3 Easy Steps to understanding SELF-WORTH

Understanding the power of your attitude towards yourself

You need to recognize and celebrate the fact that you are a valuable person, equal to everyone else, and that your talents and thoughts are unique and worthy. If you have spent years underestimating your worth it is always possible to change your thoughts and to learn to value yourself.

“Learn to overcome the fear of self-love”

Self-love is about treating yourself with the same care, tolerance, generosity, and compassion as you would treat a special friend.

“Stop making your self-worth conditional on other people”

Make your own choices and decisions based on how they overtly affect you and how you would feel. Conditioning yourself to others needs and wants will only eventually weaken your self-worth and you will find yourself chasing an empty existence in someone else’s world.

I have spent many years allowing others to condition where and when in my life and it finally accrued to me that I have only one life to live and I wanted to live it my way. Self-worth and self- acceptance has been the most valuable lesson I’ve learned in my life time and I want to share how easy it is to recognise and how you can change it. It comes back to the old saying “Happiness starts with me!” I believe this to be so true and it is so important to understand.

Firstly, I decided to do things that make me happy, for example, I would eat the last piece of fruit in the bowl and not feel bad that my kids might come looking for it. There are plenty of other things in the house to eat. (my thought process) And you know what? It was easier than I thought. The kids would just go to the fridge and get a carrot and not even batter an eyelid.

Secondly, I started taking classes. Self-development and art classes. I was overwhelmed at how good I was starting to feel and how the resentment towards my family lessoned. It was me all along, I had total control of the situation and didn’t even know it.

I get it as busy mums and busy working families, things just happen that deepen the stress of everyday living but I think if you stop for a moment and be here now, you can re assess the situation and make the changes necessary to stay in the right direction. Choose one thing every day that you do for yourself and honour that you have the right to do so. Love yourself unconditional