Long Term Planning for Sherburn CE Primary School 2015/16

Subject / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year B / Suspense and Mystery
Poetry - Vocabulary Building
Story Settings
Riddles/Limericks / Adventure Stories
Vocabulary Building
Poetry – free verse
Narrative poetry / Traditional Tales – Alternative versions
Writing and performing a play
Debate Vocabulary
Building Haiku,
Tanka & Kennings
Poetry Appreciation – Take one Poet.
Maths / North Yorkshire spiders / North Yorkshire spiders / North Yorkshire spiders
Science Y3/4
(4) / Animals, including humans
Forces and magnets
Electricity / Light + Sound
States of matter / Plants
Living things and their habitats
Science Y5/6
(6) / Animals, including humans
Electricity / Light
Earth and space
Properties and changes of materials / Evolution and inheritance
Living things and their habitats
Year C / Key Figures, founders and faith leaders (OS)
Journeys – Mary’s Milestones
(RE today) / How and why do Hindus and Christians see life like a journey? Where does the journey of life lead to?
(Look at journey of life for Muslims and Jews rather than Hindus) Judaism day: recreate Jewish rites of passage
Resurrection and salvation
(RE Today) / Religions in the local community. What will make our town/village a more respectful place?
What does it mean to be a Christian? Visit from local vicar or active Christian
Religion and the individual
(To download from RE Today)
ICT / We are software developers
We are toy designers
We are app planners
We are project managers
(Y5/6) / We are musicians
We are HTML editors
We are market researchers
We are interface designers
(Y5/6) / We are co-authors
We are meteorologists
We are app developers
We are marketers
Year B / Collage / Painting / Sewing
Year B / Food and Nutrition / Movement – Cams construction / Materials including complex structures
Year B / Ancient China/Indus / Invaders – Anglo Saxons and Vikings
Year B / Rivers, maps, trade links (Marco Polo?) / York – UK
Town contrasting locality over time
Music / 5 Gold Rings / Classroom Jazz
Fresh Prince of Bel Air / Stop!
Reflect, rewind and replay
PE / Swimming
Invasion Games: Netball
Dance / Gymnastics
Outdoor & Adventurous Activities (O.A.A) / Golf
Year B / SEAL Good to be Me
Core theme: Health and well being / Relationships
(SEAL and core theme) / SEAL Changes
Core theme: Living in the wider world
Year B / Les Colours Y3
Les animaux Y4 / Au marché Y4
Ma famille Y5 / Les destinations Y6
Tour de France Y6
Other activities / Malton Literacy Festival / Y6 Debating competition / Sports Day
Cluster Sports