Freshmen Religion: Fall Semester
The Revelation of Christ in Scripture

Study Guide for Semester Exam


  • #2 pencil with a good, clean eraser
  • A dark blue or black pen
  • The textbook you received in August (check number)
  • Something to study/read if you finish early; no one is permitted to leave early


100 questions (1 point each)

  • All the questions come from the previous five units
  • There are twenty questions from each unit
  • Each of the five sections is in two parts: (a) a series of 6-8 matching (there are two extra for each) and (b) the remaining questions are multiple choice

1 Fill-in-the-Blank Essay (20 points)

  • This can potentially add 10 bonuspoints to your overall exam score!


  • Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, especially the RQs for these chapters.
  • Pre-tests for each of the five chapters
  • Charts: The “Five Ways” of Aquinas, The Evangelists
  • All the suggested topics categorized within the units below
  • Summary of the handout: Understanding the Bible: A Catholic Guide to the Word of God(see back side of this sheet)

Unit 1 Knowing God through Revelation, Reason, and Faith

  • Grace
  • Revelation vs. natural revelation
  • Mystery/mysteries
  • Faith vs. reason
  • Science vs. faith
  • The Blessed Trinity
  • The Penrose number
  • Theology
  • The “Five Ways” of Aquinas

Unit 2: Divine Revelation and Supernatural Faith

  • The Magisterium
  • Covenants: Adam, Noah, Abraham, the Chosen People
  • Miracle(s): causes; reasons for
  • The miracle of the Resurrection
  • The ultimate purpose God made us
  • Covenant
  • Prophet
  • Three sources of revelation
  • Supernatural Revelation
  • Original sin
  • Apparitions; validation of
  • Eucharistic miracles
  • Revelation vs. the Church
  • Patroness of Marian H.S.
  • Evidence for Faith

Unit 3: Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition

  • Acts of the Apostles
  • Apostolic succession
  • Sacred Scripture vs. Sacred Tradition
  • Sacred Tradition vs. human tradition
  • The fullness of God’s Revelations
  • Themes of Scripture readings for Mass
  • Inspiration
  • Biblical canon
  • Ecumenical council
  • Fathers of the Church
  • The Church
  • Gentile
  • Pope vs. bishops
  • Holy Spirit
  • The Ascension
  • Council of Jerusalem

Unit 4: Sacred Scriptures: The Inspired Word of God

  • Deuterocanonical
  • Relation of New and Old Testaments
  • Testament/covenant
  • Who determined the canon
  • Facts on each of the Evangelist s
  • Epistle
  • Pentateuch/Torah
  • Oral tradition
  • Synoptic gospels
  • Psalms
  • The Book of Revelation/Apocalypse
  • Jerusalem in Gospel of Luke

Unit 5: The Old Testament: God Reveals Himself to His People

  • Passover/Passover sacrifice
  • O.T. covenants: Adam, Noah, Abe, etc.
  • Uniqueness of the Ten Commandments
  • Significance of God’s name to Moses
  • God’s promises to David
  • Ark of the Covenant/Tabernacle
  • Ark of the Covenant/Blessed Mother
  • Protoevangelium
  • Remnant
  • Concupiscence
  • Consequences of Original Sin
  • Isaiah’s prophecies of Messiah
  • Christ/Messiah
  • Supernatural life
  • Temple
  • Zion
  • Family/The Blessed Trinity
  • Purpose of O.T. prophecy
  • Israel and Judah
  • Suffering Servant Songs of Isaiah

Understanding the Bible:A Catholic Guide to theWord of God

A summary

The Bible is uniquely important

The Holy Bible is unmatched in importance for learning about God, his plans for us, and how he has worked through human history for our salvation.

Key principles for reading Scripture

There are three key principles for reading Scripture. First, God is the principle author of Scripture. The message of salvation is the set of revealed truths which we call the “deposit of faith,” or Divine Revelation. The Bible is primarily concerned with telling us these truths, which are without error.

Second, God made use of people to write the Bible. But he did not “dictate” the Bible word for word. Instead he gave each author special grace to aid him in this work and each author wrote in a way that was natural to him. These authors used the language of their own time, and they used words and wrote in a style that reflected their own personalities and educations. In fact, despite the imperfections of human language and understanding, the Holy Spirit used them to write the message of salvation in a way that was completely accurate.

Third, God also used human language and knowledge. He conveyed things to people through words and actions that made use of the ways of speaking and thinking that were common at the time, so that it would be possible for humans to pass on these eternal truths.

Let the Bible enkindle your faith

It is important in reading Sacred Scripture to unlock the original meaning. An essential first step is to learn to understand exactly what the inspired authors meant when they wrote their words and a good Catholic commentary will help. The next step is to listen to God! Scripture is a living thing, meant for people in all times and places. God speaks through it now just as much as he did when it was written.

Are you listening?

Sample of the Fill-in-the-blank essay

Fill in the Blank Essay (20 points)
The essay is potentiallyworth30points, even though it will only count for 20 points. This means each blank is worth 2 points and that there is a potential to get 10 bonus points on your semester exam if you are able to fill in all fifteen blanks correctly. I suggest you print your responses as illegible answers will receive no credit. There is one best word that fits into each blank based on this short reading on the Church.


Fill in the Blank Essay (20 points)
The essay is potentiallyworth30points, even though it will only count for 20 points. This means each blank is worth 2 points and that there is a potential to get 10 bonus points on your semester exam if you are able to fill in all fifteen blanks correctly. I suggest you print your responses as illegible answers will receive no credit. There is one best word that fits into each blank based on this short reading on the Church.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. ______
  11. ______
  12. ______
  13. ______
  14. ______
  15. ______