Mr. RicksName______
Psychology 1Disclosure Document
- Class Description
Our minds are fascinating things. The brain helps control our bodies allowing us to live, breath, and move. Everybody is different. The way each person behaves, thinks and perceives the world around them is also very different. This year we will explore the mind, learn how the brain works, and maybe why you do some of the things you do. The following units make up this course:
Quarter 1
-Principles of Psychology
-Biology and Physiology
Quarter 2
-Learning and Memory
- Behavior
By this time in your educational careers, you should know and understand what appropriate classroom behavior is. I expect you all to behave accordingly and treat others and school property with respect and courtesy. Here are several reminders of classroom policies that I expect you to follow:
- Academic honesty – I expect every student to do his or her own work on every assignment, and if you do, you will do well in my class. Any signs or hints of students violating this standard, such as copying another student’s homework, cheating, or plagiarizing, will result in no credit for the assignment or assessment and the students involved will need to make up the work.
- Cell phones, iPods, iPads, and any other electronic devices will not be permitted in class. They are disruptions and distract from your learning and the learning of those around you. Any person found with such an item will have it removed and turned in to the administration. Your parents will personally have to come get it back. Please, just leave these items at home or in your locker.
- No food or drinks (except for water) will be allowed in class.
- Please take care of personal issues between classes. However, there is a hall pass available for students who need to use the restroom or who have other emergencies. There is only one hall pass, so we will only have one person out of class at a time. Please, do not abuse this privilege or it may result in the loss of your ability to use the hall passand/or participation points.
- Students will at all times be dressed in accordance with the Jordan School District dress code policy.
- Attendance
In order for you to get the most out of this class, you need to be in class and on time. We will have many discussions and activities that will be very difficult for you to make up if you are not here. To help ensure that you are in class so that you can take full advantage of class time, the following standards apply:
- Attendance
- The award of credit in this class is subject to the conditions outlined in the Bingham High School attendance policy.
- Students who miss assignments due to absences are responsible for talking to me to find out what they missed and how to make-up the work.
- Tardiness
- Students must be in their seats when the bell rings in order to be considered on time or they will be marked tardy.
- Students will be allowed two free tardies. Any tardy after the second will result in five points being taken off of the student’s participation grade.
- Only students who come late to class with a note from the office or another teacher will be excused from a tardy.
- Tardies may be made up with me by spending 20 minutes after school in my classroom.
- Class Work and Grading
- Students will receive points for every assignment, quiz, and test that they turn in, with each assignment being weighed equally. Grades will be given based on the overall performance and quality of the student’s work throughout each quarter. Grades will be calculated on the following scale:
93 - 100 %= A
90 - 92= A-
87 – 89= B+
83 – 86= B
80 – 82= B-
77 – 79= C+
73 – 76= C
70 – 72= C-
67 – 69= D+
63 – 66= D
60 – 62= D-
Below 60= F
- Students will be given 50 participation points automatically at the beginning of each quarter. By coming to class on time and working well in class, students can maintain a perfect participation grade. By being perpetually late, disrupting class, or participating in any other inappropriate behavior, students will lose participation points.
- A variety of assignments will be given to the students throughout the year, such as projects, timelines, document analyses, etc. Students should make sure that their assignments are turned in on-time, which means at the beginning of class on the day it is due. However, I do accept late work for any assignment for full credit up until the end of the unit, meaning the day we take the test on the material for that unit. After the unit is completed, students can still turn in any late work for half credit up until the end of the quarter. Students will also be allowed to redo any assignment they wish for up to full credit to demonstrate mastery of the concepts. Only high-quality, completed work will be accepted.
- Students will be allowed to retake unit tests as many times as needed to show mastery of the content and skills learned in class. Only students who have completed test corrections and all assignments for a unit will be allowed to retake a test. Of course, different versions of the tests will be given for each attempt. Students will not be allowed to make-up a test during class time, so arrangements will need to be made to take the test either before or after school.
- Extra credit will not be offered in my class.
Please know that I also hold the right to adjust these policies if needed for the best interest of my class. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come and talk to me. I am available before and after school or during my preparation periods (1stand 6th). I am excited to work with you this year!
Psychology 1 Disclosure Document
I have reviewed the Psychology 1 disclosure document with my parent or guardian. I understand the policies and procedures for this class and will abide by them.
Student Name (Printed)______Period_____
Student Signature______
Date Signed______
Parent’s Signature______
Date Signed______