Honors Students,

General meeting – The next required General Meeting will be Wednesday, February 3rd in the Pavilion from 12-12:45. We have quite a few new things to discuss, so we hope you can be there. Lunch will be provided.

Lunch with a Professor - Our annual Honors Lunch with a Professor is exactly one month away! For any new students in the Honors Program, Lunch with a Professor is an event where students within the program are asked to invite a professor to a catered lunch in the Pavilion, held on the behalf of the Honors Program Executive Board. Since it is only a month away, you should start thinking about a professor that you would like to invite to the lunch, which will be held on ThursdayFebruary 25from1-2pm.

For those of you who have not been to this event, it's a great way to get to know a professor or any faculty member in a setting outside of the classroom, and can help connect you with previously unknown professors both inside and outside of your major. We will be sending another email in the near future with more information on the event and how to invite a professor. For any questions, please contact Kelsey Brentnall () or Keith Ellebracht ()

Honors Lounge Door – The Honors Lounge door is now working properly, and I have not heard from any students who can’t access the Lounge. If you have an issue with yoru keycard, please let me know. Additionally, the new Keurig coffee maker will be available next week. We will supply Cups, but students will be responsible for bringing their own K-cups, sugar, cream etc.

Student Aides – There are now three student aides in the Honors Lounge, Amy Aroune, Pam Bletsova, and Cassie Fenton, for a total of 21 hours per week. They will be there to offer assistance and answer questions you might have about the program. They will also be working to plan more community service events and bring in more speakers to the program among other things.

Honors Development Groups – HDGs are now meeting every other week. Please contact your HDG leader for specifics on meeting times and locations. There will still be several Honors Olympics events throughout this semester as well.

Senior Thesis Deadlines - The deadlines for sponsors, readers and students are:

January 30, 2015 – We will contact faculty on this date for an assessment of whether the project is on pace for completion. We will require a yes or no determination at this time.

February 1st, 2015 – We will contact students to gather information regarding their choice of a poster or oral presentation, the final name of the presentation, etc.

March 15, 2016 – By March 15th, the project should be completed and assessed by the sponsors and readers. The parameters for assessment will be determined exclusively by the sponsors and readers. We will contact faculty to see if they feel that the project has met the goals initially set. Students are not required to send their research or project to us.

April 6, 2016 – The Honors Symposium will be April 6th from 2-6 pm. It is here that students will either present their research orally or in poster form.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope you have a great semester and we look forward to seeing you soon.