City of Bloomfield

City Council Meeting

Regular Session

March 12, 2012

6:30 P.M.

Mayor Scott Staggs called the meeting to order. Those present were: Randy Supancic, Donna Deardorff, Patricia Wilson and Donna Medlin. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Public comments: None

New Insurance Information: Rita Batchelor with Morse, Harwile & Jiles was present to go over deductibles for employee group health insurance. Ald. Medlin made a motion to go with the city’s part of the deductible at $2000.00. Ald. Supancic seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Approve minutes: February 27, 2012 – Ald. Supancic moved to approve the regular and closed session minutes. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald Supancic – aye, Ald Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Approve bills/deposits – February 2012 – Ald. Deardorff moved to approve the bills and deposits for February. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff –aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Merchant License: Namaw & Tapaw’s Corner General Store

100 Prairie, Bloomfield, MO Ald. Deardorff moved to approve this license. Ald. Wilson seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Building permit(s): Tim Morton 601 S. Spring, Bloomfield, MO Ald. Medlin moved to approve this permit. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Dept. Heads: Library – Linda Myers was absent, but submitted her

report in writing.

Treasurer: Ruth Ann McGee was present and gave her report as submitted in writing.


Police: Cheryl Malone was absent, but submitted her report in writing. She also submitted vacation requests for March 19-23, and April 2-6.

Fire: Kenny Johnson was present and gave his report as submitted in writing. It was discussed and recommended that Daniel Dew be a member of the fire department on a probationary period of 6 months. A vote was not needed on this.

Water/Street: Kenny Ewing was present and gave his report as submitted in writing. He also requested permission to purchase rotor meters for the chlorine tanks from L&J Supply. The total amount is $2800.00 and L&J will split bill the city. The first bill when item is ordered, and the second bill will be received sometime in July 2012. Ald. Deardorff moved to approve this purchase. Adl. Medlin seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Kenny Ewing mentioned that Sharon Foster had contacted him about the culvert on Sykes Street where the road was closed. They wanted to know if the city was going to leave it. After brief discussion, all agreed it would be in the best interest of the city and the residents in that area to leave the culvert.

Kenny Ewing also stated he was continuing to purchase new meters each month.

Transit: Penny Walker was present and gave her report as submitted in writing.

Tax/Court Turnover: No Court report submitted.

Old Bus: Ald. Supancic reported that the plans for the new sidewalk south of Auto Tire & Parts did not provide for a wall or culvert. He is waiting to hear back from Greg Bell on a recommended solution.

Ald. Deardorff reported that per Jeff Downey of MODot, that MODot does not print signs prohibiting jake brakes, but does print signs for noise control. The subject of having MODot do a speed study to see if the speed limit can be lowered coming into town from the south was discussed. Ald. Deardorff will check on this.

Ald. Wilson has contacted the fire marshall and gave the city permission to burn what is left of the old feed mill if DNR approves it. DNR has done their testing and everything was negative, Ald. Wilson is waiting for the certificate stating such. Larry Phillips, contracted to tear down the feed mill, has been contacted and is fine with allowing the city to burn the excess rubble.


New Bus: A discussion was made about purchasing a new laser printer and checks for the city clerk’s office. This comes as a recommendation from Mike Watkins, the city’s accountant. Kari will gather the necessary information and prices and present this at the next scheduled meeting.

It was brought to the council’s attention that two checks were found to be misfiled. These checks will be returned to the rightful organizations.

The subject of whether the city clerk position should be an hourly or salary one was brought up. Since the new city clerk is currently hourly, it was agreed upon that she would remain an hourly employee.

With that, Mayor Staggs recommended to amend the previously approved salary for the new city clerk from $25,000 annually to $27,560 annually. Mayor Staggs also recommended that due to the extra duties taken on by Penny Walker recently, that she go from salary to hourly employee with an increase from $27,000 annually to $31,158.40 annually. Ald. Medlin moved to approve these new increases effective 03/12/12. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Wilson – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.

Minutes recorded by: ______

Kari Standley, City Clerk