Dr David Clark: brief CV

I am not one of these!

David Clark has a first class honours and a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney and has held visiting fellowships at the University of Cambridge and the Universite de Louvain, Belgium.

He is a member of the School of Economics, University of NSW, where he teaches courses on Business Economics, the Australian economy and the Australian and Asia-Pacific economies.

After growing bored with academia and the myopia of most of his colleagues, he then worked full-time on the Australian Financial Review as an editorial writer and columnist, where his Economic Updates, Student Economics Briefs and On the Other Hand column appeared for over a decade.

In more recent years, he has served as Chairman of the Investment Board and Director of an asset consulting company. He also has been the economics columnist for PersonalInvestor magazine since 1996 and Asset magazine since its inception.

His recent consultancies on the Australian economy include work for The Round Table Group Chicago and Baron and Budd, Dallas. For many years he also conducted graduate courses for the AustralianDefenceCollege, the Australian Army and the RAAF. His most recent outlooks on the Australian economy have been presented to Australian Institute of Management and Wilson HTM conferences.

He describes himself as caught on the barbed wire fence between academia and journalism but having lots of fun. He has put himself here because he believes economics is far too important to be left to the gnawing criticism of the university library mice and academic seminar rooms.

His favourite saying about academic economists:

“One can always find professors of economics to support the silliest of propositions and to oppose the most sensible”. (Sir Sam Brittain, Economics Editor, LondonFinancial Times.)

And favourite saying about economic and social policy matters:

"Every complex problem has a simple solution, and it's always wrong." (H.L. Mencken, American journalist, over a century ago.)