The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The 22nd HKSTS International Conference
Transport and Society
Venue: / 9-11 December 2017
InterContinental Grand Stanford Hotel, 70 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Title: (*Ir./Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.) Surname: First Name:
Post and Affiliation:
Mailing Address:
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
Details of Presentation (Please tick as appropriate):I am a/an o Author o Corresponding Author o Presenter Paper Number(s):
Paper Title(s):
The Registration Fee¶ covers the attendance of the Conference, Conference Proceedings, Conference Banquet, lunches, and refreshments. Please tick as appropriate: Amount Paid
o 1. For members of HKSTS, the registration fee is discounted to HK$3,200 per person / 1. HK$
o 2. For members of CILTHK, EASTS and HKIE, the early-bird registration fee is discounted to HK$3,200 per person (if paid before 15 Nov. 2017)
Affiliation: Membership No.
/ 2. HK$o 3. For all other participants, the registration fee is HK$3,800 per person / 3. HK$
o 4. Extra Conference Banquet ticket for Accompanying Person only (Optional; valid on 9 Dec. 2017): HK$600 per guest (Note: the Normal/discounted Registration Fee includes Conference Banquet)
o I would like to bring guest(s) to the Conference Banquet
Name(s) of guest(s): / 4. HK$
o 5. Social Tour ticket (Optional; valid on 10 Dec. 2017): HK$600 per person
o I would like to join the Social Tour
o I would like to bring guest(s) to the Social Tour
Name(s) of guest(s): / 5. HK$
Total HK$
Dietary Preference (participants and/or accompanied persons) (Please tick as appropriate):
o No preference o Vegetarian o Others (please specify):
Conference Proceedings Format Preference (Please tick as appropriate):
o Soft Copy (Flash Drive) Only o Soft Copy (Flash Drive) AND Printed Copy
Payment Method (Please tick as appropriate):
o Enclosed *Cheque / Bank Draft No. of Bank
(must be in Hong Kong Dollars and made payable to “Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies Limited”)
o *VISA / MASTER Card (only VISA and MASTER Cards are accepted)
Name as Printed on Card: Card No.:
Expiry Date: Amount: HK$ Signature:
For registration, please complete and return this Registration Form with a cheque, a bank draft or the completed credit card information to Ms Joey Siu/ Ms Peggy Mak, Room 1106-8, C C Wu Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Please specify on the envelop “Registration for the HKSTS 2017 Conference”. You can also send the form with payment information to email: or fax: (+852) 2372 0490. For enquiries, please contact the conference co-chairs at: .
HKSTS homepage address:
Please visit for update of conference information.
The Conference is designed to satisfy HKIE and CILTHK CPD requirements.* Delete where appropriate ¶ Cancellation Policy: Fees are neither refundable nor transferable.