Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SATURDAY

Mass at the Church
9:00, 11:00
2:00 Family Visits /
8:30 Restorative Feeding
9:30 One to one
10:00 Sensory Stimulation
11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Movie Afternoon/
4:00 Leisure Walk
6:00 LTV
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Art Therapy
11:00 Light Exercise
2:00 Arts &Crafts
2:30 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV
/ 8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Mass in the chapel
11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Walk & Talk
2:30 Sing Song (2)
3:00 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk Talk
10:30 Light Exercise
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Bingo/
Baking for Thanksgiving
3:15 Religious Talk
6:00 Pet Therapy
/ 8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Active Games
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Thanksgiving
2-5 Music Therapy
6:00 LTV /
9:10 Sveikinimų
Koncertas –LTV
9:30 Beauty Time
2:00 Movie Matinée
& Social Gathering
6:00 TV

Mass at the Church
9:00, 11:00
2:00 Family Visits /

11:00 Morning with
Classical Music
1:30 Thanksgiving
Afternoon Tea / 8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Art Therapy
11:00 Light Exercise
2:00 Arts &Crafts
2:30 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Mass in the chapel
11:00 Movement to Music 11:15 Memory Time
2:00 Walk & Talk
2:30 Sing Song (2)
3:00 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV / 8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk Talk
10:30 Light Exercise
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Table Games/ Bingo
3:15 Religious Talk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Active Games
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Happy Hour
2-5 Music Therapy
6:00 Benediction /
9:10 Sveikinimų
Koncertas –LTV
9:30 Beauty Time
2:00 Movie Matinée
& Social Gathering
6:00 LTV

Mass at the Church
9:00, 11:00
2:00 Family Visits /
8:30 Restorative Feeding
9:30 One to one
10:00 Sensory Stimulation 11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Bingo /
4:00 Leisure Walk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Art Therapy
11:00 Light Exercise
1:30 Bus Trip/
Afternoon Movie
2:30 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV

8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Mass in the chapel
11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Walk & Talk
2:30 Sing Song (2)
3:00 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk Talk
10:30 Light Exercise
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Bingo/
2:30 Pet Therapy
3:15 Religious Talk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Active Games
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Octoberfest
Happy Hour
2-5 Music Therapy
6:00 LTV /
9:10 Sveikinimų
Koncertas –LTV
9:30 Beauty Time
2:00 Movie Matinée
& Social Gathering
6:00 LTV

Mass at the Church
9:00, 11:00
2:00 Family Visits
8:30 Restorative Feeding 10:00 Sensory Stimulation
11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Movie Afternoon/
4:00 Leisure Walk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Art Therapy
11:00 Light Exercise
2:00 Arts &Crafts
2:30 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. feeding
10:00 Mass in the chapel
11:00 Movement to Music
12:00 Restorative Feeding
2:00 Walk & Talk
2:30 Birthday Party (2)
3:00 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk Talk
10:30 Light Exercise
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Table Games/ Bingo
3:15 Religious Talk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Active Games
11:00 Busy Hands
2:00 Happy Hour
2-5 Music Therapy
6:00 LTV /
9:10 Sveikinimų
Koncertas –LTV
9:30 Beauty Time
2:00 Movie Matinée
& Social Gathering
6:00 LTV

Cemetery Visit
Mass at the Church
9:00, 11:00
2:00 Family Visits
8:30 Restorative Feeding
10:00 Sensory Stimulation
11:00 Movement to Music
2:00 Movie Afternoon/
4:00 Leisure Walk
6:00 LTV /
8:30 Rest. Feeding
10:00 Walk &Talk
10:30 Art Therapy
11:00 Light Exercise
2:00 Costume Parade &
Social Gathering
2:30 Snoezelen
6:00 LTV / / /

Activity Calendar