3rd Annual Garlic Harvest Festival

The Lakehouse – Saturday, 5 December 2015

Stallholder Expression of Interest


Now into its 3rd year, the Garlic Harvest Festival is the first of its kind in New South Wales. Orange is fortunate with its cold climate producing excellent wines and fruit, and it’s this cold climate that helps form tasty garlic bulbs.

With the interest generated from last year’s garlic growing workshop, we would like to capitalise on this by holding another workshop. In addition, local wines and non-alcoholic beverages will be on offer, as well as garlic-inspired dishes from local growers and producers.

Local garlic growers, thegarlicsmith and Morganics, would like to invite your business to be a part of this festival.


Opening at 11am to the public until 4pm, we intend to have a casual atmosphere where people can buy garlic-inspired dishes along with wine by the glass or bottle from The Lakehouse. Non-alcoholic and child friendly beverages will also be available.

Garlic bulbs and braids will be for sale from garlic growers in the region. Live music will be playing near the stalls.

Key Details

With the support and encouragement of Orange City Council and Brand Orange, the aim is showcase our local produce and how inventive local chefs can be. Thegarlicsmith is currently approaching local chefs who may be interested in offering a cooking demonstration - perhaps “Cooking For Kids, on the day.

Stalls will be positioned in a wide horseshoe shape so that vehicles and stock can be kept at the back of the stalls hidden from the public.

Advertising for this event will include Visit Orange, Brand Orange, social media, local papers and radio including flyers on local shop fronts.

Stallholder Costs

To cover marketing expenses, a $50 fee is requested from stallholders. Please bring your own pop-up tent/marquee and trestle tables for preparation and service. Costs associated with the delivery of equipment, produce, food area setup and signage is the onus of the stallholder.

Expression of interest to participate

We need an expression of interest to participate from as many interested businesses as possible to aid planning for this festival. This EOI is not a registration form and will not secure your involvement however, all EOI’s received will go on a priority list to register when forms are distributed in October.

Stallholder/Business Name:______

Contact Person:______

Contact Email:______

Please return this page completed to Bernadina (Bee) Smith @ thegarlicsmith no later than 30 September via email ()