These notes should be read alongside the Application for “Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning (RPCL) Portfolio” [RPL1].

General Comments

Applicants must complete Part 1 of the RPCL Portfolio includingSections 1 to 3. Section 4 should be completed only if there is any other relevant information/evidence to support your claim for credit. If you need more space than the portfolio provides, insert additional sheets, ensuring your name and number are clearly marked on each sheet. You may make up your own portfolio, but this must:

  • retain the standard front sheet
  • use the portfolio’s section numbers and headings

Upon completion, you should take the portfolio to your School RPL Co-ordinator, along with the original certificates of all the qualifications listed in Section 1. The certificates will be copied and returned to you. If you are unable to do this, you may send the portfolio and certificates by Registered Post. In this case, please enclose a large stamped addressed envelope for the certificates to be sent back to you.


All prior learning for which credit is being claimed must be supported by evidence. This will usually include originals of certificates for formal qualifications. You may also wish to submit other forms of evidence of learning such as a course outline, syllabus, essays or project. Any additional evidence of this sort should be referred to in the portfolio, explaining its relevance to your credit claim.

Part 1: Basis of Claim

Please complete Part 1 in full. You may need to seek advice from the School RPL Co-ordinator in order to complete the proforma.

The Applicant Number will either be your UCAS number (if you are applying through UCAS), your student number (if you are already a student at Teesside University) or the number assigned to you by the University when you made your initial application through an alternative route. Please contact the School RPL Co-ordinator if you require further guidance.

The highest qualification refers to the highest qualification you already hold as detailed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)e.g. Level 4 modules, Higher National Certificate, Foundation Degree.

Section 1: Certificated Learning

Do NOT include qualifications below University Level 4 study, e.g. A’ Level, GCE, GCSE and BTEC First (see Regulated Qualifications Framework). It is important to list the constituent modules/units of HNDs, degrees, etc. since these may be used to match your prior learning with the modules of the course you are applying for. You may wish to refer to a syllabus or course outline as further evidence.

Section 2: Claim for General Credit

This section should be completed after consultation with your School RPL Co-ordinator. Enter the number of general credits you wish to claim at each level. You should not claim more than 120 credits at any one level. Also refer to the Teesside University Maximum Credit Allowances (Appendix A, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy).

Section 3: Claim for Specific Credit

In this section you should specify which modules you are claiming exemption from, on the basis of the evidence contained in your portfolio e.g. because previous modules studied had similar content coverage and outcomes. You may wish to refer back to earlier sections of the portfolio to provide evidence in support of your claim. If necessary, you may attach the syllabus from each course you have previously followed as further evidence for your claim.

If you are following a course which contains some negotiated learning, or a work-based course where there are no compulsory modules, you should state clearly, with reference to your evidence, how your knowledge and skills relate to your intended course of study, e.g. through providing a foundation level of study, specialist skills in an area which is of major importance to your proposed course, etc.

Section 4: Additional Information to Support Your Claim

You should use this section, if you feel it is necessary, to provide further information about how your previous learning relates to your proposed course of study and supports claims for exemptions made in Section 3.

Note: If you are applying for RPEL against a Masters degree then you will not be entitled to the Postgraduate loan as this is awarded to students that are studying a full 180 credit stand alone Masters degree only.

Do not forget to sign the portfolio once it is completed

NOTE: Part 2 and Part 3 are for University use only