PROJECT TITLE: Smart Road Stud Guardian

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: For this Capstone Design Project we want to implement a new revolutionary traffic safety device. It will be a system of road studs, to replace the existing cat eyes seen on most rural roads. Our new road stud will be solar powered with colored LEDs. They will also contain sensors to detect the incoming vehicle. Once the vehicle is detected the road studs will communicate to each other and the road stud further up the road will light up red notifying the incoming vehicles to slow down. This application will mostly be used on smaller roads and it will give the drivers real time notification of incoming traffic. Most of the accidents on rural roads take place because the driver does not see the incoming traffic because of hidden turns or hilly terrain. The road studs will also contain a microcontrollers, which will be responsible for taking the information from sensors and directing it to other road studs and LEDS (depending on car’s speed and other variables). Those road studs will also be very useful for acquiring real time traffic information (to notify drivers to use alternate routes), as well as information about traffic patterns on certain roads over a period of time (to help transportation research).


Denis Poznykov –

Walid Al Jabowbi –

Neipaul Angad –

Orestis Kotzias –

Akhilesh Maddali -


Denis Poznykov – make the microcontroller design and implement the sensors

Walid Al Jabowbi – design of the road stud system

Neipaul Angad – design the communication system between the road studs

Orestis Kotzias – general contribution

Akhilesh Maddali – data collecting from the road studs


Sensor, Control and DSP Systems (Pompili -- 332:418)
Communication (Rose -- 332:428)


Denis Poznykov 332:417, 332: 463, 332:472, 332:423

Walid Al Jabowbi 332:437

Neipaul Angad 332:322,332:333,332:346, 332:463, 332:424

Orestis Kotzias 332:417, 332: 463, 332:472

Akhilesh Maddali - 198:416, 332:452, 332:437