An Order for the Christian Worship of God

May 31, 2015

Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve

1st Sunday after Pentecost (Trinity Sunday) Liturgical Color: White

Welcome and Announcements

The Prelude

*Call to Worship

Leader: We have come to this place expecting heaven to open for us.

People: Heaven has already opened for us.

Leader: We want to hear God speak.

People: God has already spoken.

Leader: When Jesus was baptized, God opened the heavens and a voice said,

“This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.”

People: We, too, are chosen and marked by God’s love. Marked by water

and the Spirit.

ALL: May we learn to worship and live in His Spirit and Truth.

*Processional Hymn “Spirit Song” UMH # 347

Passing of the Peace

Time with the Children

(All children under 12 years are invited to the front. Afterwards, during second service only, children ages 3 thru kindergarten are invited to children’s church and will be escorted to room #113. Parents may pick them up there after the service.)

Sacrament of Holy Baptism Wyatt Marshall McDaniel

“God Claims You”

Refrain: Wyatt, Wyatt, God claims you,

God helps you, protect you, and loves you, too.

vs. 1: We this day do all agree a child of God you’ll always be. (refrain)

vs. 2: We your family love you so, we vow to help your faith to grow. (refrain)

vs. 3: We are here to say this day that we will help you on your way. (refrain)

Recognition of Graduates

Annie Bartee Clemson University

Angela Conder Clemson University

Laird Curtin Clover High School

Jenny Flora Clover High School

Shelby Flora Winthrop University

Billy Gallien Clover High School

MacKenzie Gallien Clemson University

Taylor Gipson Clover High School

Samantha Green Clover High School

Harriet Hall Clover High School

Kelly Nellums Walden University

Amber Skinnell Clover High School

Zach Stabler Clover High School

Tanner Whitley Clover High School

Luke Wilkes University of SC

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

*Affirmation of Faith “The Apostles’ Creed” UMH # 881

*Gloria Patri “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.”

The Anthem “For The Beauty of the Earth” The Chancel Choir

Offertory Prayer The Giving of Our Tithes & Offerings

*The Doxology “Praise God, from who all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ,

whose power up lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!”

*Prayer of Illumination

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and Your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us this day. Amen.

*Gospel Reading John 3: 1-17 # 924

Sermon “Searching for the Savior” Rev. Wilkes

Celebration of Remembering Our Baptism

“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” UMH # 400

“Shall We Gather at the River” UMH # 723

“Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters” UMH # 605

*The Benediction

*The Recessional “Irish Blessing” (8:30 only)

May the road rise to meet you; May the wind blow at your back;

May the sun shine warmly on your face; May the rain fall softly on your field.

And until we meet again, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen

*The Chiming of the Trinity

*The Postlude

*indicates worshippers are invited to stand, if able.

Invitation: Those desiring to unite with our congregation through Baptism, Profession of Faith or Transfer of Membership are encouraged to signify this on the attendance pads and/or contact one of our Pastors. We are thankful to have newcomers among us.


The flowers on the altars today are given to the Glory of God.


Attendance Last Week

Sunday School – 148

8:30am – 83 10:50am – 40 11:00am – 96 Total – 219

Opportunities for service & fellowship this week

To Schedule a Date on our Church Calendar: Contact Christine Payseur @ 222-3496 x 15

Those Who Serve Today

Acolytes: Jessica Killian

Crucifer: Mel Smith

Lay Reader: Robin Wallace

Greeters: David Wray, Carolyn Grigg, Starr Wray

Ushers: Tommy Burton (Head), Johnny Adams,

Mike Allen, Alan Robinson

Tellers: Mike Allen, Alan Robinson

Children’s Church: Angela Conder, Maggie Amrhein

Nursery: Chris Wilson, Kim Wise, Hope Long

Altar Guild: Becky Lyda

Old Devotionals: God’s Kitchen is in need of old devotionals (such as The Upper Room). They tear out a page and put it with each meal they deliver. What a great use for these! There will be a collection

basket in the foyer for these.

Stewardship at FUMC: Most of you give through the Sunday morning offerings but below are some other ways to give if you so choose.

Direct Draft Giving is now available for free: We are now offering the opportunity for automatic draft from your bank to our bank, Clover Community Bank. Please pick up and/or hand in your authorization for Direct Draft form from Shirley in the office, or put in the offering plate. This method has proven to be an effective and timely way to regularly give to the church. "I am an electronic giver" cards are in the pews for your use if you choose to use this method of giving.

Giving On-Line: Giving to FUMC is now available online through our .

Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of FUMC.

Electronic Debit Giving: The new reader is now available in the lobby. Touch any key to being and then follow the posted directions. Be sure to leave a receipt with your name printed on it in the locked black receptacle. This is the only way your offering can be posted to your contribution records


Reverend Tommy Wilkes, Senior Pastor –

Reverend Brandon Lazarus, Associate Pastor –

Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus

Reverend Meg Wilkes, Minister of Christian Educ. & Spiritual Formation –

Josh Wall, Director of Music Ministries –

Tim Gunn, Director of Youth Ministries –

Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator –

Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary –

Natasha Bilousova, Pianist

Tracie Kite, Sexton -

Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator

Sue Gover, Lay Leader

Merilyn Cain, Wade Shores, Suzanne Thompson, Conference Lay Members


Contact pastors or Shirley Davis @ 222-3496 or to add to joy and prayer concerns.

Recent Concerns: David Borders (friend of Judy Bailes), Beverly Alsobrooks, Louise Walker, Joyce Shores, Mathis Family, Steve Bolin (Naurice Smith’s son-in-law) Margarete Karle (friend of Judy Payne), Estelle Camp, David Blanton, Ned Bartee, Barbara Hartness (Janet Love’s friend), Rolfe Sukkert; Baron Yerby (great nephew of Bob & Charlotte Dowd), Allen Boyd, Frances Funderburk, Katherine Brumble, Maude Crawford, Dave Jones.

Military: Lt. Col. John E Gossett, III, Maj. Nicholas S. Hare, Senior Chief Martin Johnson, Major Blair Preston, 2nd Lt. Rion Cartin, LCPL Chris Propst, M.Gy. Sgt. Terry Kenneth Lowman, Jr..

We welcome you all to FUMC! We are thankful for new folks among us and we encourage each of you to consider making FUMC your church home. It is always a joy to add new persons to the family of FUMC. Those desiring to join the church family, please signify on the pew pad or contact Rev. Tommy Wilkes in person, by email at or at the church-222-3496, ext.13.

Baptism: At the worship service this morning Wyatt Marshall McDaniel, son of Justin and Meredith McDaniel will be baptized. We will anoint Wyatt by making the mark of the cross on his forehead, signifying that the Holy Spirit seals him as Christ’s own forever. Wyatt will receive his light from the Paschal or Christ Candle to remember his Baptism and be thankful that Christ, the true light, has given him as a light to the world. The third gift to Wyatt will be a baptismal stole to show that through baptism in Christ, Wyatt is changed and has become a new creation clothed in the garment of Christ.


A Thank You / Farewell Drop-in for Josh Wall will be held next week, June 7th in the Missions and Fellowship Center immediately after the 11:00 worship service. The congregation is welcome to come by and acknowledge Josh for his time of service at FUMC, give him a hug and wish him well.

SUMMER FOR GODLY PLAY: Beginning Sunday, June 7, all children, ages 3 through 5th grade, will meet together in room 112 for Sunday Godly Play sessions, 9:45—10:45am. The children’s regular teachers will share Sundays on a rotating basis so that there will always be three adult spiritual mentors with the children each Sunday. The one class will continue until we begin the new 2015-2016 year on Promotion Sunday, August 23rd. During the summer we will work with the parables of Jesus, and then the sacred Hebrew scripture stories from the time of Moses through the Exile and Return.

Parents, please bring your children every Sunday you are in town this summer. Help them to be present no later than 9:45am so they will not miss the story, wonder, prayers and feast that bring the children and adults into the “presence” of God.

The Festival of Tables is just around the corner – June 6, 2015 – sponsored by United Methodist Women: Currently, we have 15 tables reserved for decorating. Tables can be reserved to decorate for $ 5.00. Tickets, which include a delicious lunch served by our Methodist Men, are $ 7.00. Come join us for a day of fellowship, fun and lunch. Arrive at 11:15 to preview the different table scapes, and lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon. We will have special music as entertainment. For further information or to purchase a ticket, contact Grace White – 222-7528 or Linda Abernathy – 222-7591

A2J Youth Ministry – Addicted to Jesus (Jeremiah 20:9)

Today -- 5:00 Meeting for Camp Longridge. All camp money due TODAY.

Today: End of School Year Cookout with waterslides, games, water gun fight, and much more. All youth, children and adults are welcome.

Camps, June 5-7 & July 5-9

Don’t miss out on service on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Join us and bring a friend.

If you have any questions about these or any youth events please contact FUMC Youth Director Tim Gunn, 803-322-1113.

All youth wishing to participate in any youth events need to have a completed permission slip on file.

Forever Young and Friends

Contact Rev. Meg Wilkes to reserve your place for any Forever Young and Friends events.

803-222-3496 ext. 16


Sold out! You may call the Opera House directly to get your tickets if you’d still like to join us! More details on departure times, transportation and restaurant plans soon to come!

REMINDER: Please plan to pay your $20 by June 1, 2014 (Give a check or cash to Shirley Davis in the church office or drop in the offering plate in an envelope labeled Newberry Opera House.)

Spring Yard Sale Report: A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated, helped and came to visit and eat. It was a wonderful week of fellowship and giving as well as hard work. Over 40 coupons given out at the Food Project were used for any free items the families needed. All the donated Bibles and other inspirational literature were given away at the Food Project. Money and needed items were donated to missions and church projects. Any books that didn’t sell were donated to the Friends of the Library book sale. Other items left over were donated to the Kidney Foundations. Profits will be used on Forever Young & Friends projects and to keep the cost of trips and other activities affordable.

Thank you to everyone who sent cards, prayed for me, and called to check on me during my recent surgery, hospitalization, and recuperation at home. It is such a joy to be a part of a caring and praying congregation. Words cannot begin to tell you how much your prayers meant. I am still recovering and continue to need your prayers. Thank you again. Joyce Shores

Clover Salkehatchie Update: The Clover Salkehatchie camp will be held July 11-18. As of this writing, there are four registered campers. I have spoken with prospective campers and I have been told they were coming to the Clover camp. I am leaving the camp in the Lord’s hands. We will be prayerfully looking at several houses so a decision can be made as to which one the Lord would have us work on. Please keep the Clover Salkehatchie camp and all the other camps in your prayers. I will be asking for help with set up, snacks, welcoming the campers and putting things back in order after camp. Prayerfully consider what your part might be. I am looking for a male adult with experience in residential construction or home repairs. God Bless, Evelyn Cameron

Our regular Wednesday evening programming for preschool-5th grade is now in a season of rest for the Summer! We will resume this awesome time of fellowship and formation in the Fall! Meanwhile……HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! And is I haven’t already, expect Mrs. Meg to come by and visit with you at your home soon!

REMEMBER Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! We have 15 children registered for VBS already. For the last two years we have had 70 by VBS week! Please see the announcement below and HELP MRS. MEG make good plans with our VBS team REGISTERING EARLY!! Go ahead NOW with inviting your friends! Let’s have the best VBS attendance ever! I can’t wait to Trek with you!