Rackstraw 2

American Literature and Composition Syllabus

Kristina Rackstraw

Union Grove High School

Help Class/Tutoring: IF or by appointment before and/or after school.

Course Description:

Communication, both oral and written, is an integral part of a society's foundation. With this in mind, it is more important than ever that students become effective communicators, possessing strong literacy skills. The English Language Arts Curriculum is a process designed to introduce students to core concepts that are further developed and expanded as students progress through each grade level. This process allows students to develop the skills necessary to: 1) comprehend and interpret texts, including written as well as audio and visual texts; 2) compose a variety of types of texts, including those critical to the workplace; 3) effectively communicate and interact with others in group situations; and 4) effectively communicate information through different modes of presentation. The English Language Arts curriculum integrates the processes of reading, writing, and listening/speaking/viewing in order to help students effectively communicate and interpret information in a variety of modes. American Literature offers a study of diverse and select American writers. This exploration of social, cultural, and literary forces also provides college preparatory materials, strategies, and assessments; furthermore, it offers opportunities for students to review test-taking and study skills.


Possible Selected Novels: Individual Book Reports for the American Literary Periods: during each semester, students will read a book (per instructor’s approval) outside of class. Then, students will complete a project on the text and take a 50 question objective test. Students are responsible for obtaining a personal copy of ALL the novels or plays read in class as well as for book reports. This means purchasing, renting or borrowing a personal copy from a store or library.

Elements of Literature Fifth Course Literature of the United States. Austin: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1997.


·  Pencil and pen (blue or black) 2 inch three-ring binder

·  Novel (when applicable) An agenda/daily planner

·  Highlighters and sticky notes (lots of sticky notes) Flash drive

·  Individual Reading: students may read a book either set or written during the literary period we are studying (per instructor’s approval) and complete a project for each one as well as take a test on each one.

Wish List:

Any donations of the following items would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated:

·  copy paper (colored especially) tissue

·  dry erase markers/erasers hand sanitizer

·  sticky notes


80% TOTAL Course Work

Major Assessments 50%

Minor Assessment 40%

Mid-term 10%

20% TOTAL Course Assessment Georgia Milestone State Assessment

Unit Repair Policy: In an effort to aid in student mastery, UGHS each student will have the opportunity to participate in Unit Repair if he/she makes a 69 or lower on a unit assessment (as defined by the teacher). In order to receive this opportunity, the student must communicate with the teacher to receive instructions. Students will be required to complete coursework as defined by the teacher to show a greater understanding of the material to reassess. The student has 2 weeks from the date the graded test is returned to complete the practice work and take the reassessment. Students will receive an average score of the first and second assessment for their final assessment grade. All Unit Repair for 9th Grade students is mandatory. Ninth graders will receive an additional handout regarding Unit Repair.

Class Expectations/Rules

Expect to follow all Henry County and Union Grove High School policies as outlined in the student handbook. In addition, the students should:

·  Attend class regularly and be on time.

·  Be prepared for class with all of the required materials.

·  Meet deadlines. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the due date.

·  Please do NOT turn in assignments via email.

·  Have access to the internet and a printer outside of school; in order to remain fair and consistent, I will not print out assignments for students.

·  Submit all essays and other written assignments into Turn It In.com prior to turning in print copy.

·  Show respect to other students, teachers, and school facilities.

·  Use their time wisely & be actively involved as a member of a group.

·  Have a positive attitude.

·  Listen carefully and follow directions.

·  Not have cell phones or any other electronic device turned on or visible in the classroom.

·  Not eat or drink in class.

·  Adhere to the highest standard of academic integrity. If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive a grade of zero on the assignment AND parent contact.

·  Pursue EXCELLENCE in all endeavors (“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings.” ---Hebrew proverb )

Mode of Communication: please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. The best mode of communication is email. My goal is to answer emails within 24-48 hours of receipt. I value open and clear communication. J

Classroom Procedures

I. Start of class

a. Enter class respectfully & sit at assigned seat.

b. Place belongings neatly under the desk, sharpen pencils and update Table of Contents for the notebook.

II. Coming to class prepared

a. Bring binders/textbook/novels etc.

b. If a student does not have a pen or pencil to write with him or her, he or she can give Ms. Rackstraw

something as “collateral” until pencil is returned.

III. Restroom/Hall Pass

a. In order to ensure that students get the most of their class attendance, students are encouraged to use the

restroom in between classes.

b. Students may use an emergency pass for the restroom once per quarter (9 weeks). This pass must be

issued and documented by Ms. Rackstraw.

IV. Class discussion/lecture

a. Listen attentively to directions or lesson.

b. Make note of questions and ask them at the appropriate time.

c. Do not talk or goof off with neighbors.

d. Take notes, participate and learn something! J

e. Refrain from interrupting the teacher or the class with unacceptable behavior.

f. Refrain from asking questions irrelevant to the subject matter.

V. Turning in assignments

a. All assignments will be collected up by the teacher at the beginning of the class period. Any

assignment turned in after it has been collected will be deemed “late” and will fall under the

late work policy.

b. Graded assignments will be kept in a portfolio, which stays in the room. Parents may request

to have a copy of an assignment made. At the end of the year, the students will take their portfolios

home. Students may doodle ONLY on the manila folder, not the hanging files. If a student is

caught doodling on a hanging file, he/she must replace the exact type and color of file.

VI. End of class

a. Stay in seat until Ms. Rackstraw dismisses the class; please do not wait by the door for dismissal.

b. All trash is to be thrown away in the trash cans.

VII. Food and Drinks

a.  It is UGHS policy that no food (including gum, hard candy, chips) or beverages other than water are

permitted inside the classroom.

b.  The ONLY exception is when Ms. Rackstraw provides candy or food as a reward. When this occurs,

the candy may ONLY be eaten in my classroom, and the students understand that the second they

walk out of the room, they are not allowed to have that food item.

VIII. Class interruptions

a.  If the class time is interrupted by a phone call, announcement, or a person at the door, students are

asked to remain quiet and wait for the teacher to resume the lesson.

b. Students are to remain seated in their assigned seats.

IX. Tests and Quizzes

a.  Tests will be announced at least a week ahead of time, ample time to study.

b.  Cheating is NEVER tolerated; talking, looking around the room or at other papers, or any other suspicious behavior will be considered cheating and result in a failing grade with parent contact. I will adhere to the school handbook regarding cheating and plagiarism.

c.  When taking a quiz/test, students will place their book bags, purses etc. to the front of the room

and their phones on the corner of the desk, turned upside down. Students will also use a cover

page provided by the instructor.

X. Music and Electronic Devices

a. Ms. Rackstraw will often play instrumental or classical music in the background during class time.

Research shows that instrumental music stimulates the brain; all music selections are chosen by Ms.

Rackstraw; this music is to stimulate the brain and not to be used to signify a party or dance atmosphere.

b. The use of personal cell phones, MP3 players, or any other electronic device is NOT allowed in class

unless given permission by Ms. Rackstraw.


Students will have the number of days absent to complete any work missing. For example, if a student is absent for 2 days, he or she will have two days to make it up. It is the student’s responsibility to see me before or after school on the day he/she returns to get make up work.

LATE WORK (i.e. present, but not turning in a daily or homework assignment): Late work will be accepted with a 15 % deduction per day up to the third day (with the possible total of a 45 % deduction). I do adhere to this policy since most college professors do not accept late assignments at all.

TARDIES: I will strictly adhere to the school tardy policy. If you are tardy to class, you must have a pass. If you need to talk with another teacher or finish a test, you will need to make arrangements to do that before school, after school, or between classes.

Academic Integrity:

1.  A student’s homework and in-class work fulfill the instructor’s intention in a specific class:

A.  Individual assignments must be represented by individual work. If not, it will be defined as plagiarism. There are to be no “study groups” for this type of assignment.

B.  Group assignments must be represented by each member contributing honestly and fairly to the group work. In no case is direct copying allowed.

2.  Academic integrity is VITAL. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment and parent notification. Plagiarism presents the work or ideas of another as one’s own. This includes:

A.  Direct copying of another person’s (living or dead) work.

B.  Using any amount of another person’s material or ideas without proper documentation (ie. internal citation/parenthetical documentation and Works Cited).

C.  Paraphrasing another person’s original material without proper documentation (ie. internal citation/parenthetical documentation and Works Cited).

D.  The giving or receiving “help” on individual assignments.

·  If, for whatever reason, you feel tempted to plagiarize, please see me first, so we can discuss what you need in order for you to complete the assignment on your own merit. The temptation always comes before the act. So, please see me BEFORE the act is committed. Sparks Notes or any other type of “handbook” (eNotes, Literature Charts, Shmoop, Wikipedia, Pink Monkey, etc.) is not to be used in this course for analysis, projects or for compositions; since I possess a copy of these for all of the novels we are studying, I am aware of what is covered in these. Please refrain from using these in the essays. This will also be considered as plagiarism. Adhere to the highest standard of academic integrity. If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive a grade of zero on the assignment AND parent contact.

3.  Turn It In:

The digital age has made plagiarism in the high school classroom much easier to perpetrate than in the past. Finding a wide range of pre-existing content, copying it, pasting it, and sharing it with others has become a quick and nearly effortless process. To teach students to understand and avoid the problem of plagiarism, Henry County School Systems is implementing Turnitin.com, a database program that checks and assesses student

papers for originality.

TurnItIn.com shows how much of a student's submission matches content from a vast

database of digital content (including archived internet content that is no longer available), as

well as prior student submissions, so students and instructors can quickly understand how

much content is original or unoriginal (plagiarized). Unoriginal content is highlighted and

color-coded, and the original source appears with the percentage of content originating from

that source. Students will be required to submit every writing assignment to Turnitin.com

prior to submission to the teacher for grading. This will be done via file upload or cut-and-

paste. After submission, students will revise assignments based on the originality feedback

from TurnItIn.com. Each individual teacher will instruct students on the process for

submitting and revising assignments in each class. All essays and certain other assignments

will be turned into Turn It In.com.

4.  If there is an assignment that requires technological presentation (ie. Power Point), you must email it me at least 2 school days before the presentation. This will make the most use of our time as I will bring up the presentation before class. I will email you to inform you to let you know that I have received it. If you have not received a response from me, I have not received the presentation. It is your responsibility to insure I have the presentation.
