Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council Meeting held on 16 July 2012 in the Selby Road Methodist Chapel

A Quality Status Council

Present; Chris Worrall (Chairman), Ann Dowson, Doreen Engall, Peter Hastings, Gordon Hawcroft, Madge Johnson, Ernest Smith, Paul St Clair, Anthea Waudby, Kathryn Whitworth

Apologies; Alec Wild

Resignations were received from Steve Appleyard and Nick Evans

Clerk: Steve Young 01757 288234, there were 14 members of public present

DC/12/02509/CLE Publicity on an Application for Cert Of Lawful Development – Existing Certificate of Lawfulness for continued use of land for composting of biodegradable waste at Duck Nest Farm, Cliffe Lane for Inztec Ltd

Andy Wainwright of the planning department East Riding of Yorkshire Council attended to answer questions on this application. Andy explained that it was not a planning application and if the company could not prove that it had been composting for 10 years then it would have to submit a planning application. He explained that monitoring of activities is carried out by the Environment Agency, on a general point he explained that monitoring by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on issues such as hours of working was not possible except when breaches were reported by the public.

The information collated by Alec Wild was presented to Andy and he will reply in writing

Chairman thanked Andy for his attendance

Public session, Clerk handed out a letter from Peter Ward Homes reference proposed works on Chapel Garth

Alec Wild formally asked for a leave of absence for two meetings due to work pressure, this was granted

Clerk read out a letter from Steve Appleyard resigning from the Parish Council quoting the new Register of Interests as being the reason

Clerk read out a letter from Nick Evans resigning from the Parish Council quoting various reasons with the final straw being the receipt of offensive and abusive emails from an un-named fellow Parish Councillor. Clerk was asked to ask Nick for copies of the emails and Parish Councillors hoped that the person who sent the emails would also resign

The Clerk was asked to write to Steve & Nick congratulating them on their service to the Parish Council

If an election is called the Clerk was asked to inform residents of the election then inform of who is standing for election, in both cases this being via our handyman who delivers The Grapevine

79/12 Minutes of the meeting dated 20/6/12 were approved and signed by the Chairman subject to one change and one addition.

The change was in 77/12 the first bullet point where it should have read questions not complaints on line 1 and line 2

The addition was in 68/12 bullet point 5 where information on the exact site of the proposed bus stops should be added to read “this site is on lighting column 16 and opposite”

Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Gordon Hawcroft non-pecuniary interest on planning application 12/02096

80/12 Matters arising

ü  Cemetery report, Ernest Smith reported that only two spaces were left in the Church Graveyard, it was resolved not to pursue putting rabbit wire in the Cemetery and a quote has been sought for future reference. Clerk to get costing for kerbstones by the next meeting, no information had been forthcoming via the Grapevine article about the memorial to Private Tom Cooper so the Clerk was asked to pursue its removal to the Cemetery

ü  Severe Weather Committee, third draft of the plan was distributed for comment at the August meeting

ü  Area around the School, Chairman reported discussions with the Chairman of Governors, waiting for the School to give thoughts on the rear access. Chairman reported that new legislation is being introduced that allow 20mph zones more readily

ü  Clerk has marked the calendar to remind of a Gallymoor liaison meeting in 6 months time

ü  Bus stop markings in the village centre; still needs to be followed up

ü  New bus stops between Chapelfields and Meadowfields, Clerk read out a letter of objection to the proposed siting, Parish Councillors noted that they cannot act until East Riding Council report back

ü  Weirs Pond update, Chairman reported that quotes were being sought for work and that grants could be applied for once these were received, to be discussed at August meeting

ü  Cliffe Lane problems, Madge Johnson reported on a site meeting held with East Riding Council Officer which highlighted all of the road surface problems, action will hopefully follow

ü  An assessment has been requested for Soberhill Drive, Horseshoe Crescent, Baileywood Lane and Arglam Lane as reports are being sent in regularly about the road surface

ü  24 Moor End the property owners have fenced off a strip of land to the side of their property, waiting for further information

ü  Update on siting of the beacon, Chairman and Ann Dowson to get quotes for a second beacon

ü  Grapevine June issue, Paul St Clair reported that his company advert was promised in colour and appeared in black and white and that he was disappointed. Clerk pointed out that no-one should be promised an advert in colour. He pointed out that adverts for Katherine’s Barbers and the Hare & Hounds had been edited and the Chairman had no reason to change any of them. Chairman pointed out that 3 people had made final decisions on the layout and Sharon Smith’s emails accused him wrongly of altering the newsletter on his own. He stated that all changes were made in line with the decisions taken by the Committee and that he was annoyed at getting abusive emails for no reason. The distribution was apparently causing a few problems and the Clerk asked for specific examples so that he could liaise with Karl. Chairman suggested that Kathryn Whitworth has declared an interest in the past in the Grapevine and should continue to declare an interest, this was contested by Kathryn. Kathryn also stated that Sharon Smith had done a good job producing the Grapevine and that she had always produced it on time.

ü  Litter collection and picking by East Riding Council, a site visit planned for 16/7/2012 has been postponed due to flood operations, a new date will be advised asap

ü  Condition of dog litter bins, Clerk has ordered litter bins, when these are put in place the old dog litter bins will be removed

ü  Community fund from wind turbines at Gallymoor, meeting planned for 19/7/2012.

ü  Parking on Beacon View, Doreen Engall stated that grassed areas were not being tarmacced and that parking spaces were being rented out to residents

ü  Flowering bulbs to be discussed at the August meeting

ü  Email received from Steve Parnaby re Western Area Planning Committee meetings was considered to be rude and dismissive. It was pointed out that he represents residents of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council area. Doreen Engall explained how the planning briefing works. Clerk to invite Steve Parnaby to a meeting in August, September or October to discuss the issues face to face

ü  Employment status of the village handyman to be discussed at the August meeting

ü  Village green, cash point and telephone box, a complaint has been lodged with HSBC for removing the cash point without consultation. A complaint has been lodged with BT for installing a second hand scruffy telephone box on the Village Green Clerk to ask for usage numbers for the boxes on the Village Green and on Back Lane. Consideration of moving the Back Lane red telephone box to the Village Green as an information point to be discussed at the August meeting. The Jubilee Committee has asked if a flag-pole could be erected on the Village Green and the Clerk is investigating this option so that it can be discussed at the August meeting

ü  Parish Council communication and consultation with residents, eg severe weather information, this to be put on web-site, facebook, twitter etc. The community web-site is currently being revamped, these avenues of communication are to be extra to the current ways of communicating

81/12 Planning applications, Doreen Engall observed but took no part in the discussions

12/02096/STPLF Erection of building for use as materials recycling facility, construction of service yard, construction of earth bunds with tree and shrub planting and replacement of surface water storage lagoon at Land South of Prospect House, Howden Road for Allensway Recycling Ltd. Ward Councillor Paul Robinson was invited to speak and stated that he had checked with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the planning officers had stated that no breaches of conditions on existing planning consents were known. It was resolved to support this application by 7 votes to 1 with 1 abstention

12/02852/PLF Erection of two storey extension to sides and single storey extension to rear, installation of windows front and side at Grange Farm, Drain Lane for Mr T Cone, it was resolved unanimously to support this application with 1 abstention

82/12 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

DC/11/00537/STPLF Installation of 2 no.; 87m high turbines with associated infrastructure at Gallymoor Landfill Site, Market Weighton Road for Waste Recycling Group Ltd, granted

Email reference ‘Fact checking exercise’ information to be checked by Peter Hastings and Clerk

83/12 Accounts, balances of £11068.47 current account, £5733.48 saver account

Cheques approved were: £85.40 P Wiles litter picker, £193.33 K Cosquer handyman, £217.62 Wallis copier paper, £1379.04 Clerks salary Apr-Jun, £344.76 HMRC tax on salary, £178.50 Clerks expenses Apr-Jun, £480.00 Audit Commission annual audit, £603.78 Konica Minolta copier copy costs

Newsletter/copier figures to date 2012/13 Income £1006.25 Expenditure £941.06

It was noted that the annual audit has been completed with no comment or need for action

84/12 Holme Heritage. Gordon Hawcroft reported that a meeting was being planned with LEADER, he informed the Parish Council that £2000 had been committed to the project at the meeting with the Public Rights of Way Officer. It was noted that history and archaeology clubs have been formed

85/12 Christmas 2012 plus Christmas Trees in brackets outside properties, Peter Hastings will present information to the Parish Council at the August meeting following contact with Greenside Up and Henleys

86/12 By-laws available to the Parish Council, to be removed from the agenda pending Alec Wild’s return

87/12 Code of Conduct, the Code was formally adopted and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. Register of Interests Forms were handed out and filled in after the meeting, Clerk noted that he has to return completed forms to Beverley by the 28 July 2012. Clerk to copy the existing standing orders to Parish Councillors for discussion at the August meeting

88/12 Reports

·  Kathryn Whitworth reported that cash points at the McColl shops were not dispensing more than £50 plus Kathryn asked if the Market Weighton bus route could be changed to drop people at Langlands Garden Centre

·  Ernest Smith reported the poor condition of the road surface on Baileywood Lane

·  Madge Johnson reported that the fence on Chestnut Drive has still not been resolved

·  Doreen Engall reported that grants had been awarded to HOSM young men for educational expenses via the Rev Prowd’s Charitable Trust. Clerk asked Doreen to email information for The Grapevine

·  Chairman reported that the flashing sign to the west of the School had been damaged plus 33 Snowdrop Garth had had work done to a tree and plants despite the road not being adopted

89/12 Correspondence

·  Request for help lobbying MPs to achieve the right to appeal for Parish Council on planning decisions

·  ERNLLCA Annual General Meeting is on 15 September, resolutions to this meeting need to be submitted by 3 August 2012

·  Katherines Barbers submitted a letter asking for support in trying to reduce traffic speed in the centre of the village, the Chairman outlined work done so far, this to be discussed again at the August meeting along with the speed limit on Spen Lane

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 15 August 2012 at 7.30pm, please note that the Forward Planning Department of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council will attend at 7.00pm to discuss neighbourhood planning

The meeting closed at 9.27pm