Main File - File Monitoring Checklist

Name of Foster Carers/Adopters:Frameworki No:

Name of Fostering/Adoption Worker:

Name of Auditor:Date of Audit:

0 = Inadequate – no evidence on record

1 = Needs Improvement – some evidence on record

2 = Good – requirements evidenced

3 = Outstanding – good standard of evidence, actions and outcomes & clear picture of

The voice of the child/young person being attended to and actioned.

Record of Detail / Record up to date Yes √ / Record up to date
No √ / Comments
Evidence of Form F:
Evidence of Checks &
Evidence of Panel Recommendation:
Evidence of Approval/Registration Terms:
Evidence of Signed Foster Carers Agreement:
Statutory Checks
DBS checks
Annual Review – evidence of views of child/young person. Evidence of views from team around the child.
Unannounced visit
TDS Standards
File content – Foster Carer
Evidence of terms of registration – any changes to registration or any change of circumstances
Key information – addresses approval ie partner; child minding etc
Placements – Details (plus historical)
Placement Records – details of each placement with name, age gender, dates of beginning & ending of placements & reasons as to why the placement ended
Placement – Current details
Supervision records – evidence of regular supervision and evidence that the voice, thoughts and opinion of the child/young person is actively heard and sought and where appropriate acted upon. Foster carer’s knowledge and understanding of the ‘child’s world’.
Evidence of Care Plan; Delegated Authority; Permanence Plan; Placement Plan;
Safe Caring Plan -
evidence that the plan is relevant and appropriate and that risk is assessed and managed.
Case notes – evidence of team around the child working and communication
Equality & Diversity
Evidence of practice –that the placement actively promotes and attends to the needs and wishes of the child/young person
Quality of Care
Strengths of the placement – to include views of child/young person & team around the child
Practice Issues – evidence that issues identified are addressed and acted upon / .
Allegations/Serious Practice Issues – to include details, dates, actions and outcomes.
CP Panel Report and outcome.
Areas for development with timescales and actions.
Audit comments – Quality of Practicei.e.
Pre-Approval – evidence of statutory checks, Form F, panel process 7 decision making; registration & approval
File Content – Foster Carer – Statutory checks, registration changes chronology; key addresses; key information; Annual Reviews; Supervision Records; Foster Carer recording; Case notes; Details re previous placements ; training record
Safeguarding – Quality of evidence (H&S issues, unannounced visits, evidence of foster carers recording, CP process and practice, additional checks, practice issues)
Placement Information– Details of current placement; safe caring plan; quality, regular, recorded, comprehensive, contextual, actions taken forward, development of practice and appropriate actions, voice of the child, understanding and appreciation of the child’s world and journey of the child; evidence of matching considerations
Equality & Diversity Understands, appreciation, carers abilities to meet child’s diverse needs
Team around the Child/Placement Child’s view – both child in care and carers children, birth family contact, other professionals, other foster carers
Quality of Care – evidence of placement strengths and views from child, family and professionals
Date monitored / Name of person Monitoring Record
Action Plan / Date to be completed / By Whom / Agreed Actions completed & signed off (date & signature)
Manager’s Signature Date:
FPSW’s Signature Date:

Date Revised: April 2014

Date to be reviewed: April 2016