Analyzing Your ISD Data

Massaging EQAO Data in Execl : Deleting Columns

1.  Refer to “Visual Guide to Downloading EQAO Data” handout in order to download your ISD data from the EQAO website.

2.  Once your data is downloaded, open the file and save it as a .xls file. Close this and then re-open it in excel.

3.  To highlight the columns required for analysis, hold down the control key on your keyboard and select the following 16 columns and then click on the fill colour icon in the tool bar.

·  F – Student Name

·  K – Program

·  L – MathClassWhen

·  M – OverallOutcomeLevel

·  N – OverallRawLevel_Dot

·  Q – NSAOutcome

·  R – LROutcome

·  S – AGOutcome

·  T – MGOutcome

·  U – KUOutcome

·  V – APOutcome

·  W – PSOutcome

·  X – AssessmentTotalNonBlanks

·  Z – Gender



4.  While holding down the control key on your keyboard, select columns

A – E, G – J, O, P, Y and AD – BM and press delete. At this point, you should only have your 16 highlighted columns left in your spreadsheet.

5. Select each of your columns and remove the highlighting (click on arrow beside fill colour icon and select No Fill).

Massaging EQAO Data in Execl : Filtering and Converting Value Type

6. Select cell A1

7. In the Data menu select Filter/AutoFilter

8. Click the Filter button for Gender in column heading N and select #1

9. In cell N2, change the #1 to an M for Male

10. Double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to change all cells in this column

11. Filter for #2 and change this value to F for Female and then double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to change all cells in this column

12. Filter for All to return all data to the Gender column

13. Change the numeric values in Program (column B) using the following conversions: 1 = Ap, 2 = Ac

14. Filter for number, replace with alpha value, then double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to convert filtered cells

15. Filter for All to return all data to the Program column

16. Change the numeric values in ESLELD_ALFPDF (column O) using the following conversions: 0 = No, 1 = Yes

17. Filter for number, replace with alpha value, then double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to convert filtered cells

18. Filter for All to return all data to the ESLELD_ALFPDF column

19. Change the numeric values in SIF_IEP (column P) using the following conversions: 0 = No, 1 = Yes

20. Filter for number, replace with alpha value, then double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to convert filtered cells

21. Filter for All to return all data to the SIF_IEP column

22. Change the numeric data for columns F – L using the following conversions: -2 = NA, -1 = Insufficient, 0 = Weak, 1 = Strong

23. Filter for number, replace with alpha value, then double click in the bottom right corner of the cell to convert filtered cells

21. Filter for All to return all data to the column

22. Save the massaged ISD worksheet.

Importing Clean Data to TinkerPlots

23.  Click in the very top left-hand corner of the worksheet to highlight all cells.

24.  Copy the worksheet.

25.  Open TinkerPlots.

26.  From the toolbar, drag a new Data Card onto the main workspace.

27.  From the Edit menu, select Paste Cases.

28.  With the Data Card selected, drag down a new Plot. Data will be displayed in the Plot.

Analysing EQAO Math Individual Student Data (ISD)

In this activity you are required to repeat the steps in order to manipulate the data in TinkerPlots.

29.  Drag OverallRawLevel_Dot from the Data Card to the horizontal axis of the Plot.

30.  To change the horizontal scale double-click on the lower scale box and start the axis at 0 with a bin width of 0.3.

31.  From the toolbar select a vertical Stack to organize the data.

Analysing EQAO Math data in TinkerPlots: Filtering to target the Applied target group, dividing into Gender groups and then targeting individual students by overall cut-score.

32.  Right-click on the Plot to show menu and select Add Filter.

33.  In the edit Filter box, click on the + sign to open the attribute list, and double click on Program.

34.  Type the = symbol, then in quotations, type Ap and select ok.

35.  From the toolbar, select a vertical reference line and drag it to the left margin of the 3 – 3.2 bin.

36.  From the data card, drag Gender to the vertical axis of the plot.

37.  From the toolbar, drag a key to the plot, then format and lock the key.

38.  From the Data Card, select OverallRawLevel_Dot, then select the vertical order icon on the tool bar to order the cases in each column from lowest to highest score.

39.  Select the drawing tool from the bottom of Plot and draw line around specific cases.

40.  To erase the line, select the Drawing Tool pull-out menu, then clear drawing.