Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd April, 2015, in the Parish Council Offices, Little Wakering Hall Lane, Great Wakering, SS3 0HH, commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Present: - Councillors V. Brandon (Vice Chair), D. Efde, S. Glover, T. Goodwin, R. Green (Chairman), R. Loding, J. Misell, M. Pearmain, A. Porter, L. Rodger, L. Street, B. Telford and B. Wilkins.
In attendance: - S. Hyatt (Parish Clerk)
1. The Chairman to declare the meeting open.
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.30pm.
2. To receive apologies for absence.
Councillor Rodger sent advance apologies for expected late arrival – accepted.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and with section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
Declarations of interest were received from Councillors Loding and Street –
allotment holders.
4. Financial Matters.
a. Proposed Payment Schedules for February/March be approved. Councillor Loding called for a named vote. Councillors Green, Brandon, Misell, Porter, Glover, Goodwin, Telford, Wilkins, Pearmain for. Councillors Street, Loding and Efde abstained. Carried.
b. Proposed Receipt Schedules for February/March be approved.
Councillor Loding called for a named vote. Councillors Green, Brandon, Misell, Porter, Glover, Goodwin, Street, Telford, Wilkins, Pearmain for. Councillors Loding and Efde abstained. Carried.
c. Proposed Financial Statement for the twelve months to 31st March 2015 be approved. Carried.
d. To agree Clerk’s attendance on EALC Health & Safety and RDC’s FOI/Data Protection training courses. Carried.
5. To receive the Chairman’s report.
· Benefits of fewer emails to office.
· Contractor’s work in churchyard.
· Salvation Army commitments prevent them working in Parish.
6. To receive reports from the County Councillor and the District Councillors on County and District matters.
County & District Councillor Seagers:
Winding down of District and County prior to election.
Proposed tenant for Sports Centre unable to proceed, will be placed in estate agents hands.
District Councillor Wilkins:
Attempts to re-site recycling bins in Sports centre carpark.
Amenity collections at Sports centre continuing until end of May 2015.
Crucial Crew – Councillor Ioannou had stated Parish Council committed to £200. Clerk stated this was not in fact the case.
Disappointment re Sports Centre.
District Councillor Hookway:
Updates on part-night lighting criteria and timings.
District website updated to allow reporting of various issues.
A Councillor queried notices outside Co-op re parking. Response - South Essex Parking Partnership considering extending yellow lines to enhance visibility. Suggested parabolic mirror received no response as yet from Co-op.
Update on brickworks and financial allocation to Great Wakering requested. Noted that such a breakdown of figures not possible.
7. To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Full Council Meeting
held on 11th March 2015.
Resolved that the minutes be accepted.
8. The meeting will stand adjourned to permit Parishioners of Great
Wakering to address the Council.
P Burgess – update on Sports centre anti-social behaviour issues.
Problems fall between remits of District and police, noted upcoming
Community Policing Forum.
Councillor Rodger joined the meeting at 7.52pm.
P Emmons – Current stipulations re headstones, petition started. As grey
granite in place already cannot see justification for not changing rules, grey
granite more weatherproof. Believed providing stayed within sizing
requirements colour irrelevant.
N Wheeler – offered thank you for posters for dog owners. RDC had
contacted pub about siting recycling bins in carpark, may take bottle bank.
Unsure if other businesses had been approached.
P. Rae – Thanks for work in churchyard, good job being done.
S Crowhurst – More police needed in village, circuit racers at night and groups
of youths. Should have local police station but understand unfeasible.
A Kennedy – Headstone rules should be relaxed, commented on Parish
Councils and politics. State of pavements.
M Sawyer – Headstone rules should be changed. Although pond survey may
cost more than agreed £250 it needs to be done.
Clerk stated as this amount had been agreed at January meeting a special
motion was required to alter it.
County Councillor Seagers - no cameras installed in District and that no
reports of dog poisonings within District received by Rochford District council.
N Wheeler - informed via police and Essex Dog Watch.
9.a. To decide whether to amend the Parish Burial Ground rules to allow
headstones other than white.
Noted that rule regarding colour was decided many years ago, burial ground in
Commonwealth style, but this a village burial ground. Grey headstones never
came before Council, believed due to previous office before current Clerk.
Southend and Rochford Parish allow differing colours. Queried if restrictions still
valid as different times and also white hard to keep clean, acidity from bird
droppings on white marble, cleaning and maintenance issues. Councillors should
listen to Parishioners requests and personal choice be considered. Felt that
natural stone acceptable and colour, if occurring naturally, not important. Keep
sizing specification so as to avoid overbearing monuments.
Resolved unanimously that natural stone headstones other than white would be
permitted with immediate effect.
. b. If amendment agreed to decide which colours are permissible.
Discussion ensued as to whether any limit should be placed on permitted
Resolved unanimously that any colour naturally occurring within the stone,
granite or marble should be permitted with immediate effect.
The Clerk took the opportunity to confirm that the Council were happy with foreign language inscriptions once a translation obtained to verify suitability.
9. Councillor Street’s proposal to agree expenditure of £250 plus VAT to
facilitate the attendance of qualified personnel to collect samples for an
endangered species survey of the Parish pond, Common Road, Great
Wakering. (Subject to Special Motion being received).
Special motion not received.
10. Councillor Wilkins proposal to discuss the Christmas lantern competition.
Councillor Wilkins - school governors had not allowed her to speak at recent meeting. Parade previously visited crypt, Bell House and Goodmans. Mince pies provided by Councillors. Query if road closure necessary. Councillor Wilkins stated school happy to advertise event. Clerk had contacted police and been referred to Rochford District Council’s Community Safety Advisory Group. Believed good idea depending on cost, provisionally booked for 12th December. Councillor Wilkins believed Councillors could help at event.
Resolved that Clerk continue with preparation of paperwork to send to Advisory group and find out cost of hiring Community Centre..
11. To receive an update from Councillor Wilkins on the COPE event.
Details of event noted.
12. To approve membership payment to the Society of Local Council Clerks.
Resolved that membership payment be approved.
13. To consider and approve the Grant Funding Policy.
Resolved that the Policy be adopted.
14. To decide arrangements for this year’s Villager of the Year competition.
Criteria and timeline need to be decided.
Resolved that the competition go ahead.
15. To agree the provision of footwear for Officers whilst undertaking Council duties on allotments etc.
Resolved that this be purchased as per Clerk’s note.
16. To note the risk assessment.
The risk assessment was noted.
17. To approve the purchase of the latest edition of Knowles on Local Authority Meetings.
Resolved that the publication be purchased.
18. To receive written reports from those persons representing the Council on Committees/outside bodies and to receive reports on seminars and conferences attended, to include,
a. Councillor Laurence Street – report noted.
1. Parish Plan – Draft available soon.
2. Allotment Watch
3. Teen Cafe
4. Planning Committee
5. Sea Defence Committee
6. Pond – Agenda item requested.
b. Councillor Daniel Efde
1. Emergency Support Group Committee update.
c. Councillor Lyn Rodger – report noted
1. Village Memorial Hall – no meeting
2. Parish burial ground.
3. Transport Users Group
d. Councillors Robert Green/Daniel Efde.
1. Footpaths – North Street may not now go ahead.
e. Councillors Anthony Porter
1. Rochford Hundred Association of Local Councils – unable to attend.
19. At the Chairman’s discretion to exchange information under any other business.
Councillor Porter - Memorial Hall responsibility and situation re trustees.
Councillor Wilkins – Stated no Parishioner used food bank, ten in Southend and people could visit any one. Tesco’s provided goods weekly. Felt Parishioners could make donations themselves using green bins at churches. Allotment holders can donate surplus if wish.
Councillor Goodwin hoped Council pulls together, thanked Chair/Vice-Chair.
Councillor Rodger – bus stop timetable damage reported by Clerk.
Councillor Efde enquired about attendance at Alzheimers event and Anchor footpath. Councillor Green replied waiting to hear.
Councillor Brandon - Bell House side door access and key fobs. Councillor Wilkins to enquire regarding fobs. Councillor Misell - residents permitted two fobs, third key for emergency boxes.
Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and the public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
20. To receive and discuss quotes re the Parish Burial Ground concrete
Resolved that both quotations be accepted and the contract awarded to Fides Maintenance and Refurbishment Ltd. Works involve concrete and wood repairs on the five Parish Council concrete/wooden slatted benches where work deemed necessary. Also to sand and apply wood stain/preserver to all seven of the Parish Council concrete/wooden slatted benches.
Meeting Closed 9.47pm