2015/16 Page 4


PARISH COUNCIL / Chairman: David Mason
Waybrook, Marsh Green, Devon EX5 2EX
Telephone: (01404) 822136
Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris
Perdon House, Middle Mill Lane, Cullompton, EX15 1JP Telephone: 01884 33869
Web: www.rockbeareparishcouncil.co.uk


PRESENT: Cllr David Mason (in the chair) and Cllrs: Jonathan Allen, Naomi Allen, Colin Please,

Mark Readman and Jeremy Wollen

Also in attendance: Cllr Maria Hale (EDDC) and 1 member of the public.

Mrs J Morris: Clerk

District Councillor Maria Hale was welcomed to the meeting as she has recently been elected to represent the Broadclyst ward.

15.  APOLOGIES: Cllr Dave Mace (work).


17.  MINUTES: The Minutes of the last meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th May 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting after amending item 11.1 to read telegraph pole no. 77 (not 75).


18.1 Chairman’s Report: The Chairman’s report included:

·  visit of the Planning Inspectorate to consider the appeal against refusal of planning permission no. 14/1976/OUT for construction of up to 9 no. dwellings at land east of High Bank. Decision awaited.

·  Meeting on site with contractor to discuss how to deal with the drainage issues outside the Manor gates. Devon County Council has indicated a willingness to accept whatever is proposed. Awaiting costings.

·  Discussion about the future of joint parish meetings to discuss the Cranbrook development, the parishes surrounding Cranbrook would like to continue to meet.

18.2 Police Report: Crime report received and noted.

18.3 County/District Councillor Reports: East Devon District Councillor Maria Hale reported that the district council’s planned move from Sidmouth to Honiton/Exmouth is still going ahead. The Knowle will sold for development but some of the surrounding land is being given to Sidmouth Town Council. Discussion ensued with regard to the Cranbrook development and Cllr Hale offered to investigate matters such as the design of the town centre buildings and report back.

18.4 Any other reports: None


19.1 APPLICATIONS: To consider and make comment on the following planning application

15/0785/MRES / East Devon New Community Partners / Approval of access, appearance, landscape, layout and scale for the extension of the Main Local Route (the primary infrastructure of the development of Cranbrook New Town 03/P1900) from the education campus / No comments to make
15/0964/MRES / East Devon New Community Partners / Approval of access, appearance, layout and scale for the access road to the town centre south area (development of Cranbrook new town 03/P1900) / No comments to make

19.2 To consider and make comment on any planning applications received since the date of this agenda. None

19.3 To receive details of planning application decision notices: The following applications have received conditional approval:

15/0918/PDG: Prior approval of proposed change of agricultural building to dwelling at Land adjacent to Little Westcott Farm.

15/0551/COU: Retrospective change of use of agricultural land to garden at 22 Rookswood Lane.

19.3 Highways England: To receive response to comments relating to the impact the additional vehicles generated by the Cranbrook development will have on the highway infrastructure: The Chairman had drafted a response to the letter from Highways England, this was approved.

NOTE: It was reported that approximately 1,000 homes at Cranbrook are now occupied with a target of 40% social housing but the exact figures will be confirmed. In response to a question about housing being purchased by local authorities outside Devon it was stated that this was not true and that only about 2% of occupants have moved to Cranbrook from outside Devon.

19.4 Neighbourhood Plan: To consider questionnaire and agree way forward: Draft questionnaire discussed, revisions to be made and circulated to all Councillors. To be brought back to the next meeting for approval. Discussion about circulating the questionnaire included asking the volunteers that distribute Rockbeare Roots if they would help and also an electronic version with a provider such as ‘survey monkey’.

It was suggested that the consultant is invited to the September meeting to discuss how he might be able to assist in preparing the Plan.


20.1 To receive financial statement for May 2015

RESOLVED That the Financial Statement for May 2015 is approved.

20.2 RESOLVED: That payments for June 2015 are approved as follows:

400344 / Mrs J Morris (salary) / 360.24
400345 / HM Revenue & Customs / 270.00
400346 / Rockbeare Roots / 200.00
400347 / John Robertson (grass cutting) / 60.00
400348 / Community First Trading (insurance premium) / 26.77
TOTAL / 917.01

NOTE: Clerk reported that John Robertson will charge £5 to add an additional area of grass cutting to his

schedule. This was agreed.

20.3  TOWN AND PARISH FUND: To consider ideas for submission of joint application for funding: Clyst Honiton has approached the Council about a joint project to pay for lengthsman’s work, another suggestion was installing a defibrillator in the phone box in Rockbeare village. EDDC has confirmed that it would support a lengthsman project provided that the parish council is willing to fund a programme of works in future years. The council would need to draft a programme of work and also find someone willing to carry out the work.

RESOLVED: That submission of an application to the TAP Fund is deferred to a future meeting for more thought.

21.  LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION: To consider response to the draft recommendations of the electoral review of Devon County Council. It was explained that the proposal was to create a new district of Whimple and Newbridge and increase the number of County Councillors representing Broadclyst from one to two to reflect population increase due mainly to the new development at Cranbrook.

RESOLVED: That Rockbeare Parish Council has no objections to the changes proposed in the Local Government Boundary Review for new electoral arrangements for Devon County Council.

22.  ROCKBEARE ROOTS: To discuss closure of community newsletter: Concern that the parish will no longer have a means of sharing information. It was suggested that the Council looks at ways of producing a low cost newsletter say one A3 page folded to make 4 A4 pages. Printing costs and delivery options to be investigated, also look at including advertising to subsidise costs.

Will also approach Cranbrook to find out if there is a way to link to their magazine and share costs.

23. HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report. None


24.1 Health and Safety: To accept items for action: None

24.2 Any other environment/community facility matters: None



The meeting closed at 8.55pm

SIGNED ______Date: ______