MMP Scoring Procedure for Benchmark Assessment
Constructed Response (CR) Items
The following directions for developing consistent scoring of the district-wide benchmark constructed response items have been developed to assist classroom grade-level teachers in scoring this classroom assessment.
Materials needed:
4-5 blank copies of the grade level assessment task
1- copy of the district grade level anchor papers
1- copy of the MMP Mathematics CR Marking Scheme/WI State Assessment Framework CR rubric
6- samples of student work, demonstrating various levels of thinking, provided by each teacher attending the scoring session. Work should be labeled A, B, C, D, E, and F.
1- copy of completed Mathematics Benchmark CR Grade Level Feedback
4-5 blank copies of the Mathematics Benchmark CR Worksheet
3-4 blank copies of the Mathematics Benchmark CR Grade Level Feedback
Optional MMP tools: CABS Assessment Overview form; CABS Class Summary form; Types of Feedback sheet;
Effective Feedback form; Protocol for Analyzing Student Work
Step 1: Complete the Prompt
§ Complete the math prompt even though teachers may have interacted with the prompt prior to the scoring session.
Step 2: Share Responses
Optional MMP tool(s): CABS Assessment Overview form, CABS Class Summary form
§ Identify the grade level Learning Target and State Descriptor the prompt addresses
§ Share and discuss various responses and strategies to the prompt.
§ Identify important mathematics features of the prompt that should appear on the rubric.
§ Identify misconceptions you anticipate students may have.
§ Compare your identified features to that of the Mathematics CR Marking Scheme.
Note: If your school chooses to provide feedback to students in place of providing a score to students, replace Step 3 and Step 4 with writing Effective Descriptive feedback. Optional MMP tool(s): Types of Feedback sheet; Effective Feedback form
Step 3: Analyze Anchor Papers
Optional MMP tool(s): Protocol for Analyzing Student Work
§ Distribute Mathematics Benchmark CR Worksheet.
§ Distribute Anchor papers to each participant.
§ Analyze anchor papers: What do you notice about the student work? What do students understand? What are we beginning to learn through this student work?
§ Score each Anchor paper individually.
§ Use the top section of the Mathematics Benchmark CR Worksheet to record your scores for each of the 6 anchor papers.
§ Share your outcomes, discuss differences, and come to consensus on a final score for each paper. Compare results with the sample Mathematics Benchmark CR Grade Level Feedback form.
§ Review the anchor papers to develop 1-3 statements identifying features from the student work that highlight areas of success or indicate areas needed for further instruction. Compare statements with the sample Mathematics Benchmark CR Grade Level Feedback form.
Step 4: School-based scoring sessions
§ Distribute 6 samples of student work from one of the participants in the group.
§ Score the student work following the same procedure as stated above. Make sure everyone in the group interacts with each of the student papers. Record your results on the Mathematics Benchmark CR Worksheet.
§ Share comments and come to consensus on scores for each paper.
§ Complete both sections of the Mathematics Benchmark CR Grade Level Feedback form. Include feedback statements regarding instructional next-steps.
§ Repeat process with student work samples provided by each teacher in the group.
Step 5: Grade level reflections
Optional MMP tool(s): CABS Class Summary form
§ Discuss overall reflections as identified from the student work.
§ Plan for adjustments or implementation of strategies to address challenges.
The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the
National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR-0314898.
Revised 9-25-09