Work Package 7:Exploitation & Target Sector reaching




REPORT MADE BY AIDIMA (Furniture, Wood and Packaging Technology Institute) – Partner 8

1. Description of the task

As part of the exploitation planning, we are now collecting the views and the expectations of each SISMILE partner about the potential impact of the project and the commercial/societal value the outcomes will have in their Companies strategy. It will provide useful indications in shaping the exploitation strategy.

Objectives of the survey:

  • to identify the exploitable results of the SISMILE project
  • to refine individual partners’ exploitation intentions, mapped to the results identified

In this context, “results” can be any “asset” (tangible) or piece of IP (intangible) that can be exploited by a partner, on his own or in association with other partners, for example:

  • Demos (specialized implementations of the SISMILE guidelines)
  • Our methodology and know how

Exploitation can be pursued in the following ways:

  • Commercial exploitation (i.e. sales of product / services / solutions to Customers external to the Consortium)
  • Internal exploitation (i.e. usage of SISMILE within own Company – mainly our user partners)
  • Use of results for new products R&D (both tangible results and know-how)
  • Use of results for further EU funded research (both tangible results and know-how)

STEP 1:Please list in table 1 your view of the exploitable results (even those for which your organization has no plans for direct exploitation).

STEP 2:For each result listed in Table 1, please fill the questions in Table 2 (replicate Table 2 as needed)

SISMILE: Increase Vocational Skills

to Face Earthquake Risk Inside Of Building


PARTNER 1: Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI)

Result # / Result short description
1 / Integrate SISMILE training material in the relevant training courses regularly conducted by the Disaster Preparedness Education Unit (DPEU) at KOERI
2 / Provide course information primarily to municipalities in and around Istanbul and secondarily to all municipalities in Turkey, such as using DPEU Mobile Earthquake Simulation Truck
3 / Provide information to the Istanbul Chamber of Carpenters,Craftsmen and Artisans in the course
4 / KOERI is already entitled for issuing Disaster Preparedness Training Certificates and also providing “Training Trainer” courses. SISMILE results will be integrated into these existing modules.

Increase Vocational Skills to Face Earthquake Risk Inside of Building/ SISMILE

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SISMILE: Increase Vocational Skills

to Face Earthquake Risk Inside Of Building


Table 2. Market value of the result #1 Integrate SISMILE training material in the relevant training courses regularly conducted by the Disaster Preparedness Education Unit (DPEU) at KOERI (please insert the result# as indicated in Table 1. Replicate this table for each result indicated in table 1)
1 / Customer segment
What type of Customer are we targeting for this result? Please provide some detail about the specificity of this industry (e.g. need for frequent re-training, broad variance of procedure, etc.) / Wood and Furniture Companies/Students/General Public/Educational Outreach: need for frequent re-training and educational programs.
2 / End users
Who is going to actually use the result? / KOERI DPEU will use the program geared toward people working in the furniture industry. We will educate and train not only skilled workers, but also students and beginning learners in the furniture trade.
3 / Is the result industry specific?
Is the result specifically targeted at a specific industry segment or can be adapted to a broader scope? / KOERI DPEU will use the results for a specific sector: wood and furniture.
4 / Are you aware of competing products or alternative approaches?
To your knowledge, are there already solutions SISMILE will have to compete with? If so, what is in your view the SISMILE strengths in comparison? Please provide references to these solutions. Similarly, are there any alternative approaches that – at least partially – can fill the SISMILE objectives? / There are no similar products in the wood and furniture industry in Turkey. SISMILE will be the leading approach in the furniture industry, offering a unique perspective and solution.
5 / Why is the result valuable for the indicated target group?
What could be the advantages for our Customer in buying/adopting this result? What could be the motivation for this Customer? / It is a novel concept, which provides valuable security against earthquakes.
Partner exploitation intentions
6 / Is the result exploitable by your organization? / x YES  NO
7 / Are you planning to exploit this result in your organization? / x YES  NO
8 / Why is the result valuable for your organization? What is the expected impact?
(if YES) Why is the result valuable for your organization? This is a very important question. Please elaborate on your expectations from the adoption of the result in your organization. Please describe the foreseen impacts – e.g. economic growth, improvement of competitive positioning, effects on human resources such as employment growth, employee satisfaction, labor quality / Training is one of the core activities of KOERI DPEU. Our objective is to educate and bring awareness of earthquake safety and protocol to the general public, including but not limited to students, furniture workers, and company owners. Safety training and disaster preparation is of the utmost importance for the people of Turkey. Education and training is the foundation for disaster awareness.
9 / Are there any prerequisite for exploitation in your organization at the end of the project?
Assuming the SISMILE project delivers successful results, are there any obstacles or preconditions to be met (e.g. technical, organizational, financial, etc.) to actually exploit them? / No.
Table 2. Market value of the result #2 Provide course information primarily to municipalities in and around Istanbul and secondarily to all municipalities in Turkey, such as using DPEU Mobile Earthquake Simulation Truck (please insert the result# as indicated in Table 1. Replicate this table for each result indicated in table 1)
1 / Customer segment
What type of Customer are we targeting for this result? Please provide some detail about the specificity of this industry (e.g. need for frequent re-training, broad variance of procedure, etc.) / General Public.
2 / End users
Who is going to actually use the result? / KOERI DPEU will use the program geared toward people and students in need of training and earthquake preparation education.
3 / Is the result industry specific?
Is the result specifically targeted at a specific industry segment or can be adapted to a broader scope? / KOERI DPEU will use the results for no specific sector, but specifically for Istanbul and surrounding municipalities.
4 / Are you aware of competing products or alternative approaches?
To your knowledge, are there already solutions SISMILE will have to compete with? If so, what is in your view the SISMILE strengths in comparison? Please provide references to these solutions. Similarly, are there any alternative approaches that – at least partially – can fill the SISMILE objectives? / There are no similar products in Istanbul. SISMILE will be the leading approach in the country, offering a unique perspective and solution.
5 / Why is the result valuable for the indicated target group?
What could be the advantages for our Customer in buying/adopting this result? What could be the motivation for this Customer? / It is a novel concept, which provides valuable security against earthquakes.
Partner exploitation intentions
6 / Is the result exploitable by your organization? / x YES  NO
7 / Are you planning to exploit this result in your organization? / x YES  NO
8 / Why is the result valuable for your organization? What is the expected impact?
(if YES) Why is the result valuable for your organization? This is a very important question. Please elaborate on your expectations from the adoption of the result in your organization. Please describe the foreseen impacts – e.g. economic growth, improvement of competitive positioning, effects on human resources such as employment growth, employee satisfaction, labor quality / Training is one of the core activities of KOERI DPEU. Our objective is to educate and bring awareness of earthquake safety and protocol to the general public, including but not limited to students, workers, and company owners. Safety training and disaster preparation is of the utmost importance for the people of Turkey. Education and training is the foundation for disaster awareness.
9 / Are there any prerequisite for exploitation in your organization at the end of the project?
Assuming the SISMILE project delivers successful results, are there any obstacles or preconditions to be met (e.g. technical, organizational, financial, etc.) to actually exploit them? / No.
Table 2. Market value of the result #3 Provide Information to the Istanbul Chamber of Carpenters, Craftsmen and Artisans in the course.
(please insert the result# as indicated in Table 1. Replicate this table for each result indicated in table 1)
1 / Customer segment
What type of Customer are we targeting for this result? Please provide some detail about the specificity of this industry (e.g. need for frequent re-training, broad variance of procedure, etc.) / Istanbul Chamber of Carpenters, Craftsmen and Artisans: need for frequent re-training and educational programs.
2 / End users
Who is going to actually use the result? / KOERI DPEU will use the program geared toward people working as carpenters and craftsmen. We will educate and train not only skilled workers, but also students and beginning learners in the trade.
3 / Is the result industry specific?
Is the result specifically targeted at a specific industry segment or can be adapted to a broader scope? / KOERI DPEU will use the results for a specific sector: municipality workers and artisans.
4 / Are you aware of competing products or alternative approaches?
To your knowledge, are there already solutions SISMILE will have to compete with? If so, what is in your view the SISMILE strengths in comparison? Please provide references to these solutions. Similarly, are there any alternative approaches that – at least partially – can fill the SISMILE objectives? / There are no similar products in the wood and furniture industry in Turkey. SISMILE will be the leading approach in the furniture industry, offering a unique perspective and solution.
5 / Why is the result valuable for the indicated target group?
What could be the advantages for our Customer in buying/adopting this result? What could be the motivation for this Customer? / It is a novel concept, which provides valuable security against earthquakes.
Partner exploitation intentions
6 / Is the result exploitable by your organization? / x YES  NO
7 / Are you planning to exploit this result in your organization? / x YES  NO
8 / Why is the result valuable for your organization? What is the expected impact?
(if YES) Why is the result valuable for your organization? This is a very important question. Please elaborate on your expectations from the adoption of the result in your organization. Please describe the foreseen impacts – e.g. economic growth, improvement of competitive positioning, effects on human resources such as employment growth, employee satisfaction, labor quality / Training is one of the core activities of KOERI DPEU. Our objective is to educate and bring awareness of earthquake safety and protocol to the general public, including but not limited to carpenters, craftsmen, and artisans. Safety training and disaster preparation is of the utmost importance for the people of Turkey. Education and training is the foundation for disaster awareness.
9 / Are there any prerequisite for exploitation in your organization at the end of the project?
Assuming the SISMILE project delivers successful results, are there any obstacles or preconditions to be met (e.g. technical, organizational, financial, etc.) to actually exploit them? / No.
Table 2. Market value of the result #4 KOERI is already entitled for issuing Disaster Preparedness Training Certificates and also providing “Training Trainer” courses. SISMILE results will be integrated into these existing modules. (please insert the result# as indicated in Table 1. Replicate this table for each result indicated in table 1)
1 / Customer segment
What type of Customer are we targeting for this result? Please provide some detail about the specificity of this industry (e.g. need for frequent re-training, broad variance of procedure, etc.) / Students/General Public/Educational Outreach: need for frequent re-training and educational programs. Programs already exist and SISMILE will be integrated into these existing modules.
2 / End users
Who is going to actually use the result? / KOERI DPEU will use the program geared toward people working towards certificates in the field and students of any level. We will educate and train not only skilled workers, but also beginning learners in the any profession.
3 / Is the result industry specific?
Is the result specifically targeted at a specific industry segment or can be adapted to a broader scope? / KOERI DPEU will use the results for a specific sector: certificate programs, including integrating existing courses.
4 / Are you aware of competing products or alternative approaches?
To your knowledge, are there already solutions SISMILE will have to compete with? If so, what is in your view the SISMILE strengths in comparison? Please provide references to these solutions. Similarly, are there any alternative approaches that – at least partially – can fill the SISMILE objectives? / There are no similar products in Turkey. SISMILE will be the leading approach, offering a unique perspective and solution.
5 / Why is the result valuable for the indicated target group?
What could be the advantages for our Customer in buying/adopting this result? What could be the motivation for this Customer? / It is a novel concept, which provides valuable security against earthquakes. Continuing Education is extremely helpful for learners of any level. Certificates are offered to train for disaster preparation and protection.
Partner exploitation intentions
6 / Is the result exploitable by your organization? / x YES  NO
7 / Are you planning to exploit this result in your organization? / x YES  NO
8 / Why is the result valuable for your organization? What is the expected impact?
(if YES) Why is the result valuable for your organization? This is a very important question. Please elaborate on your expectations from the adoption of the result in your organization. Please describe the foreseen impacts – e.g. economic growth, improvement of competitive positioning, effects on human resources such as employment growth, employee satisfaction, labor quality / Training is one of the core activities of KOERI DPEU. Our objective is to educate and bring awareness of earthquake safety and protocol to the general public, including but not limited to students, previous learners, and current trainees. Safety training and disaster preparation is of the utmost importance for the people of Turkey. Education and training is the foundation for disaster awareness.
9 / Are there any prerequisite for exploitation in your organization at the end of the project?
Assuming the SISMILE project delivers successful results, are there any obstacles or preconditions to be met (e.g. technical, organizational, financial, etc.) to actually exploit them? / No.

Increase Vocational Skills to Face Earthquake Risk Inside of Building/ SISMILE

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SISMILE: Increase Vocational Skills

to Face Earthquake Risk Inside Of Building


PARTNER 2:Pera Fine Arts Vocational Training Institute

Result # / Result short description
1 / Incorporate SISMILE training material in the Interior Design and Decoration Training Program of Pera Fine Arts
2 / Presentation of the SISMILE training material to the schools who have collaboration with Pera Fine Arts such as;
-Sultanahmet Industrial Vocational High School
-KadırgaIndustrialVocationalHigh School to use it in their departments related with the subject
3 / Presentation of the SISMILE training material to the companies which have collaborations with Pera Fine Arts for long years.
4 / Possibility for students in vocational education, in Turkey, they can access this type of course.

Increase Vocational Skills to Face Earthquake Risk Inside of Building/ SISMILE

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SISMILE: Increase Vocational Skills

to Face Earthquake Risk Inside Of Building


Table 2. Market value of the result #1 Incorporate SISMILE training material in the Interior Design and Decoration Training Program of Pera Fine Arts
(please insert the result# as indicated in Table 1. Replicate this table for each result indicated in table 1)
1 / Customer segment
What type of Customer are we targeting for this result? Please provide some detail about the specificity of this industry (e.g. need for frequent re-training, broad variance of procedure, etc.) / In the Interior Design and Decoration training programme, we have different type of target groups;
-Young people who couldn’t pass the university exam but would like to work in the interior design sector
-Adult people who have already had formal education in different subjects but would like to change their sector with interior design
-Adult people who are already working in the sector but would like to improve their vocational knowledge and sector.
After one academic year training these people directly involve to the sector in the rate of 75 %. Mainly they work in the interior design sector but also in object and furniture design as an assistant designer or workplace master.
2 / End users
Who is going to actually use the result? / Students, interior designer assistants, interior designers, object and furniture designers…
3 / Is the result industry specific?
Is the result specifically targeted at a specific industry segment or can be adapted to a broader scope? / The sector is interior design, SMEs which are expertise on furniture production and design
4 / Are you aware of competing products or alternative approaches?
To your knowledge, are there already solutions SISMILE will have to compete with? If so, what is in your view the SISMILE strengths in comparison? Please provide references to these solutions. Similarly, are there any alternative approaches that – at least partially – can fill the SISMILE objectives? / There are no more similar products. It is innovative for Turkish market.