Mission & Ministry Opportunities
In the Grocery Cart This Month
Donations of “Peanut Butter, Canned Fruits, Canned Meats, and Toilet Paper” will assist people through Park View Community Mission in July.Please place donations in the grocery cart, located in the Commons.
Children and Their Safety are Important at Chestnut Hill UMC
We rejoice that as a church we are able to offer carefully planned, age appropriate care and activities for our children and youth.
All children ages 4 and above will stay in the sanctuary for worship today.
Nursery is provided for infants and toddlers. The Nursery is located in Classroom 101 (exit through the right side door at the front of the sanctuary, pass through “the Commons,” gothrough the double doors to the Education Building and follow the hallway to the Nursery at the end of the hall on the left).
Urgent Emphasis on Prayer in July
For the month of July, let’s dedicate ourselves to praying for this church and our dreams and vision for it. If every member would spend as little as fifteen minutes a day in prayer for the church and its ministry, we could change the world.
A CD of our CHUMC Music Program is Available
A CD featuring the music program of Chestnut Hill UMC is available as a gift to our visitors in worship. Please exit worship through the front of the sanctuary and The Commons and request your CD from a choir member.
Financial Statements
Statements of Giving for the first 6months of 2016 are now available in the Commons. Remember to pick up yours.
Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church
4660 Fort Avenue ~ Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
Church: 434-239-8423
Pastor’s Cell: 434-258-2934; Pastor’s Home: 434-319-5646
Email Pastor Liz:
~ on the web at chestnuthillumc.net
Find us on Facebook: Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church
Summertime with God
At Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church
10:30 a.m.~ July24, 2016 ~ 10th Sunday after Pentecost
We Gather to Worship God
We invite you to share in our ministry of Hospitality by registering your attendance
as the registration pad is passed to you. Please give us your name, address or email or phone. Thank you for silencing your cell phone as we gather to worship God.
Gathering Music
Welcome and Ministry Announcements
Welcome in the name of Christ our Lord. Please register your attendance,
printing your name, address, phone, and email, when the pew pad is passed to you.
Thank you for silencing cell phones as we gather to worship God.
Prelude The Acolytes enter with the light of Christ.
*Call to Worship
We gather together in Christ as part of the family of God.
We bring our sorrows and our joys, our trials and our accomplishments.
We come as we are, with strengths and weaknesses, each a child of God.
As we gather together this day let us open our hearts before the Lord.
And let us worship and give praise to God, Creator of all the world.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
*Singing Our Faith “Take My Life, and Let It Be” No. 399
Morning Prayer
O God, You are the Almighty One, yet Your ear is always there for every prayer we whisper in the stillness of our hearts. You are so gracious and loving, help us to share everything with You. In Christ we pray. Amen.
Children’s Moments
Special Music Naomi Levin
Prayer for Illumination
O God, in Your mercy and Your grace You demonstrated Your love for us through the life of Christ. Help us to hear and see where You would have us spread Your love, O Lord. In Christ we pray. Amen.
Scripture LessonLuke 11:1-13(NRSV)
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
*Singing Our Faith “Seek Ye First” No. 405
The Good News “All You Need to Know”
The Prayers of the People
*The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. But lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thineis the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
The Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Gifts
Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Doxology # 95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures
herebelow;praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son,
and HolyGhost. Amen.
*Singing Our Faith “Sweet Hour of Prayer” No. 496
*Blessing and Dismissal
We Scatter to Serve God & Neighbor
Stewardship Thought
At the end of this passage lies what could be a complete theology of prayer. We often abbreviate its message and leave people in vulnerability. We are to ask, knock, and search and in response God will send us the Holy Spirit. There is no promise that we will be given what we ask for, but rather that God will respond to us and that our persistence will be honored. The answer to our prayer at the door may come in healing, in the support of friends, in endurance, in wisdom, in forgiveness, in faith itself, in courage, and in patience. As the Lord's Prayer tells us, "Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Read Ahead from Pastor Liz
For July 31, 2016 the Scriptures are Hosea 11:1-11, Colossians 3:1-11 & Psalm 107. The sermon text is Luke 12:13-21 and the message is“Three Foolish Things”.
**This Week’s Calendar**
Monday, 7/25 / 8:30 a.m. / Camp MeadowlarkTuesday, 7/26 / 8:30 a.m. / Camp Meadowlark
9:00 a.m. / Prayer Breakfast
(Prayer Breakfast Group will meet at the home of Beryl Martin for the month of July.)
7:00 p.m. / Trustees Committee at Parsonage
(6008 Rhonda Rd.)
Wednesday,7/27 / 8:30 a.m. / Camp Meadowlark
11:00 a.m. / Top of the Hill
We will meet at “City Market” on Main Street. If you would like to carpool, contact Sue Norvelle.
Thursday, 7/28 / 8:30 a.m. / Camp Meadowlark
Friday, 7/29 / 8:30 a.m. / Camp Meadowlark
Saturday, 7/30 / 8:30 a.m. / Children: Food for Families @ Park View Community Missions
Anniversary/Homecoming 2016~Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016.
There will be historical displays and lunch following our morning worship service. Remember to put away a dollar a week to give on Anniversary Sunday. Donations of any amount will go toward funding on-going church projects.
Young Jin Cho / Richmond Area Resident BishopScott Davis / Lynchburg District Superintendent
Liz Ecklund / Minister
Vernie Barrow / Minister Emeritus
Monica Campbell / Administrative Assistant
Will Sperrazza / Director of Music Ministry
Judy Martin / Bookkeeper
Elaine Clarke / Lay Leader
Jody Underwood / Lay Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Chris Glass / Lay Youth Ministry Coordinator
**In Our Thoughts and Prayers**
Home: Phyllis Caldwell, Cliff Taylor, Betty Wilkins, Braelyn Underwood, Arthur Snodgrass, Edith Barley, Thelma Hamilton, Beverly Franklin,Pat Wood,Heather Stanzini (420 Stafford St., Lynchburg, VA 24501), Greyson Glass, Al Wood, Bob & Kitty Boswell, Barbara Dunlop, Hylton & Sylvia Glass, Kyle & Jeanette Cyrus, Chris Balderson, Carl Hardwick, Helen Fleck, Shirley Johnson, Ken Wood,Doris Finch,Judy Johns, Victor Barrow,Debra Higginbotham, Susan Tedder, Charles Moore, Jim Andrus, Milton Sowell, Rhonda Dunn, Shayh,Alice Lovelace, Edna Wyatt, William Hicks, VernelleRoupe,Jeanette Almond,AsaFredell, Violet Ellis,Tucker Cole, Rhonda Wilkerson, Joseph Johnson, Lloyd Smith, Lloyd Smith, Jr., Chestnut Hill UMC, Military & Families
The Summit Health & Rehab: Lester Fainter
Lynchburg Health & Rehab: Eugene“Gene “Harris, Connie Harris
Runk & Pratt at Liberty Ridge: Rose Morris
Bentley Commons at Lynchburg: Frances Callaham
Heritage Green, Daybreak: Delma Scott
Runk & Pratt of Forest: Emily Morris, Shirley Wood
Oakwood Manor (Bedford):Robert Bennett
Valley View Retirement: Virginia “Ginger” Roberts
Please join the clergy of the Lynchburg Downtown Cluster in a covenant to pray for God’s blessing on the mission and ministry of our United Methodist Churches and local mission and ministry endeavors – Peakland, Centenary, Christ Community Fellowship/Fairview, Fort Hill, Chestnut Hill, Forest Road, Jackson Street, Heritage, Boonsboro, Mead Memorial, Cove, Park View Community Mission (PVCM), the Society of St. Andrew, the Henry Fork Service Center, and The Garden of Hope (Washington, D.C.)
**If you know of changes that need to be made to the prayer concerns, please contact Monica in the church office.