/ Bachelor of Science (Nutrition)
Critical Thinking & Lifelong Learning Standards /

Adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and acknowledged with thanks.

Novice to Expert categories / Expert / Proficient / Competent / Novice / Beginner
Graduates as experienced
dietetics professionals can / Graduates as new dietetics professionals can / Graduate Nutritionists of this degree can / Student Nutritionists in the middle stages of this degree can / Student Nutritionists in the early stages of this degree can
Curiosity & Initiative / Explores professional experiences and theoretical interpretations in depth, yielding a rich awareness and amalgamation of information indicating long-term interest and experience in the subject. / Engages and explores a professional experience and/or theoretical interpretation in depth, yielding a rich awareness and/or little-known information indicating intense interest and independent pursuit in the subject. / Engages and explores a professional experience and/or theoretical interpretation in depth, producing insight and/or information indicating consolidating interest in the subject. Some evidence of independent pursuit of experiences. / Engage with a professional experience and/or theoretical interpretation with some evidence of depth, providing occasional insight and/or information indicating increasing interest in the subject. / Engage with a professional experience and/or theoretical interpretation at a surface level, providing little insight and/or information beyond the very basic facts demonstrating a telling of the learnings/experience demonstrating little interest in the subject.
(Selecting and using information to investigate a point of view or conclusion) / Demonstrate outstanding insights into points of view drawn from a synthesis of multiple perspectives that can rebut expert viewpoints using an evidence-informed approach. / Demonstrate analysis based on a thorough synthesis of multiple perspectives including a questioning of expert viewpoints and/or theoretical interpretations using an evidence informed approach. / Demonstrate the ability to move beyond self by analysing the professional experience/theoretical interpretation from a number of different perspectives. / Demonstrate ability to analyse by differentiating between perceptions, thoughts and facts beyond self. / Demonstrate the use of a narrow range of evidence that produces. Presentation reflects the start of exploration about the expereince that stands out as interesting, different, unique etc
Student's position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) / Professional perspective takes into account the ongoing complexity of the professional experience/theoretical interpretation using a wide range of points of view and the acknowledgement. / Graduate's perspective takes into account the complexity of the professional experience/theoretical interpretation using a wide range of points of view and the acknowledgement of relative limitations. / Student's perspective reasonably takes into account a range of points of view including values, beliefs & assumptions in relation to professional experiences/theoretical intepretations. / Student's perspective is emerging and there is an analyse from their perspective and the initial recognition of gaps in knowledge and professional experiences as articulated by surprise, confusion acknowledgement) / Student's perspective on the professional experience and/or theoretical interpretation is vague or non-existant. There is no recognition of gaps in knowledge and professional experiences.
Reflection & Conclusions / Review a cumulation of learning’s at significant depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about professional experiences and theoretical interpretations which provide expert status in professional role. / Review past and current learnings in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about professional experiences and theoretical interpretations which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time in professional role. / Review learnings related to professional experiences and/or theoretical interpretations that indicated hypothesis of different strategies for the future and clear expresssion showing deep insight into values belifes and assumptions in the context being explored for future professional role. / Review learnings related to professional experiences and/or theoretical interpretations that indicates attempts to draw hypothesis of actions for the fture with with some depth values belifes and assumptions in the context being explored for future professional role. / Review learnings related to professional experiences and/or theoretical interpretations at a surface level, without attempts to draw hypothesis of actions for the future professional role.
Exemplars / Dietitians Association of Australia- CPD program for Accredited Practicing Dietitian / Post Grad Dip in Dietetics- Portfolio demonstration of life-long learning techniques / Nutrition Education 383 journals
Public Health Nutrition 382 / Fundamentals of Public Health Nutrition 282
Nutrition 284 / Food and Nutrition Principles 181
Foundations for Professional Health Practice 100 (Portfolio)