YEAR-AT-A-GLANCE 2017 – 2018

Physical Science Course Code: 200331001
1ST Nine Weeks / 2nd Nine Weeks / 3rd Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks
I. Introduction (What keeps the Universe together and changing?) Ch 3 (08-21 to 08-28)
A. Develop Interest in Physical Science
B. Lab Safety
C. Develop the logic and sequence of the Scientific Process
D. Lab Report writing and expectations
II. Measurement (How do you find out the mass of one grain of rice?) Ch 1, 2 (08-30 to 09-07)
A. Develop the logic of using Metric Units
B. Practice “Measurements” by measuring
C. SI Units Conversions
D. Data analysis, graphing and Interpretation
E. Develop the concepts of mass, volume and density relationships
III. Motion (How does a rocket ship get into orbit?) Ch 4 (09-08 to 10-04)
A. Develop the concept of motion
B. Position
C. Speed
D. Velocity
E. Acceleration
F. Graphs of Motion
IV. Forces (Why do we wear a seatbelt?) Ch 5, 6 (10-05 to 10-26)
A. Develop the concept of Forces and equilibrium
B. Newton’s First Law
C. Newton’s Second Law
D. Newton’s Third Law
E. Law of Universal Gravitation
Physical Science QSBA 1 (10-26 to 11-17) / V. Energy (How much energy is in a chocolate bar?) Ch 7 (10-27 to 11-09)
A. Develop the concept of Energy
B. Forms of Energy
C. Energy Transformation
D. Law of Conservation of Energy
E. Energy Resources
F. Review Energy Pyramid and trophic Levels
VI. Work & Machines (How do you move a refrigerator to the second floor?) Ch 8, 9 (11-10 to 11-18)
A. Develop the concept of Work
B. Observe examples of Work and Power
C. Analyze and synthesize qualitative Work scenarios
D. Identify and Build Simple Machines
VII. Waves: Sound & Light (If you scream in space, do you hear the sound? Ch 23, 24, 25 (11-21 to 12-13)
A. Develop the concept of waves
B. Properties of sound
C. Sound Waves
D. Electromagnetic spectrum and optics
E. Speed of light
VIII. Electricity-Static Current (Why do socks stick together when you take them out of the dryer?) Ch 20, 21 (12-14 to 01-10)
A. Develop the concept of Electricity
B. Conductors, Semiconductors, and insulators
C. Electric Circuits and systems
IX. Magnetism (Why should we not put magnets near our cell phones or computers?) Ch 22 (01-11 to 01-19)
A. Develop the concept of magnetism
B. Properties and Interactions of Magnets
C. Electromagnets
D. Electric Motors and Generators
Physical Science QSBA 2 (01-18 to 02-09) / X. Matter (How does the sun make energy?) Ch 10, 12 (01-22 to 02-05)
A. Nature of Matter
B. Atoms, elements, and compounds
C. Phases of Matter
D. Classification of Matter (homogeneous and heterogeneous)
E. Properties of Matter
XI. Temperature (Which will increase in temperature at a higher rate; a bucket of water or a swimming pool?) Ch 10, 11 (02-06 to 02-15)
A. Develop the concept of temperature
B. Temperature conversions
C. Heat and Thermal Energy
D. Transfer of Heat
XII. Behavior of Gases (Why do your ears pop when you are in an airplane?) Ch 13 (02-16 to 03-02)
A. Atmosphere and Pressure
B. Factors affecting pressure
C. Gas Laws (Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay-Lussac’s law)
XIII. Atomic Structure (Why is the water from prehistoric time the same as the water we drink today?) Ch 14, 15 (03-05 to 03-22)
A. Structure of the Atom
B. Atomic Models
C. Periodic Table
D. Chemical bonds and electrons
E. Chemical formulas
Physical Science QSBA 3 (03-22 to 04-18) / XIV. Chemical Reactions (How are the colors of fireworks created?) Ch 17 (04-02 to 04-17)
A. Chemical Reactions
B. Classifying Reactions
C. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
D. Biogeochemical Cycles
E. Processes Related to Cycles
F. Human Impact
XV. Energy and Chemical Reactions (Why do glow sticks glow?) Ch 18 (04-18 to 05-08)
A. Types of Reactions
B. Required Energy
C. Reaction Systems
D. Reaction Rate
E. Nuclear Reactions
XVI. Solutions (How do bugs walk on water?) Ch 19 (05-09 to 05-24)
A. Properties of Water: The Universal Solvent
B. Solutions
C. Acids, Bases, and pH
XVII. Ramping-Up for Biology (What is the smallest living organism?) (05-25 to 06-07)
A. Equipment and Procedures
B. Cells Types
C. Review of the Scientific Process
D. Famous Biologists
E. Biology Vocabulary

Office of Academics and Transformation

Year At A Glance - Physical Science