Quiz Master: Dr. Abdullateef Bello

  1. Which verse of the Qur'an sets the time for starting and breaking fast daily?

Surah Baqarah, Verse 187 (Q2:187)

  1. What is the prohibition mentioned in the Qur'an about I'tikaf?

"… do not have sexual relations with them (i.e your wives)

while you are in I'tikaf in the mosques". These are the limits

(set) by Allah, so approach them not…"

Surah Baqarah, Verse 187 (Q2:187)

  1. Which statement is considered in Islam as the treasure of paradise?

"Laa hawla walaa quwata ilaa billah"

  1. Who are the people that Allah will change their sins into good deeds on the day of judgement?

They are the people who:

  • Sincerely turn to their Lord in repentance
  • Believe in Allah, and
  • Do righteous deeds

Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 70 (Q25:70)

  1. Who was the slave of Allah that threatened to imprison a prophet of Allah for doing dawah to him?

Fir'aun threatened to imprison Prophet Musa (a.s).

Surah Ash-shu'ara', Verse 29 (Q26:29)

  1. What is the evidence from the Qur'an that people who do not observe salat will enter hell fire?

(i) Surah Al-Muddaththir, Verses 42-43 (Q74:42-43)

(ii) Surah Maryam, Verse 59 (Q19:59)

  1. Who are the individuals in the Qur'an that had conversation with angels?

Six individuals as follows:

(i)Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

Surah Al-'alaq, Verse 1-5 (Q96:1-5)

Surah Al-Isra', Verse 1 (Q17:1)

Surah Najm, Verse 12 (Q53:12)

(ii)Maryam (a.s) (e.g. Q3:42)

(iii)Zakariyyah (a.s) (e.g. Q3:39)

(iv)Ibrahim (a.s)(e.g. Q15:51-58)

(v)Sara, wife of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s)(e.g. Q51:29-30)

(vi)Lut (a.s)(e.g. Q15:61-63)

  1. If you are offering voluntary charity, how would you prioritize the following category of people: sister, uncle, father, wayfarer, mother, destitute, and orphan? Support your answer with Qur'anic verses.

The order of priority is as follows:

  1. Mother
  2. Father
  3. Sister
  4. Uncle
  5. Orphans
  6. Destitute
  7. Wayfarer

The Qur'anic evidence are: Surah Al-baqarah, Verse 215 (Q2:215),

Surah Al-baqarah, Verse 177 (Q2:177), and Q17:26

Similarly, a hadeeth states (that those who deserve one's generosity the most are):

"Your mother, father, sister, brother, the closest and then the farthest (relatives)" (Al-Hakim 3:611)

  1. How many times is the statement "kun fayakun" mentioned in the Holy Qur'an?

8 times (Q2:117; Q3:47; Q3:59; Q6:73; Q16:40; Q19:35; Q36:82; and Q40:68)

  1. What type of food is forbidden in Islam?

(i)maitah (dead animals)

(ii)blood of slaughtered animal


(iv)animal slaughtered for idols, on which Allah's name has not been mentioned while slaughtering

(v)animal killed by strangling, by violent blow, by headlong fall, or by the goring of horns.

(vi)Animal partly eaten by a wild animal, unless able to slaughter it before its death

(See Q2:173, and Q5:3)

  1. Why doesAllah not punish wrong-doers immediately?

(i)Perchance they may repent and seek forgiveness

(ii)He gives them respite up to an appointed term(Q14:42, Q35:45, and Q16:61)

(iii)He postpones their punishment till the Day of Judgment (Q16:61)

(iv)If Allah were to seize mankind for their wrong doing, no single creature would be left on earth. Q(16:61)

  1. State (not more than five sentences) at most five major events/signs that would precede the Day of Judgment?

(i)Emergence of Dajjal

(ii)Emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj

(iii)Advent of Mahdi

(iv)Descent of Prophet Isa (a.s)

(v)Rising of the sun from the West

(vi)Emergence of beast from the earth (Q27:82)

  1. State the five names of Makkah mentioned in the Qur'an.

Any five of the following names are correct:

  1. Makkah(Q48:24)
  2. Al Balad (Q90:1)
  3. Al-Qaryah (Q16:112)
  4. Bakkah (Q3:96)
  5. Baitul-atiq(Q5:97)
  6. Ummu-l-Qura(Q6:92)
  7. Al-balad-l-ameen (Q95:3)
  8. Ma'ad(Q28:85)
  9. Waadi gaeri zi zar'iQ(14:37)
  1. If Jew is to Judaism and Christian is to Christianity, who gave the name Muslim to the adherents of Islam? Support your answer with a Qur'anic verse.

Allah gave the name "Muslim" to the adherents of Islam, as evident in this verse:

"He (Allah) has named you Muslims both before and in this (Qur'an)"

Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 78 (Q22:78) (Ibn Katheer)

  1. If you live in a city where people are facing famine and drought, what should you do as a Muslim? Describe the process.

Famine and drought are manifestation of increased in sins and bad deeds among people in a society.

The first thing a Muslim should do is to engage in dawah, invite people to all that is good, enjoin al-ma'ruf and forbid Al-Munkar (Q3:104). This is required because Allah will not change the condition of a people until they (first) change themselves (Q13:11).

The second thing to do is to ask people to seek sincere repentance from Allah as indicated in this verse: "…Ask forgiveness from your Lord…He will send rain to you in abundance" (Q71:10-11)

The third thing to do is to mobilize people to observe salatul istisqa (prayer for invoking Allah for rain).

(And Allah knows best)

  1. Which Qur'anic verses indicate that Allah had sent more than 25 prophets?
  1. Surah Al-Nisa', Verse 164 (Q4:164)
  2. Surah Ibrahim, verse 9 (Q14:9)
  3. Surah Ghaafir, verse 78 (Q40:78)
  1. What is the minimum number of wings an angel can have? Justify your answer with a Qur'anic verse.

Two wings, see Surah Faatir, verse 1 (Q35:1)

  1. Which Qur'anic verse specifically mentioned the payment of zakah on agricultural produce?

Surah Al-An'am, Verse 141 (Q6:141)

  1. How many Islamic wars are mentioned by name in the Qur'an? State Qur'anic references.

3 wars, namely:

  1. Badr (Q3:123)
  2. Hunain (Q9:25)
  3. Ahzaab (also known as the battle of khandaq) Q33:22)
  1. How many angels surround each person at any time in a day? Justify your answer with Qur'anic verses.

4 Angels surround each person at any time of the day. Two Angels records the deeds (one on the right and one on the left of each person) (see Q50:17) and two Angels guard and protect each person (one in the front and one in the back) (see Q13:11). (Ibn Katheer)

  1. Which Qur'anic chapter (surah) would be a light on the Day of Judgment for the one who recites it?

Surah Al-Kahf (Q18)

The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "whoever recites surat Al-kahf as

it was revealed, it will be a light for him on the day of

Resurrection" (Al-Bayhaqi 3:249)

  1. What is the reason behind Muslims seeking refuge with Allah when they are about to recite the Qur'an?

(i)It is the command of Allah (s.w.t) to do so as evident in (Q16:98)

(ii)It is for the reader of the Qur'an not to get confused or mixed up by the whispering of the Shayatin which could come near him/her (Q23:97-98).

(iii)It is to prevent shaytan from stopping him/her from thinking about and pondering over the meaning of what (s)he reads.

  1. Which Qur'anic verses give full account of the process of rain?
  1. Surah Ar-Rum, verse 48 (Q30:48)
  2. Surah An-Nur, verse 43 (Q24:43)
  3. Suraj Fatir, verse 9 (Q35:9)
  1. What is the evidence in the Qur'an that the prophets of Allah were men?
  1. Surah Al-anbiya, verse 7 (Q21:7)
  2. Surah Yusuf, verse 109 (Q12:109)
  3. Surah An-Nahl, verse 43 (Q16:43)
  4. Surah An'am, verse 9
  1. Who led the janaza prayer on the corpse of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)? Justify your answer with appropriate reference.

People observed janaza prayer on the corpse of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) individually without an imam.

(e.g. Muwatta Imam Malik, hadeeth 539)

  1. What is the proof from the Qur'an that Angel Jibril (a.s) was the one who revealed the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)?
  1. Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 97 (Q2:97)
  2. Surah Ash-shu'ara', verse 192-195 (Q26:192-195)
  3. Surah An-Najm, verse 4-6 (Q53:4-6)
  4. Surah An-Nahl verse 102 (Q16:102)
  1. How many Arabic letters occur in various combinations of "abbreviated letters" (muqatta'at) in the Qur'an?

14 Arabic letters

  1. What are the Qur'anic verses written around the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in Medina? Provide exact references in the Qur'an.
  1. Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 40 (Q33:40)
  2. Surah Al-hujurat, verse 2-3 (Q49:2-3)
  1. Which Qur'anic verse indicates that some souls would be punished during al-barzakh (i.e. life after death before the Day of Reckoning)?

Surah Ghaafir, verse 46 (Q40:46)

  1. Under what circumstances would a Muslim who joined a congregational prayer do three (3) tashahud?
  1. In a 4-raka'at prayer (Zuhr, Asr, or Ishai), a Muslim who misses one raka'ator three raka'ats would have to do 3 tashahud. Similarly a Muslim who joined in the 4th raka'at after ruku' would have to do 3 tashahud.
  2. In a three raka'at prayer (Maghrib), a Muslim who misses one raka'at or two raka'ats would need to do 3 tashahud. Similarly, a Muslim who joined in the 3rd raka'at after ruku' would do 3 tashahud.
  1. State three verses in the Qur'an where Allah used different parts of a date fruit for analogies.

The 3 parts of date fruit used for analogies in the Qur'an are:

  1. Fateelaa, Surah An-Nisa', verse 49 (Q4:49)
  2. Naqeera, Surah An-Nisa', verse 124 (Q4:124)
  3. Qitmeer, Surah Fatir, verse 13 (Q35:13)
  1. Give five broad category of situations that may require a Muslim to observe sujud sahw (prostration of forgetfulness)?
  1. Ending a prayer of more than 2 raka'ats after 2 raka'ats
  2. Ending a prayer of 4 raka'ats after 3 raka'ats
  3. Doing an extra action during prayer
  4. Missing one of the actions of prayer
  5. Standing after two raka'ats without making tashahud
  1. What are the two parts of a human body that, when protected or guaranteed in terms of chastity, can make a man or woman enter paradise?

The two parts of a human body are: the tongue, and private part (sexual organ). It is derived from the hadeeth of the Prophet(s.a.w) which says: "Whoever can guarantee (the chastity of) what is between his jaw-bones (i.e the tongue) and what is between his two legs (i.e. his private part), I guarantee paradise for him" Sahih Bukhari Vol. 8, No. 481.

  1. Consider this statement: "Shaytan runs through the body of a man like blood in the veins. Therefore, narrow down the veins through hunger". Is this statement a hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)? Explain.

This statement is found in "Ihya' al-'Ulum al-Din" and only the first part it is an authentic hadeeth. The second part is baseless and is an interpolation by the Sufis.

  1. Who are the group of people for whom Allah uses fire and water to set parables in the Qur'an?

Hypocrites (Q2:17-19)

  1. When people disobeyed their appointed Messengers, they earned Allah's punishment. State one Qur'anic verse that mentioned the different people punished by Allah for disobeying their Messengers.

Surah Qaf, Verse 14 (Q50:14) or Q29:40

  1. Smoking is harmful to health. Which two Qur'anic verses are often quoted by scholars to discourage Muslims from smoking cigarettes?
  1. "…wa yuharimu 'alaihimu-l khabaa'ith…"

Surah Al-a'raf, Verse 157 (Q7:157)

  1. "…walaa tulqu biaydeekum ilaa tahalukah…"

Surah Al-baqarah, Verse 195 (Q2:195)

  1. ''…walaa taqtulu anfusakum.."

Surah An-Nisa', Verse 29 (Q4:29)

  1. In an authentic hadeeth, it is stated that Allah has 99 names but in which hadeeth book would you find the 99 names of Allah listed?

Tirmidhi, Al-Bayhaqi, Ibn Hiban, Al-Hakim

  1. Which house is in the heaven in which 70,000 angels enter everyday and do not return to it (That is, one visit in a lifetime).

Al-Bait Al-Ma'mur (Surah At-tur, Verse 4, Q52:4)

  1. In the hereafter, mankind would either be in pleasure, receive punishment, or forgiveness. Which Qur'anic verse contains these three conditions.

Surah Al-Hadid, verse 20 (Q57:20)

  1. An Islamic book contains this statement: "Any verse (ayah) that follows "abbreviated letters"(muqatta'at) always talks about the Qur'an". How true is the statement? Explain.

The statement is not true. There are five surats which begin with "abbreviated letters" but don't necessarily follow with mentioning of the Qur'an.

Surah Al-'Imran

Surah Maryam

Surah Al-'ankabut

Surah Ar-Rum

Surah Al-Qalam (or Nun)

  1. Describe the recitation that follows each Takbir of a Janazah prayer.

After the 1st Takbir recite Surat Al-Faatihah

After the 2nd Takbir send salah upon the Prophet (s.a.w)

After the 3rd Takbir make supplication for the deceased

After the 4th Takbir pronounce taslim

  1. In a hadeeth book, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said he has five names. What are the five names? Support your answer with exact reference.

Muhammad, Ahmad, 'Aaqib, Maahi, and Haashir

(Sahih Bukhari)

  1. Who among the companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "I will say what I think and if it is correct, then it is from Allah and if it is wrong, then it is from me and from shaetan and Allah and His messenger have nothing to do with it."

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (r.a)

  1. A Muslim can seek forgiveness from His creator at any time. But what time is best in light of the Qur'an? Support your answer with appropriate references.

The last hours of the night or the hours before dawn (Q51:18) and (Q3:17)

© AL. Bello 1424H