Chairman Ian Pollock
Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at Scotton Village Hall
17/034 All Councillors present no apologies
17/035 No declarations of interest
17/036 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th April 2017 accepted as a true and accurate record
17/037 Public Questions None
17/038 Planning Matters
- Clarification regarding outline planning permission for one dwelling adjacent to the Barn New Road. This is for a further one dwelling. No objection.
- Approval of reserved matters The Nurseries New Road. The Council agreed that this application was out of keeping with the character of the area and access was too limited. Council objected.
- Request from ScottonLingerfieldSchool that the PC approve change of double gates at front of school. Currently black metal gates unusable and expensive to replace. Council agreed replacement wooden gates would complement the wood on the extension and approved.
17/039 Accounts and PC matters
Balances Reserve Account £49685.72 Current Account £15017.12
Income 2016/7 £15970.05 Expenditure 2016/7 £14314.22
Outstanding £1034 reclaimed vat plus £1000 Locality budget
Annual return due and agreed local auditor should be James Mackman
a)The bus shelter was welcomed (with one dissention) Agreed that a local window cleaner should maintain on a three monthly basis. Cllr Lister.
Clerk to contact NYCC re replacement of post. An invoice had been received from Queensbury Shelters for £4966.00 plus vat at £993.20 total £5959.20
b)Meeting held between Shaun Wilson NYCC Estates and Cllrs Lister and
Brierley regarding a licence for a play area on the recreation field opposite the village hall. The draft licence was produced by the Clerk having arrived just prior to the meeting. The Council agreed that the idea was valid and a sub committee be set up after the licence was passed by Councils legal advisor. Clerk to forward to John Carter.
c)Car park. The pre app had been completed and should be accompanied by a
Cheque for £246 and submitted Agreed
d) The play equipment has been ordered for Percy Fields and Letters of Intent
received from K9 and Friends of Percy Fields. Anticipated 6 to 8 weeks to delivery
e) Parish Council insurance due 1st June. Quote received from AON for £531.24
In line with previous years Agreed
f) Clerks salary for April £127.68
g) Invoice from Keith Large for Easter village newsletter £67.98 plus vat £13.60 total £81.58 Agreed
17/040 No correspondence
17/041 The next Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village hall
Graham Ashmore Clerk to the Council 11th May 2017