Adult Leader Application

Name: ______/ (Circle one) Clergy / Laity
Current Church: ______/ Email: ______
Home Phone: ______/ Cell/Mobile: ______
Address: ______/ City/State/Zip: ______


T-Shirt size: [S] [M] [L] [XL] [XXL] [XXXL] How do you prefer to be contacted: ______

Is this your first time working CROSS POINT?  YES  NO

Tell us why you would like to volunteer for CROSS POINT camp: ______


Indicate age groups with which you would prefer or have experience working with:

7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade / PreferExperience
 / 10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Graduates / PreferExperience

Do you have training/experience working with youth who have special needs?  YES  NO

If "yes", describe: ______


What experience or training have you had in working with youth? ______

Are there hobbies, interests, skills, etc you could contribute that you feel would be helpful?

Describe: ______

The following are REQUIRED for adults working Cross Point Camp

Have you read and agreed to the Leader's Covenant and Medical Liability and
Release Form for the present camp? /  YES  NO
Have you had a background check with our conference office? If "yes" when? ______Note: Only valid if completed 2009 & 2011-2013 /  YES  NO
Have you completed and turned in a Challenge Course Form?
Payment and Registration Information: Total cost of adult leaders: $130 /  YES  NO

Make checks payable to “LDUMC”

Checks must accompany Camp Registration Forms


P.O. Box 6886

Lawton, OK 73506-0886


I understand that in every activity at camp I am expected to keep the highest Christian standards of conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, the following Guidelines:

1.The use of or possession of illegal drugs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco products, or fireworks is prohibited. Violation of this will result in being sent home.

2.All conduct shall be in keeping with the highest Christian regard and respect for all people.

3.Everyone will participate in all group activities, as able.

4.All dress shall be modest and in good taste and appropriate for a Christian witness, i.e. no clothing with vulgarity, beer or tobacco advertising, underwear showing, short shorts, bare midriffs, or the like.

5.The areas used for all activities shall be left clean and free of litter, graffiti and the like.

6.Adults are role models and should not encourage or condone bad behavior or pranking.

In addition, the camp staff has permission to take my photograph/video and use as appropriate:

I have read and understand the Cross Point Camp Covenant above. I agree to abide by it and other Oklahoma Conference and Camps bylaws and regulations.


Medical Liability and ReleaseForm

I agree to hold the Oklahoma Conference Camping program leadership team and the leaders free from liability for injuries, damages, or losses unless caused by willful or intentional misconduct or neglect on the part of the leadership team leaders or camp staff. I give permission to the camp staff to seek medical attention as needed.

Name______(Please Print)

Health Insurance Company and Policy# ______

Known Existing Medical Conditions ______

Known Allergies ______

Do you require: Medical diet? YES  NO 

Vegetarian diet? YES  NO 

Note:ALL medications (Prescription and Non-prescription) must be checked in and kept in the

Nurse Station. Medications you will be bringing to camp: ______

______Pharmacy: ______Phone number: ______

Physician: ______Phone number: ______

Emergency Contacts:

1.______Relationship: ______Phone: ______

2.______Relationship: ______Phone: ______