(Exhibit 3A)


(Exhibit 3B)


(Exhibit 3C)


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SSOV wants our employment relationship to be a continuing and rewarding one for every employee, as well as the employer. In order to preserve the greatest freedom of association, however, employment and compensation can be terminated at any time, with or without cause (the definition of “At-Will” employment). The SSOV Congration Council has the sole authority to enter into any employment contract. Exception to the “At-Will” employment is the call of a pastor, which is subject to constitutional and synodical guidelines.


A Statement of Understanding, similar to Exhibit 3B shall be completed at the

time of employment, to insure a clear understanding of job, position, compensation and

benefits. (See Job Description, Section 3) This form is to be signed by employee, senior

pastor and Council president.


The first three months of employment (90 days) are considered an orientation period for all new employees. During this time, your supervisor will be evaluating your performance. At the end of the orientation period, your performance will be evaluated. If, in the judgment of management, your performance is satisfactory, you will become a regular employee. If your performance is judged unsatisfactory, your employment will normally be terminated during the orientation period. In unusual cases, the orientation period may be extended. The orientation period does not affect the rights of the employee or employer under the terms of at-will employment. The employee or employer may terminate employment with or without cause at any time.



When you begin employment, SSOV will inform you of your rate of pay. That rate is based on an assessment of your position, training, experience and the market for similar positions. Increases in your salary, if any, will depend on SSOV’s review of your job performance, marketplace conditions and budgetary considerations.

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Every two weeks is considered a pay period. Paydays are on appropriate Mondays.

(1 year = 26 pay periods.) Exceptions to this policy may occur.


For payroll and accounting purposes, the workweek is from 12:01 AM on Monday to midnight the following Sunday. Our normal work office hours are 9 AM to 1 PM. The workday for a regular full-time employee is 8 hours per day. SSOV may establish other work days and hours for individual part-time employees (established by immediate supervisor).

3.4.4 PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS – STAFF (excluding pastor)

Your wages are based on your job and your supervisor’s determination of how well you perform it. Regular performance appraisals provide you and your supervisor with the opportunity to discuss how well you are meeting expectations, to clarify your job responsibilities and to plan performance objectives for the next period. Your performance appraisal is part of your personnel records. You are asked to sign your performance appraisal to indicate that it was reviewed with you; however, your signature does not necessarily imply agreement with the evaluation. You will be provided a copy of your appraisal upon request. One of the principle purposes of the performance review is to provide constructive guidance to the employee to aid in increasing effectiveness in carrying out responsibilities and to help in the employee’s development. These reviews are designed to focus on areas of achievement and accomplishment, as well as on areas where the employee can improve.

Performance appraisals are conducted, at a minimum, at the end of the orientation period and thereafter, at the normal annual review time. Performance appraisals may be conducted at other times for specific reasons such as promotion, poor work performance or for disciplinary reasons.

Wage increases, if any, are tied into your overall performance appraisal at the end of orientation and the annual review. However, increases may be granted at other times when deemed warranted by increased responsibilities or other significant changes in your position and duties. Similarly, there may be no increase if performance or other factors such as SSOV financial conditions do not warrant it. When employees are on disciplinary review, wage increases may be withheld or delayed until the disciplinary review is completed. If your performance review period is less than a full year, any annual salary increase may be prorated accordingly.

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Performance evaluation of pastors shall be by a Mutual Ministry Team (MMT), appointed by the Council. Wage increases will be reviewed by the Council.


SSOV believes that it is in the best interest of SSOV and the employees to keep business and professional relationships separate from personal and family relationships. Accordingly, SSOV will attempt not to employ close relatives, spouses or two individuals living together in a relationship that is essentially equivalent to marriage, except under circumstances where: 1. neither employee will supervise, appoint, remove or discipline the other;

2. neither party will evaluate the work of the other; and

3. the working relationship will not create a conflict of interest or the appearance of favoritism in the opinion of management.

If two employees develop a close or spousal relationship after employment, one of the two may be terminated if management determines that it is in the best interests of SSOV. The decision as to which employee will be terminated, if any, will be determined at the discretion of SSOV Pastor/Council.


Your personnel records are confidential. Although SSOV is required to comply with valid court orders and government requests directing SSOV to provide information from your personnel records, generally speaking, without specific written authorization from you, only your job title, salary and verification of employment dates will be released to appropriate third parties with a need to know.

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Employees with a neat, clean appearance are important to SSOV’s image, especially when those employees are greeting the public and members of the congregation. Your appearance presents the image of SSOV to the public. Employees are expected to maintain a business-like appearance and a courteous attitude at all times. When in doubt, ask your supervisor.

SSOV has adopted the Employees’ Statement on Professional Standards of Conduct (Exhibit 3C) into its personnel policies. This policy generally states that all employees agree to treat one another with honesty, trust, mutual respect and consideration and further agree to the elimination of condescension, arrogance and other forms of negative and unprofessional behavior.


All SSOV employees should avoid situations that might cause their, or other or-organization’s/congregation’s interests to conflict with SSOV or might compromise SSOV’s integrity and reputation. A conflict, or the appearance of one, occurs when you, or an immediate family member, use your position at SSOV for personal benefit, through an investment or business relationship that interferes with your ability to exercise independent judgment on behalf of SSOV.


SSOV adheres to the concept of progressive discipline. This means SSOV will take appropriate action, based on the seriousness of the situation and the circumstances. Discipline less than termination may take the form of a verbal warning, a written warning, probation or suspension. Which of these options is chosen, or whether any of them is used prior to termination, will depend on the seriousness of the infraction and will be determined at the sole discretion of management. The evaluation of the seriousness of the offense will be made by the employee’s supervisor or the Mutual Ministry Team, or Congregation Council, as appropriate.

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It is SSOV’s intent to try to do what is fair and responsible in day-to-day relations with our employees. Therefore, you are urged to bring any problem or concern about any term or condition of employment to your supervisor, in order to provide SSOV with an opportunity to review and resolve the situation. Your supervisor will try to get back to you with a response within five days of the date you brought your concern to his/her attention.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from your supervisor, you may take your concern to the senior pastor, but must do so within a reasonable period of time. The member of SSOV’s staff so contacted will investigate, review and discuss your concern with you as soon as possible, and will try to give you a response within five days. In certain serious or unusual cases, or when the specific member of staff is the immediate supervisor, your complaint will be referred to the pastor or Congregation Council.


Termination: To preserve SSOV’s options and those of each employee, the employment relationship must be able to be terminated, with or without cause, at any time by either party (at-will employment). No SSOV representative has any authority to enter into any agreement to the contrary. However, if any employee of SSOV is covered by a specific written contract of employment, both SSOV and said employee will be bound by provisions of that written contract of employment.

Employees who have resigned their employment with proper notice, or who were laid off, are eligible for rehire based on the same terms and conditions as other applicants.

Voluntary Resignation: If you are non-exempt and voluntarily terminate your employment, you are requested, but not required, to give at least a two-week notice to your supervisor, stating the reason for the resignation. Exempt employees are requested to give a one-month notice.

Position Elimination: There are certain times when it may become necessary to eliminate certain positions as a result of changing conditions. Should it ever become necessary to eliminate your position, SSOV will try to give you at least a two-week notice, if possible. Employees informed that they are to be laid off may seek other available positions.

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Separation Pay: If your position is eliminated, you will receive a two-week notice or two weeks of pay in lieu of notice or any combination of pay and notice totaling two weeks, as SSOV may deem appropriate. Similarly, employees resigning with a two-week (one-month for exempt employees) notice may, at the discretion of SSOV, be asked to leave sooner but, if so, will generally be paid for the remainder of their notice period.


Medical Insurance: If you are a regular full-time employee, you are eligible upon the commencement of employment to participate in the ELCA medical insurance program. You may obtain coverage for dependents by authorizing a payroll deduction as negotiated through your supervisor and approved by the Congregation Council. Dependents include your spouse, unmarried children up to 26 years of age and unmarried children between 19 and 26 years of age who qualify as dependants according to the ELCA policy. From time to time, SSOV will determine the contribution toward the premium cost for you and your dependant’s coverage. Any amount in excess of that paid by SSOV will be your responsibility

State Disability Insurance: All employees are covered for California Disability Compensation. The cost to the employee is established by the State, and that percent of wages, up to the tax limit for the year, is deducted from the employee’s salary each payroll period. Disability insurance is payable when an employee cannot work because of sickness or injury not caused on the employee’s job. The employee must initiate the request for payment of disability benefits by contacting the California State Employment Development Department.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance: In the event of an occupational injury or accident on the job, employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. SSOV provides this protection for each employee. If an employee should become injured while on the job, the injury must be reported immediately to a supervisor and a written accident report filed within 24 hours of the injury.

Unemployment Insurance: Unemployment insurance premiums are paid by SSOV. Should it become necessary to reduce staff, employees affected will be eligible for unemployment benefits.

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Holidays: SSOV observes the following days as paid holidays –

New Year’s Day Independence Day Christmas Day

Martin Luther King’s Day Labor Day

One of the Presidents’ Days Veteran’s Day

Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day

If any holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be recognized as the holiday. If any holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as the holiday. At the beginning of each year, a holiday schedule will be issued, indicating the dates on which that year’s holidays will be observed. In some instances, SSOV may decide to close its offices in conjunction with a paid holiday and require individuals to take a personal vacation day or leave without pay. Employees working less than 20 hours a week do not qualify for vacation leave.

In order to receive holiday pay, you must –

·  Be a full-time employee;

·  Have worked the last scheduled workday before and the first scheduled

workday after the holiday, unless on approved absence.

Part-time employees are eligible for paid holidays, subject to the conditions found on page 8. If a holiday falls during your vacation, the holiday will not count as a vacation day. SSOV offices are normally closed on all recognized national holidays, and all employees are expected to take the day off. Holiday time may not be accumulated for use at a later date.

Vacation: SSOV provides each regular employee paid vacation time off in the following manner –

Full-time Staff: (except Pastor, who receives 4 weeks per year) All regular full-time employees are entitled to accrue annual vacation benefits at the rate of 10 paid vacation days per year during the first five years of employment, from the date of hire. Thereafter, such employees accrue annual vacation benefits at the rate of 15 paid vacation days per year.