Sample Check Ride Scenario

You are asked as a commercial pilot to assemble the aircraft at Crystal and that we fly it back to Hemet for a club meeting this weekend for hire.

Answer the following:

What are requirements for you to fly as a commercial pilot?

What certificates are required in the aircraft?

What are the requirements for an aircraft to be airworthy?

What are AD’s?

How often does an aircraft need to be inspected?

How would you assemble the aircraft?

Draw the instrument schematic/diagram for the aircraft?

Draw the instruments and how they are connected to the pitot and static systems?

What is a Netto?

What is a Total Energy Compensator?

What is the McCreedy Wheel?

Explain compass error?

What are the aircraft’s V speeds?

Calculate weight and balance?

Why is weight and balance a concern?

What flight characteristics are there with and forward CG?

What flight characteristics are there with and aft CG?

What is your flight profile?

What is the forecast weather conditions for you flight?

Explain how you obtain a weather briefing?

Explain weather advisories and flight restrictions?

Explain how you would handle a temporary flight restriction over San Bernardino Airport?

Explain air movement for a High and Low-pressure system?

Calculate the thermal index?

What is pressure and temperature lapse rate and explain the difference between standard and dry adiabatic temperature?

What will indicate a poor or good soaring day?

What is your cross-country profile?

What airspace would you be flying through and requirements?

What class airspace is Crystal and Hemet?

Explain the airspace within a 100 nm radius?

What are the minimum visibility requirements?

What are the minimum visibility and airspeed requirements above 10,000’?

What determines if you are safe to fly?

Are there oxygen concerns and altitudes?

What are your parachute requirements?

What happens during a 30/40/60 degree bank turn?

When thermaling, are there airspeed concerns?

What are the six signs of a stall? To stall, what must happen?

How do you recognize a stall?

How do you recover from a stall?

How do you recover from a spin?

What three things can a pilot control?

Let’s say you were at a celebration last night and you had a few beers.

How long would you have to wait until you can fly?

How much alcohol can be in your system?

What physiological considerations should be considered?

Hypoxia is what?

Dehydration is what?

You are on tow.

What are the flight tow signals?

What would you do if the tow pilot waggles its rudder?

What would you do if the tow plan waggles its wings?

What happens to true airspeed at higher altitude airports?

Are there concerns at high altitude airports?

What is density altitude?

What are density altitude concerns?

You are encountering sink in flight.

What would you do while flying through sink?

What is the difference between minimum sink speed and speed to fly?

What decisions would you make if you had to land out?

There is wave the day of your flight.

Draw a wave diagram?

What types of lift are there?

When you get to Hemet, you notice there are tankers landing.

Who has the right of way?

How would you plan your landing?

If the tanker lands before you, where would you land?

What if you had a quartering tailwind?

Explain quartering tailwind concerns?

You listen to ATIS/AWOS and must land with a tailwind.

Explain tailwind landing considerations?

What effects will a tailwind have on the aircraft?