January 28, 2015
Quilters by the Bay
Meeting was brought to order by Mary Bradshaw and the minutes were approved from our last meeting.
We currently have 62 members and we had 6 guests attending the meeting.
We celebrated January birthdays.
Treasure Report
$13,781.52 is our current balance and that does not include retreat money
Raffle Quilt
We have currently sold $3000.00 worth of tickets and there are still some out and still some to be sold. The quilt drawing is in February so be sure to get your ticket money turned in next month.
Charity Quilts and Charity Projects
Nancy Kaey visited Mary Bridge and turned in 14 quilts. She wanted us to remember to keep our quilt fabrics and designs children friendly. Also, the quilting needs to be lightly done. Boy quilts are needed.
25 Thrivent quilts were cut and distributed. Our next Charity Sew in is at Mardell’s on February 19th from 10-4. More detailed information will follow.
Mary Bridge has requested 40 more Beads of Courage bags for boys. Labels and directions will be at our next meeting.
Remember that the Pillowcase Challenge will be collecting pillowcases at Expo. If you are contributing to that event remember to take your pillow cases to Expo.
Both fall and spring retreat is full. There is a waiting list for both retreats.
Small Groups (sign-up sheets passed around)
There is an opportunity to join in 3 machine quilting groups
1. Machine Quilting- the art of machine quilting. This is currently an on going evening group.
2. Long Arm quilt group- emphasis on the mechanics of using the long arm, thread, techniques etc.
3. Domestic machine quilt group- emphasis on mechanics, techniques, threads, etc.
Appliqué at Trains 3rd Tuesday of the month 10-12
Appliqué and hand quilting 2nd Friday of the month at Lakewood Library 10-12
Open sew Group: Sew on anything at Mary Bradshaw’s 1-7:00 Tuesday before the meeting. Let Mary know if you are going to participate RSVP to Mary Bradshaw.
Marjorie Ritchie (lead), Linda Peterson, Nancy Kaey with be doing the audit.
By Laws
The by laws were reviewed by the board. Copies will be e-mailed to the members to review. Discussion and voting will take place at the February meeting. Items in the boxes are the changes.
The website is currently under construction by a professional.
Future Programs
February- Sit and Sew, raffle, by law review
March- Katie Peterson modern quilts
April- Diedra McElroy Appliqué. A class will be offered members $35.00 there will be a kit fee. Class is April 23rd, Thursday
May-Strip Poker Each person is asked to bring in 10- 2 ½inch strips of batiks. We will be playing a game.
June- Annual Picnic at Mary Bradshaw’s
Adonna spoke on her project of initiating a Washington Documentation of African American Quilts.
Website: Let’s Preserve Our Heritage
Ann Nash an AQS quilt appraiser will be at the Parkland/Spanaway Library to give quilt appraisals.
Time to think about new officers; we are in need of a president and treasurer, raffle quilt chairman. Rose Flannigan has the program to make the tickets and has offered to help the chairman. If we are going to have a bazaar, be thinking about what we can be making to sell.
Program- 4 corners
Vicki Gleason- piped binding
Marcia Dyer- French twist binding
Mary Bradshaw- mitered corners
Heather Stailey- two color binding
Fantastic presentation by all four members.
Show and Tell