held at the PFRA office, North Battleford, SK.
Meeting called to order at 7:25
Murray Ball chairing
Velma recording
1. Introductions: Guests from RM of P.A. - Charmaine Bergman and Paul Rydka; from PCAB - Gordon Vaadeland and Digit Cuedo; John Kindrachuk, Don Dill, Jeremy Brown, Katherine Finn, Val Holowach, Murray Ball and Velma Foster.
2. Minutes of the March 19 meeting reviewed. Moved adopted by John Kindrachuk, seconded by Jeremy Brown. Carried.
3. PCAB update re: Best Management Practices program and WAI (Watershed Awareness Initiative). Reps. Gordon Vaadeland and Digit Cuedo met earlier today with NSRBC coordinator Katherine Finn to go over Key Actions involving PCAB in the Source Water Protection Plan. Both parties were pleased with the results of that meeting.
4. SAW Report by John Kindrachuk.
The Workshop "Continuing The Wave" was a great success. Swift Current has proposed hosting next year's Workshop with "Water Conservation" as the theme.
SAW Conference call tomorrow will decide core funding allocations.
Andrew Hawrysh will be the second delegate from NSRBC to SAW until our first AGM.
Katherine expressed thanks to the organizing committee of the SAW Workshop - John K. who chaired the event and Don Dill and his staff for all their help. John added his appreciation to the Council for Katherine's time given to the Workshop preparation.
(Note coverage of the event in the April 22 News-Optimist.)
5. Katherine's Report: see attached.
Items arising from the Report:
Change of date for the EA Conference to avoid conflict with SARM New Councillor training session.
Jeremy will help Katherine with contract for Donna-Rae.
Moved by John, seconded by Jeremy that Katherine accept speaking invitation to the "Keepers of the Water IV" event at WallastonLake in August if all expenses are paid. Agreed.
6. Val brought these items to the meeting:
A suggestion from her local Wildlife Federation members that funds be applied for from SWF to assist with the Sturgeon project. Jeremy and Val will follow leads as to which level to apply to. Also, consider that we should enable the Sturgeon project, but not necessarily do the project ourselves.
Val will make a presentation to the City of North Battleford wherein she tries to encourage them to be involved with the NSRBC.
7. Murray B. informed the meeting of Dr. Bob Patrick, Watershed Planner recently moved to SK from B.C. and interested in a research opportunity. Moved by John K. and seconded by Val, that we put together a suitable package and invite Dr. Patrick to a meeting to discuss - perhaps small community water-sewage issues might be considered. Agreed.
8, John K. suggested that a $12,000. (6-10 month) grant is available through Environment Canada for a student to mentor in a scientific field (employer to cover 3o% of cost) May 8 deadline.
Val suggested it might be used for consolidation of baseline data research.
Or ongoing work with Thunderchild could use more funding.
General thinking favoured getting substance of a project together first and then seek funding.
A 10 minute break taken at 9:10, meeting resumed at 9:20 p.m.
9. The LOGO, with minor changes to the dots (representing the three cities) modified, was approved. Katherine will see to acquiring an Aquarium for part of the prize.
10. Discussion took place regarding NSRBC and the possibility of a nuclear power plant being built along the NSR as it relates to Source Water Protection.
Issues of concern as summed up by the chairman include groundwater protection, tritium emissions (airborne and water-borne) and potential impacts to soil and water, waste storage risks, waste transport risks, hazardous waste, contaminated site risks if decommissioning is delayed or the operator walks away and abandons the site, potential impacts to river from cooling water. Also, allocation quantities for different reactor scenarios will need to be assessed.
Don Dill presented SWA data on Water Quantity in the NSR, figures from recordings taken at the border with AB: They included average yearly flow, lowest recorded flow, effect of dams upstream on flow, varying rates of mean annual discharge, current industrial use of water. The figure that Bruce Power requires to produce 2200M/W of power would be 2.6 cubic meters per second. Seemingly the river could accommodate this withdrawal. Their plan is to contain the water away from the river. The affect on groundwater would then have to be assessed.
The next step is to contact experts in the areas of concern, and to set up a meeting with Watershed Advisory Committees to educate us all about these important issues
11. The next meeting will take place Thursday, May 21, 2009, PFRA office, 7 p.m.
12. Adjournment at 10:59, moved by John K.