Jeff Lasseigne / HANDOUT
Session 15 Revelation 11: The Temple /
The Temple
11:1 - 2 / The Temple of God
Where is the real Temple of God?
  • In Heaven,
How has that temple been copied and at what point in Israel’s history?
  • Altar that Abraham set up to sacrifice Isaac (but was stopped, of course),
  • Tabernacle (Tent) – Portable – By Moses c.1450 BC – Exodus (25-31),
  • Temple #1 (On Mount Moriah – Abraham’s Test) Solomon 957 BC,1 Kings 6:
  • Grand and Opulent,
  • Destroyed by the Babylonians c.587 BC (Nebuchadnezzar).
  • Temple #2 Zerubbabel (Ezra & Nehemiah) c.515 BC (Ezra 3-6):
  • Temple items returned by Cyrus (Persia) (Not the Ark of the Covenant) ,
  • Built in a hurry, with much opposition, not as grand,
  • Herod’s massive, aggressive expansion c. 20 BC – 60AD,
  • Destroyed by the Romans (Titus) c. 70 AD.
[Jesus]“They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They willnotleaveonestoneon another, because you didnotrecognize the time of God’s coming to you.Luke19:44NIV
What was one big benefit of the 70 years captivity (Babylon/Persia)?
  • They were cured of Idol-worship.
What is the other name of the remaining Western Wall of the temple?
  • The Wailing Wall.
How was the rebellion at Masada c.72-73 AD ended & how do we know?
  • Under Siege, The Zealots committed mass suicide (Men, women and children), Led by Eleazar ben Ya'ir (Israeli Hero).They would rather suicide that live under Rome. Jesus had a Zealot in His disciple group (See Mark 3:8)
  • 2 women & 5 children hiding in a cistern told them.
Will a Temple #3 be built? How do we know?
  • Yes,
  • Bible Revelation 11 – John measured it; Daniel 9:27 Anti-Christ will end sacrifices there,
  • Temple Institute in Jerusalem ae making preparations (96 Utensils).
“He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’In the middle of the ‘seven’he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the templehe will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreedis poured out on him.”Daniel 9:27 NIV (See also Matthew 27)
In Daniel, a Week, or ‘Seven’, refers to 7 years – the Tribulation Period.
Are we talking about a SYMBOLIC Temple, why?
  • No,
  • John is to measure it.
What is stopping the Temple being built today?
  • The Islamic, Dome on the Rock The temple mount is under Muslim control.
  • 3rd most important site in Islam (Gabriel taking Mohamed to Heaven) (Others are Mecca and Medina).
What is the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem also known as and Why?
  • Golden,
  • Reflection of the sun in the morning. The Gate of Palm Sunday.
Why did the Muslim Turks seal it up and put a cemetery in front of it?
  • Because they thought it would stop a Jewish prophet from entering there.
What will possibly need to happen for the Temple to be built and where?
  • The temple could be built at the North end, to co-exist with the Dome on the Rock.
  • The Northern End is the most likely siteArchaeologist of the Temple Mount Asher Selig Kaufman.
  • Jewish Mishna – said that as you come out of the temple, you would see the Eastern Gate. You couldn’t see it from the Dome of the rock
How could it be possibly built with the Muslims controlling the whole Mount?
  • Barter: e.g. Golan Heights, Gaza strip (West Bank) back to the Arabs.
What is the name of the Gazebo currently at the North end?
  • The Shrine of the tablets.
What does Dr Kaufmann think is below there?
  • The site of the Holy of Holies, with the Ark of the Covenant with the ten commandments.
V1 Greek word used does not cover the whole Temple site, but just the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.
What do many commentators believe the worshippers to be?
  • Saved Jews, worshipping the Lord the right way.
What does Jeff disagree?
  • the Brazen Altar in the courtyard - only altar with access: Holy Place (a Priest chosen); The Holy of Holies (The High Priest once per year).
  • Worshippers, worshipping God under the Old Testament system of sacrifice.
  • Daniel 9:27 description at the mid-point of the tribulation the Anti-Christ will bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
  • Temple Institute are looking to install the Old Testament system, because they do not believe in the sacrifice of Jesus.as Messiah.
V2– If the position of the 3rd Temple is accurate, who would the Gentiles in the courtyard refer to?
  • The Dome of the Rock- Muslims
Who will be overrunning the Holy City?
  • The forces of the Anti-Christ
What will Anti-Christ do at the mid-point of the Tribulation?
  • He will take over the Temple and install the Abomination of Desolation. Dan 9: 27; 11:31 & 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14
  • He will force the rest of the world to worship him – Revelation 13.
  • The Jews will flee into the wilderness. Mark 13:14
“When you see ‘theabominationthat causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”Mark 13:14
Personal Contemplation and Application:
“Do you not know that your bodies are templesof the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20you were bought at a price.Thereforehonor God with your bodies.”1Corinthians 6:19-20
AS we are Born Again, we become a temple and the Holy Spirit lives in us: How does our spiritual lives and worship of the Lord measure up?
  • .
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the trueworshipers willworshipthe FatherintheSpiritandintruth, for they are the kind ofworshipers the Father seeks.” John 4:23

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