21 FEBRUARY 2007
To present an update in respect of twelve Council owned former/closed landfill sites with regard to ongoing site investigation works and risk assessments for the purpose of Part IIA Determinations under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations 2001).
1 Landfill sites are recognised as potentially contaminative land uses and as a result such sites should be considered by Councils when implementing their duties under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 (Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations, 2001).
Contaminated Land is defined as:
"any land which appears to a local authority in whose area it is situated to be in such a condition by reason of substances in, on or under the land that
(a) significant harm is being caused or there is a significant possibility of such harm being caused
(b) pollution of controlled waters is being or is likely to be caused.”
2 The Council has identified twelve former landfill sites historically operated by the Council (or its predecessors), that might meet the definition of “contaminated land”. These are:-
1. Bala Road, Off Queensway Wrexham
2. Dunks 1, Caia Park, Wrexham
3. Dunks 2, Rear of Benjamin Road, Wrexham
4. Dunks 3, Caia Park, Wrexham
5. Parciau, Bellevue Road, Wrexham
6. Sontley Road, Hightown, Wrexham
7. The Wauns, Off Delamere Avenue, Gwersyllt
8. Woodwards Rock, Plas Madoc
9. Gwersyllt, Alyn Waters Country Park, Gwersyllt
10. Halton, Near Chirk
11. Llanypwll, Off Holt Road, Llanypwll
12. Llay, Off Llay New Road Wrexham
Of the twelve sites no’s 1 – 6 are located within central Wrexham and are now used as public open space (POS). Both The Wauns and Woodwards Rock are POS, the former including regularly used playing fields (football pitches). Active gas extraction systems have been installed at both the Gwersyllt and Llanypwll landfills whilst Llay and Halton are both now used for livestock grazing and have passive gas venting systems.
3 In accordance with the Welsh Local Authority Guide to the Application of Part IIA of the Act, the Council has been carrying out detailed inspections of the twelve sites.
In February 2001 a review was undertaken of information on the landfills and the report was finalised in January 2005. Part way through the review it was apparent that further data needed to be collected on the sites and in March 2004, a total of 44 long-term monitoring boreholes were installed. Weekly gas monitoring commenced which then became fortnightly and then carried out monthly.
An environmental consultant, Smith Grant LLP (SG LLP) was subsequently commissioned to assess the monitoring schemes of the sites, their likely ‘contaminated land status’ and any future assessment requirements. The work was reported in the form of a ‘Risk Based Monitoring Review’ (RBMR) for each site and from this recommendations for further works were reported in the form of site specific ‘Site Monitoring Plans’ (SMP). It was recommended that further investigation works were necessary.
4 In March 2005 the Contaminated Land Officer prepared eleven applications for site investigation works (totalling £92,242) for the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) Contaminated Land Capital Funding for 2005-2006. (An application for Parciau was not submitted since further works were not expected to be necessary at that time). WAG confirmed by letter dated 26th May 2005 that the applications had been successful and grants for each of the eleven sites of between £1,252 to £17,115 were awarded. (The funding programme had a total sum of £1m for 2005/06, of which the Council received a total of £92,242). On the 19th July 2005 the Executive Board approved the commissioning of SG LLP to carry out the works.
5 In summary the site investigations undertaken at the eleven sites encompassed the drilling of additional boreholes, gas and groundwater monitoring of both new and existing boreholes, collection and analysis of surface water samples and the collection and analysis of soil samples from public areas. Funding for Parciau had not been awarded nevertheless this site was included in the site investigation programme and funded by the Environment Department. The works were estimated to cost £6,668 and encompassed borehole installation, gas and groundwater monitoring and topsoil testing.
6 Field works were due to be completed by 31 March 2006 in accordance with the conditions of the WAG Funding. Subsequently a series of twelve detailed written reports were issued by Smith Grant in July 2006. At that stage no one landfill site had been definitely determined as constituting contaminated land in accordance with the statutory definition.
7 The risk assessment works that have been undertaken thus far, including site investigations instigated by The Housing and Public Protection Department in 2004, had identified that the single potential principle risk associated with every site was the generation of landfill gas with resultant potential migration of the methane component towards and into nearby buildings, the commonest type being residential properties. No significant pollution of either groundwaters or surface waters has been identified.
8 In consequence of the perceived principle risk of concern, gas monitoring on all twelve sites was re-commenced in mid 2006 by The Housing and Public Protection Department following completion of the Smith Grant works. Monitoring is undertaken on a bi-monthly basis.
9 The 2005/06 works carried out by Smith Grant reported that further works were required on all of the sites. However, only seven sites were eligible for further funding under the 2006/2007 Contaminated Land Capital Funding programme due to a minimum bid limit of £5000 being implemented. Consequently bids were submitted to WAG for Bala Road, The Dunks 1, Gwersyllt Park, Llanypwll, Llay, The Wauns and Woodwards Rock. It was confirmed in July 2006 that the seven bids had been successful with a bids total of £70,193.
10 WAG initiated a second round of funding bids in 2006 and bids were submitted on the 29th September 2006 for additional works on The Dunks 3 landfill, Halton, Dunks1, Woodwards Rock, Llay and Llanypwll. These bids were to fund additional works that had subsequently been identified as being necessary but which had not been fully recognised in February 2006 as works were still in progress. Confirmation was received in November 2006 that four of the five bids had been successful, the rejected site being Llanypwll. The total awarded for the second round bids was £29,797.
11 Further investigation works are to be undertaken under the 2006/07 WAG funding, and which are in progress now. Field works are to be completed by 31st March 2007 (although it is hoped that an extension might be secured with respect to the November funding given the short time scale). Smith Grant have been retained to carry out the works on seven of the sites. It is envisaged that on completion of these additional works the consultant will be able to advise further on the determination of the sites as “contaminated land” and consequently whether any remedial works will be necessary and that as a result no further bids regarding site investigation works will need to be made to WAG.
12 Since October 2006 an agency consultant has been engaged on a fixed term contract (26 weeks to 31/03/07) specifically to project manage the 06/07 WAG funded works and assess the circumstances for all twelve sites including a review of the 05/06 reports. This has been necessary in consequence of the on-going workloads of existing staff within the contaminated land section and the need to achieve an absolute confirmation regarding the “contaminated land” status for all sites once current works are completed. Gas monitoring of the sites not currently subject to the WAG works is also continuing in order to further strengthen the databases. This will assist in identifying the need for, and frequency of gas monitoring on these sites in the future in the absence of further WAG funding.
Report No CHPPO/21/07S
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