Minutes of the Swanton Morley Practice Patient Participation Group

Held Wednesday 14th December 2016 at 7.45pm, at Hoe and Worthing Parish Hall- next to Hoe Church.

Present: Gina Eames (Chairman)

Capt. Rob Mansell (QDG Welfare Officer)

Susan Brock

Gerry Palmer Church Warden and Link-up

Robert Richmond (Breckland District Councillor)

Judith Wood Practice Manager.

Dr. Hubbard

Minutes Secretary Hilary Bushell


Gina Eames welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was requested that all personal matters should

be addressed directly to the surgery therefore medical and prescription queries should not be discussed at the groups meetings.


Maggie Richards

Jane Allingson

Sheila Macfarlane

Brenda O’Dowd

Gina Eames informed the group that Oliver Cruikshank from the South Norfolk C.C.G. would be attending the February meeting.


The minutes were accepted and signed as a true reflection of the meeting held on the 12th October 2016. Proposed by Robert Richmond and seconded by Rob. Mansell.


There were no matters arising.

It was proposed that the minutes be posted on to the Link-up web site.

Gina Eames informed the group that she had attended the Older Peoples Forum in Norwich, where three people from County Council had been present. It was thought that the G.P’s surgeries should be involved in the overall care of older people. Gina stated that G.P’s can’t get involved anymore as they are already over stretched.

Dr Hibbard asked if it was possible to have a comprehensive list of all organisations as it was unlikely that the villages do not have all facilities.

Judith Woods stated that Churches do get involved in villages and said that Ashill was a very good example of what a village could provide to its residents.

Robert Richmond informed the group that there are vehicles that take people to Meeting Point.

Gina Eames offered to produce a full list of societies and organisations in the village of Swanton Morley.

There are also grants available to aid the formation of groups and to assist in their continued work.

Gina Eames informed the group that the Library service was no longer available to the many outreach communities which was a sad loss.


Judith Woods explained why the practice asks people at reception to give an idea of the reason for their call. It is to enable people to be guided to the right level of care and the appropriate health care professional.

Each news letter will have an introduction to each area of available care. Breckland Care at Home is transferring to Independence Matter CIC. Since the formation of Breckland Care care was now available in the villages, which was not available before the formation of this group. The managers and staff have been very loyal and hard working.

The nurses are gradually returning to work on a phased return – half days to start.

Nurses appointments will now be stream lined forcontraception reviews will be undertaken annually giving the availability of a year’s prescriptions.

Judith gave a full update on clinical members of staff.

People are still experiencing problems getting their prescriptions fulfilled. Branded drugs are going out of circulation thus making it difficult for patients to obtain the branded drugs that they are used to.

Robert Richmond stated the practices are still finding it difficult to recruit new doctors.

Dr. Hibbard informed the group that Doctors practices are now working together in the areas of administration and back office staff. These are being utilised by more than one practice.

Dr. Hibbard explained that the pneumonia is not necessarily for life. Any patient over the age of 70 will be considered to be covered for life. Younger people, depending on medical conditions will be recalled every ten years.

He also told the group that patients must be less reliant on Doctors and rely on other clinicians.

There were no negative comments received from patients.


One question he had been asked was if relatives staying on camp could use the practice. Judith Woods said that they could register as a temporary patient.

Update on the Face book page – one of the wives from the camp plus one of the wives in the village were prepared to work on the system. Judith Woods said that if they liaised with her they could use the practice site with administration rights.

There would be a new Medical Officer from June onwards. Judith Woods said that Dr. Carroll will still attend.

Although the camp was to be closed in 2031, there was nothing to be concerned about at this stage. There would be a five year plain prior to closure. The land is not owned by MOD, although they own the buildings. Hence why there is a £4 – 5 million improvement plan for the camp.

There may be an increase in the population in the camp due to RAF at Marham taking on extra staff for the new planes that are due to arrive in the next couple of years .

The coming year would see many of the camp personnel away on long training exercises. There would be a short term served in Sierra Leone also there would be postings in the Eastern Bloc plus Afghanistan.

With effect from 1st January 2017 Rob will be undertaking a new position on the camp, and informed the group, that John would be taking over as welfare officer. John was already known to the group. In April a Light Dragoon Officer would be coming as a Welfare Officer.

Gina Eames thanked Rob for his invaluable input and hard work for the group, and stated that he would be missed.

Members of the group present were asked if they wished to raise any matters, but all were happy.


Care homes are private providers by N.C.C./CQC.

Vanessa will post the minutes on to the web site.

Gerry Palmer gave an update on the Swanton Morley Car scheme. Please see attached.

Lincoln House should use E.R.S. The car scheme should only cover Woodgate Park.

Charge officially for passengers – but this is left to the people’s discretion. A vote of thanks was given to Ann Sadler.

Swanton Morley School is to celebrate its 100 anniversary in 2017. Obviously this was to be celebrated within the community.

Rob Mansell has enjoyed working with the PPG and passed on the thanks of the camp. The childrens health is most important. In particular he thanked Gina for her input.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.