2016First Colony Flyers Swim Team Registration Form

Swimmer Information
**If you have a NEW swimmer, please see reverse for more information.**
Full Name (First and Last) / Birthday (m/d/year) / Age as of 6/10/16 / New or Returning / Boy or Girl
Parent Information
Full Name (First and Last) / Address/Neighborhood / Telephone / E-mail Address

*Paypal Fee will apply.

Flyers Families:

We are offering several opportunities for our young Flyers (Guppies) to receive extra instruction this season.We will be requiring members of the swim team to be able to swim a length of the pool with little or no help in order to qualify for the team.We will have the first two weeks of practice to evaluate and see your swimmer in action. When we hit the two-week mark, we will be talking with you if there is any question on your child’s status. We are doingthissolely for the safety of the swimmer, swimmer’s teammates and the team as a whole.

Underthosesameguidelines,wewill be offering swim team spots to children that turn 4 prior to or on June 10, 2016,of children in the4-year-oldage group. If you have a4-year-oldthat can swim the length of the pool (or pretty close to it) we would welcome their participation on the team, otherwise, we hope they will take advantage of our lessons program.

For children 3 years and younger,or for children over 4 but 6 and under (older if approved by Coach Anne)the lesson programis the option for swimmers in that category. If you have any questions regarding thisinformation,pleasereach out to Ruth Larson, 757-871-3671.

Options Available:

June 2-17 Pre School Lessons, Swim Team Prep program 11:15 -noon M-F. This program is designed for preschoolers, age 5 and under, who want to join the swim team but are not capable of swimming a full length yet. We will work on basic skills, competitive techniques, and stroke development to prepare kids for joining the team. At the end of the session, we will recommend if your child should join swim team or if they should stay in the lesson program. These kids will not attend afternoon practices that are held while school is in session. We will apply $10 of your fee towards your swim team registration fee, should your child join the swim team. The cost for these lessons is$40.00.This is open to 3 years and up.

We will have additional Swim Lesson Opportunities Available in season beginning the first Wednesday after Memorial Day. We will send additional information by separate email and have information on hand at sign up night. These lessons are designed to work with your child to be able to move them to swim team participation.