Pre-Gate Review and Gate Review Meeting Minutes

Project Number: P15484

Date: 12/12/14

Start Time: 1:30pmEnd Time: 3:30pm

Location: MSD Room

Team Members Present:

Johnathon Wheaton, Benjamin Wolfe, Nate Johnson,Bruno MoraesQuintavia, Peter Coutts

Missing: None!



Those available met before the Gate Review to talk about how we would answer questions. Then we met with Sarah Brownell to talk about the status of our project and how ready we are for MSD II.

Pre-Gate Review Notes:

  • Looked at new boiler concept from Dr. Stevens
  • Looked at tubing in cabnets
  • Use Hondabond – 600+ deg F, $13.95
  • Sarah wants drawings for our sub systems together – merge PDF’s
  • Can Haitians dig a hole into a hillside facing the sun?
  • This would mitigate our height issues

Gate Review Notes:

  • Main outstanding item: Boiler
  • Pot or pressure cooker?
  • Pressure cooker for now, because we know it will work
  • John – design pot over break to see if it will be reasonable
  • Ask office assistants for McMaster shipping costs
  • Get tax exempt forms from office assistants for going to Home Depot, etc
  • In January:
  • Find cheapest places to buy items – preferably Home Depot
  • Have finalized list of items 2 weeks before break ends
  • Plan to order parts 1 week before arriving (at the latest)
  • Do problem tracker plan for boiling chamber problems
  • Shredder team has a building document – we can model ours off of this (Peter)
  • Create a list of individual manufacturing experience to help with building

Action Items:

1)John - finalize designs for pot boiling chamber

  1. Bring up design to group for us all to make a decision: pot or pressure cooker?

2)Ask office assistants for McMaster shipping costs

3)Get tax exempt forms from office assistants (when we get back)

4)Find out exactly who to email from the office to purchase parts

5)In January:

  1. Find cheapest places to buy items – preferably Home Depot
  2. Have finalized list of items 2 weeks before break ends
  3. Plan to order parts 1 week before arriving (at the latest)

6)Peter – make a building document – model after shredder team

7)Create a list of individual manufacturing experience