Montgomery College

Sabbatical Leave Application Evaluation Sheet 2014-2015

Name of Applicant:

Directions: Please rate the applicant’s sabbatical leave proposal based on the following criteria and place your score in the Points Awarded Column. In the case of point ranges, the better the proposal meets the criterion, the higherpoints should be awarded.

Ten Point ScaleFive Point Scale

0Not Present or Applicable0


4Below Average2




Evaluation Criteria / Possible Points / Points Awarded
A. Organization and clarity of the proposal. How well organized is the proposal and how well do you, as a committee member, understand what the sabbatical leave proposes to do? / 0-10 points / ______
B. Articulation of work to be done during the sabbatical leave period. How specific are the objectives the applicant hopes to meet as a result of the sabbatical leave? / 0-10 points / ______
C. Benefit to students as a result of the sabbatical project.
  1. Potential for information gathered as a result of the project being passed on to students.
  1. Potential for material learned, as a result of the project, improving the teaching skills, methodologies or counseling methods of the faculty applicant.
  1. Potential development of new courses, curricula, or Honors modules based on work done during the leave.

Subtotal (page 1) / 0-5 points
0-5 points
0-5 points
Evaluation Criteria / Possible Points / Points Awarded
D. Benefit to the faculty applicant, the academic discipline, or the profession as a result of the sabbatical project.
  1. Potential for knowledge gained or research performed during the sabbatical leave enabling the faculty applicant to become more knowledgeable in his/her discipline.
  2. Potential for writing a scholarly paper, completion of a book, presentation of a paper, or development of a portfolio of art or literature during the sabbatical leave.
  3. Potential for completion of a major portion of a program of study such as a residency requirement for an advanced degree, course requirements for a professional certificate, or a semester-long institute.
/ 0-5 points
0-5 points
0-5 points
E. Benefit to the College as a result of the sabbatical project.
  1. Potential for outside recognition coming to the College as a result of publication, portfolio, or presentation resulting from the sabbatical leave.
  2. Potential for use by other faculty members of teaching or counseling techniques or technological improvements developed during the sabbatical leave.
  3. Potential for improvement of relationships between the College and business, civic, education,and social service organizations and agencies.
  4. Other potential benefits to the College resulting from the sabbatical leave. (Please state the benefit inthe space below)
Subtotal (page 2) / 0-5 points
0-5 points
0-5 points
0-10 points
Evaluation Criteria / Possible Points / Points Awarded
F. Viability of the Project. Evidence that the proposed sabbatical leave project will require the equivalent of a semester of full-time leave to complete the proposed project and that the proposed project can be completed within the allotted time.
A project schedule (timeline) should be included in the application to demonstrate these factors. / 0-10 points
G. Additional Criteria Used in Evaluating the Proposal
Years of Service. Number of years that the applicant has beena full-time faculty member.
7-13 years (2 points)
14-20 years (3 points)
21-27 years(4 points)
over 27 years(5 points)
Level of service. Number and significance of the contributions made to his/her department, campus, or to the College based on information provided in application. / 2-5 points
0-10 points
Subtotal Page 1
Subtotal Page 2
Subtotal Page 3
TOTAL POINTS (100 points maximum) / Total
Points / ______
If applicable, evidence of support of outside organizations that the Faculty Applicant plans to utilize during the sabbatical project (please circle): / YES / NO