Supplementary Table2,Significant KEGG pathways and genes in validation dataset
Pathway ID / Pathway Name / Gene IDhsa05222 / Small cell lung cancer / 8503 10319 3908 3674 6257
hsa05414 / Dilated cardiomyopathy / 5350 196883 7169 7170 153 109 779 3908 8515 3674 4607
hsa05410 / Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) / 7169 7170 1636 779 3908 8515 4607 3674
hsa04540 / Gap junction / 5582 196883 3357 153 109 5598 203068 7277
hsa04510 / Focal adhesion / 5880 5582 1398 1302 7094 53358 8503 10319 3908 6093 8515 3674
hsa04144 / Endocytosis / 57132 50807 83737 3579 3312 5979 153 5338 93343 80230 84313
hsa04110 / Cell cycle / 7709 8318 64682 5111 8697 25847 7029
hsa04114 / Oocyte meiosis / 109 64682 196883 8697 25847 63928
hsa04977 / Vitamin digestion and absorption / 8029 25974 6573 949 80704 2346
hsa04270 / Vascular smooth muscle contraction / 147 5582 196883 185 4882 552 109 779 6093 284541
hsa04976 / Bile secretion / 109 1581 949 64240 196883 57552
hsa04970 / Salivary secretion / 147 109 5582 196883 153
hsa03320 / PPAR signaling pathway / 2170 1581 10062 1593 1622 284541 6257
hsa04912 / GnRH signaling pathway / 4215 109 5338 779 196883 5598 4323
hsa04914 / Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation / 8503 109 64682 196883 8697 25847
hsa04910 / Insulin signaling pathway / 8503 2538 1398 53358 5313 10211 2194
hsa04020 / Calcium signaling pathway / 5724 196883 6261 552 2774 147 5350 5582 185 84812 3357 153 109 779 2903 63928
hsa04512 / ECM-receptor interaction / 10319 51206 3908 960 8515 1302 3674
hsa04080 / Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction / 147 7068 5724 1394 3061 185 552 3357 10161 1141 1903 153 8698 2903
hsa04010 / MAPK signaling pathway / 4215 5880 5582 1398 3312 6722 25780 4776 779 5598 9020 63928
hsa04370 / VEGF signaling pathway / 8503 5880 4776 5582 63928
hsa04060 / Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction / 8764 8600 6846 55801 3579 9547 4254 3606 8793 6352 55504
hsa04070 / Phosphatidylinositol signaling system / 8503 64768 5582 5305 84812
hsa04310 / Wnt signaling pathway / 5880 4776 5582 6093 63928 8323 85407
hsa03013 / RNA transport / 11097 10762 57510 91181 1965 6612 23636 8021 23279 3837 8667 65110
hsa04120 / Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis / 10273 64682 1643 672 8697 25847 10054 83737 8925 7327
hsa03420 / Nucleotide excision repair / 1643 54107 5111 2968 5887
hsa04141 / Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum / 10273 64215 3300 7095 7494 3312 5887 1965 7327
hsa03018 / RNA degradation / 9125 57472 27257 7832 5394
hsa05322 / Systemic lupus erythematosus / 8362 8359 3014 8340 8346 2903 8332 8356 8329
hsa04666 / Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis / 8503 5338 5880 5582 10109 1398 50807 9846
hsa04662 / B cell receptor signaling pathway / 8503 1380 25780 5880 4776 63928 974
hsa04640 / Hematopoietic cell lineage / 1380 966 4254 960 947 3674 290
hsa04650 / Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity / 5880 5582 53358 7535 4277 8503 4776 8793 63928
hsa04062 / Chemokine signaling pathway / 5880 196883 1398 6846 53358 3579 9547 8503 109 6093 6352
hsa04623 / Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway / 3606 9533 6352 171568 11035
hsa05120 / Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection / 51382 6352 9020 155066 3579
hsa05146 / Amoebiasis / 8503 10319 5582 3908 1302 2774
hsa00620 / Pyruvate metabolism / 2739 4200 55902 5313 223
hsa00010 / Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis / 2538 2821 55902 5313 223 10327
hsa00230 / Purine metabolism / 196883 5313 10846 4882 8382 171568 5142 109 54107 9533
hsa00480 / Glutathione metabolism / 2941 2936 2686 290 2937
hsa00190 / Oxidative phosphorylation / 4722 4698 51382 4701 4696 155066 440567
hsa05010 / Alzheimer's disease / 4698 440567 4722 4701 779 2903 4696 8851 63928
hsa05012 / Parkinson's disease / 4722 4698 4701 4696 440567 7327 6531