Forage resource improvementutilization program
Application Form 04/04
If any information is not supplied on this application, the application will beconsidered incomplete and it will not be considered for funding
Name ______Date: ______
Home Address______
Farm Address______FSA Farm # ______
Telephone: Home ______Work ______Mobile ______
E-Mail Address ______
Is at least 20 percent of gross household income from a farming operation? _____Yes_____ No
Have you applied or been approved forfunding for this program in another county?____ Yes ____ No
Program(s) applying for:
Clover, alfalfa / $ / Filter fabric pad installation / $ / Cool season grass establishment / $Fencing for rotational grazing / $ / Summer perennial grass establishment / $ / On-farm water distribution / $
I hereby request funding for the Jefferson County Forage Resource Improvement andUtilization Program and agree to follow all the attached guidelines and requirements. Ialso understand that if I fail to meet the requirements contained here in I may forfeit anyfuture funding through Phase I opportunities. I understand that I assume allresponsibility and liability for implementation of this program and any results that mayoccur from my individual purchase or decision.
Applicant's Signature: ______Date ______
Social Security # ______
Application deadline:July 31, 2004
Return Application to:
Jefferson Co. Extension Service
8012 Vinecrest Ave, Suite 1
Louisville, KY 40222
Telephone: (502) 425-4482Office hours M-F 8AM-4:30PM
General Guidelines for All Programs
and Forage Model Program
Applicants for each program must be a JeffersonCounty farmer who receives at least 20% of their gross household income from a farming operation. Applicants who don’t meet this 20% eligibility requirement may be considered for funding on a case-by-case basis.Awarding of cost-share funds will be based on information provided in the Supplemental Application. The applications will not be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. All applications may not be funded due to financial constraints. Applications can be considered for improvements made on the farm retroactive to January 1, 2003.
Cost-share is on a 50/50 basis of eligible expenses. Labor costs are not eligible for cost-share. Program improvements or installations must be made within six months of application approval. There is a maximum cost-share amount in each program paid per farm/ producer/ partnership. There is any number of different family and partner farming arrangements across the county. The intent is that this is the maximum for each household.
For anyone receiving over $600, a 1099 IRS form will be sent out at the end of the year.
In most of these programs, farmers are required to attend some type of educational session relating to that particular program. The Extension Service is offering a series of programs that will meet the educational requirements. As mentioned before, this money is considered government funds and must be accounted for. The local board has determined that the best way to do this is to have each producer fill out a form listing pertinent information at reimbursement time to set a baseline, and again one and two years later (depending on the program) as a means of judging success of the program. Any producer making application agrees to fill these out.
This money is for the long-term improvement in agricultural profitability. To get the best possible use of the money, in some cases, some improvements and installations may need to be demonstrated to others. By making application, a farmer is agreeing to host an on-farm demonstration, if asked.
- Clover, alfalfa, and certain cool season grass addition to pastures and hayfields: pays for certified seed and lime and fertilizer purchase, based on a UK soil test. Seed varieties are limited to those listed in the application forms.
- Summer perennial grass establishment: pays for approved seed and lime and fertilizer purchase, based on a UK soil test.
- Filter fabric pad installation in heavy-use hay utilization and storage areas: pays for materials.
- Fencing for rotational grazing systems: pays for sub-division fences and related material costs (will not cover barb wire, woven wire, and board fences) used for setting up a rotational grazing system. Permanent line fences- not an eligible expense.
- On-farm water distribution systems: pays for on-farm pipeline, and material costs for permanent and seasonal water systems, to be used for grazing animals.
Maximum cost-share in this program is $5,000 ($1,500 for the filter fabric program). You’ll need to get soil tests from the UK lab, (other soil tests not eligible,) complete a forage plan and an information sheet on your forage and livestock operation. The forage plan is simply a description of how you plan to use improvements that are made. Each participant will be put on a special Extension Service mailing list to receive occasional timely production and management information.
Forage Model Program
Supplemental Application Form
This supplemental form must be completed with every application. Careful completion of this page willhave a bearing on whether or not your application is approved. Attach another page, if necessary. Ifapplying for more than one program, you only need to fill out this form once .Please describe the farming operation that you materially participate in, (that is, you providemanagement and some labor, and you assume some financial risk.) Include a list of crops and livestockenterprises, along with acreages and numbers raised of each.
2000 2001 20022003
Tobacco Quota on farm ______
Did you grow the crop yourself?
rent it, or lease it out? ______
How long have you been farming? ____ Years.
What other occupations or businesses provide portions of total family income?
What are your future plans for your farming operation? How do you plan to enlarge or improve youroperation?
Details of Specific Cost-Share Forage Improvement Programs:
Cost Share Items:
• Red or white clover, alfalfa, orchardgrass, timothy, or bromegrass seed addition.
• Limestone and fertilizer purchase and application, based on UK soil test recommendations.
• Custom seeding services provided by a third party, or seeder rental (up to $6 maximum payment per acre.)
a. A UK soil test, taken within the last year.
b. Only Certified or PVP or Proprietary varieties will be acceptable. (see list of approved varieties attached.)
c. Variety must be specified on the receipt.
d. If pH is below 5.5, then clover or alfalfa seeding must be delayed by 6 months after lime application. Seed can bepurchased and held until appropriate seeding time, after reimbursement.
e. Seeding rates and dates based on University of Kentucky recommendations.
f. Recommended fertilizer must be applied to make seed purchase eligible for reimbursement.
g. Alfalfa or clover must be seeded along with cool season grasses to make grass seed purchase eligible for reimbursement.
h. Burn down herbicide for vegetation control or land preparation for alfalfa is recommended, but not eligible for cost-share
Cost Share Items:
• Seed (sprigs for bermudagrass).
• Limestone and fertilizer purchase and application, based on UK soil test recommendations.
• Custom seeding services provided by a third party, or seeder rental (up to $6 maximum cost-share reimbursement per acre.)
a. A UK soil test, taken within the last year.
b. Only specified varieties of these grasses will be accepted (see list of approved varieties attached).
c. Variety must be specified on the receipt
d. Recommended fertilizer must be applied to make seed purchase eligible for reimbursement.
i. Seeding rates, dates, and stand establishment recommendations based on UK recommendations.
j. Trans-located herbicide for weed control, and fall tillage and cover crop is recommended, but is not eligible for cost share.
Cost Share Items:
• Subdivision fence, posts, and related materials such as fence chargers, ground rods, voltmeters etc., related to theestablishment of rotational grazing systems.
• Materials related to development of a distributed water system, including:
Pipeline installed from water meter on property to livestock and water tank, or from existing reliable water source.(pond or spring)
Livestock water tanks, fittings, float valves, cutoff valves, pressure reducers, filter fabric, gravel and installation costs.
Seasonal water systems with movable (above ground, burst-proof) pipe and tanks.
a. Program will only share cost on the purchase of the necessary fencing and water supplies to create the grazing system.
b. This program will not cover the construction costs or hook up costs to a county/city water system.
c. A minimum of three paddocks must be developed and managed according to an approved grazing rotation plan.
d. Funds cannot be used for building perimeter fences. Barb wire, woven wire, or board fences will NOT be considered.
e. Trenching costs will be considered, but must be documented by a receipt.
Cost Share Items:
• Material costs associated with development of filter fabric pads for improved surface drainage under bales and in heavy useareas. (Maximum- $1500 cost share)
a. Minimum average herd size of 25 animals must be demonstrated over previous year.
Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund:
Forage Program Seedlist
Legumes & Warm Season Grasses
The following are acceptable for use under the provisions of the Agricultural Development Fund ModelForage Improvement & Utilization Program as implemented by individual counties.
(Alfalfa Continued) Red Clover Bermudagrass Alfalfa
Gem 329 Acclaim Hardie
Grazeking Abilene+Z Arlington Tifton 44
Harvestar 812HY ABT 205 Atlas Quicksand
HybriForce-400 ABT 350 Belle Vaughn
Imperial ABT 400SCL Cinnamon
LH3 ABT 405 Cinnamon Plus Big Bluestem
MagnaGraze Affinity+Z Cyclone Pawnee
Magnum V Aggressor Duration Kaw
Magnum V - Wet Alfagraze FK 345 Rountree
MultiQueen Amerigraze401+Z Greenstar Niagara
Pioneer Brand
Ameriguard 302+Z Certified Kenland Ecotypes native to
Kentucky are
Ameristand 403T Kenstar
Pioneer Brand
Apollo Supreme Marathon
Arrest Plus
Pioneer Brand 5454 Choice Prima Eastern
Gamagrass Pioneer Brand
Clean Sweep 100 Ram
Crystal Red Baron Pete
Pioneer Brand
Demand Red Gold Plus Iuka
Depend+EV Redland Graze PMK24
Pioneer Brand
DK 127 RedStart Ecotypes native to
Kentucky are
DK 131HG Renegade
Pioneer Brand
DK 133 Robust
DK 140 Royal Red
Radiant DK 141 Solid Switchgrass
RushmoreSpredor 3 Dominator Solid Red Cave-in-rock
Stampede Emperor Starfire
Supercuts Evergreen Indiangrass
TMF Generation Excalibur II Rumsey
TMF4464 FK421 Ladino
Triple Crown Feast +EV Advantage Old World
Bluestem Viking Foreccast 1001 Alice
W318 Forccast 3001 California Caucasian
W326 Fortress Jumbo
Wintergreen Garst 630 Osceola
WL323 Garst 631 Regal
WL324 Garst 645 SS190
WL325HQ Garst 645-II Tillman II
WL326GZ Geneva Will
Updated: 1/31/20031
Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund:
Forage Program Seedlist
Cool Season Grasses: Orchardgrass and Timothy Varieties
The following are acceptable for use under the provisions of the Agricultural Development Fund ModelForage Improvement & Utilization Program as implemented by individual counties.
Boone, Certified Only
Crown Royale
Potomac, Certified Only
Spanish Red
Summer Green
Clair, Certified Only
List available soon
Updated: 1/31/2003
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