial due date will NOT be accepted for credit.

Notebook:You will be expected to keep a notebook that includes an assignment list, assignments, quizzes, and all handouts. I will check notebooks for completeness, organization and usability every nine weeks. This will be an unannounced (or POP grading) notebook check.


Check: You may or may not know the day I will be taking a binder grade. These are intended to ensure you bring your binder each and every day!!!! To receive full credit you must have yourbinder.

Exams:There will be an exam at the end of each chapter/unit. There will also be two comprehensive final exams, one per semester. There will always be some kind of review given the day before the comprehensive exam and before most chapter exams. However, this review may just be an outline of topics covered.

Tardies:A student is tardy unless he/she is in the classroom and seated in his/her chair when the bell stops ringing. If tardy, you will receive one day of lunch detention. Please be on time.

Makeup work:

  • School Activities - All work due on the day of a school activity will be turned in before the student leaves. Any assignments covered the day the student is gone will be due two days after the absence. I recommend speaking with me before the absence.
  • Excused Absences – For each day absent the assignment will be due two days after the absence (please note that this is NOT two class meetings). You are responsible to get all make up work from the teacher, from your assignment list, or from a well-informed friend.
  • Unexcused Absences- You may NOT make up assignments and exams missed when an absence is unexcused for credit!
  • Makeup exams- If a student is absent the day before an exam and misses the review day the student is still responsible for the information on the exam. Please try to be present on the review and exam day. If you know ahead of time you will not be present for either the review and/or exam please notify me so we can make proper arrangements. If you are absent for an exam you will need to make it up in tutorial or after school within a week of the absence.


Policy:You should onlyleave my classroom for emergencies. Only ONE PERSON is allowed out of my classroom at a time. Please be aware that you will be missing out on the learning process while you are gone—even in an emergency. Do not expect me to reteach what you have just missed. This is unfair to other students. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Please take care of your business before class. NOTE: If you have special physical needs, please present documentation to me privately.

Cell Phones: Cell phones are not permitted at HHS. If I see or hear a cell phone, I will confiscate it. It will be turned into Mr. Hairell and you will be allowed to pick it up after school. The first offense is a warning, the second offense is lunch detention, and the third is one day of ISR. Please turn your cell phones off and keep them completely out of sight. Setting your phone on silent or vibrate is not adequate.

Grade Scale:A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F below 60.

Student’s Average: Each student’s average will be calculated every semester and grades will be weighted in the following manner.

  • DAILY WORK:30%
  • FINAL EXAM:20%


  6. BEHAVE APPROPRIATELY. (Always use polite and appropriate speech and body language. I will NOT tolerate profanity, teasing, bullying, or other inappropriate behaviors.)
  7. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES (i.e. Cell phones, MP3 Players, IPODs)

Discipline Procedure

  1. May or may not give a warning.
  2. Removed from the classroom/call parent.
  3. Office referral.

***Severe Infraction: Immediate removal from class to Assistant Principal’s office.***

I am really looking forward to an exciting and wonderful year. I am looking forward to working with you in this learning process. Please always feel free to come to me if there are any questions or concerns. Let’s work together to makee this a great school year!!!

I have read the syllabus and will adhere to Mrs. Harris’s expectations for my behavior.

Student Signature______Date______

Thank you for reading the syllabus to help ensure your child’s success. If you have any questions/concerns at any time please contact me by e-mail at or at 347-2126 (please refrain from calling during class times, my plan times are listed). Also, if you would, please provide a phone number and/or e-mail address (which you check often) for me to be able to contact you, if necessary.

Parent Signature______Date______

Phone number: ______

E-mail address: ______