East Tennessee State University

Summer 2017 Ecuador & Galápagos Study Abroad Course

"The Evolution of Biodiversity in Galápagos & Ecuador"

BIOL 4596/5596-SA1

Dr. Tim McDowell, Instructor.

Department of Biological Sciences

General Information:

"The Evolution of Biodiversity in Galápagos and Ecuador" is an ETSU Summer Session I Study Abroad course to be conducted in June 2017. This three-week, three-credit hour course includes one week in the Galápagos Islands and two weeks in continental Ecuador. This course is open to ETSU Undergraduates and Graduate students and to students at other Tennessee Board of Regents Colleges. Students from other universities and colleges are also welcome to apply and can receive in-state tuition rates for these summer courses. Enrollment in this course is limited to fourteen students.

Course Format:

This course is conducted at multiple sites in Ecuador, including a one-week boat trip to various Galápagos Islands, and two weeks in the Andes and the Oriente (Amazonian) regions of mainland Ecuador. There will be daily outdoor activities at all sites visited. During these daily outings students will observe a wide diversity of habitats, plant and animal communities, and physical environments. There will be daily class meetings in the mornings and evenings to review the biodiversity encountered and to discuss related evolutionary topics.

Lodging on the mainland will be in hotel rooms, double occupancy, and meals will be taken in restaurants. In the Galápagos Islands, lodging and dining will be on the tour boat. Transportation on the mainland will be by chartered bus. The Galápagos Islands are reached by a two-hour flight from Quito. Course syllabi with the trip itinerary and additional information are available from Dr. McDowell ().

Course Expenses:

Students taking these courses must register for the summer semester 2015 and pay ETSU tuition and fees for the three credit hours (about $1150.00 for undergraduates). In addition to ETSU tuition and fees, each student must pay their international airfare (Johnson City - Quito, Ecuador) AND pay the Ecuador-Galápagos Course Travel Fee. The round-trip airfare from Johnson City to Quito costs approximately $1000.00 per person. The Course Travel Fee is $3620.00 per student. The Course Travel Fee covers all meals, lodging, transportation, entrance fees and other course expenses in Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands.

To ensure participation in this course, students must provide a deposit of $1000.00 to Dr. McDowell no later than March 15, 2017. (You really should apply much earlier, to get ETSU Scholarship and to be sure to get a place in the course.) Students will purchase the Johnson City-Quito round-trip airline ticket themselves, with assistance from Dr. McDowell. Full payment of the Course Travel Fee is required at least two weeks prior to the start of the course

Financial Aid Information:

ETSU Undergraduate and Graduate students may receive scholarships for the amount of one-half of the total course costs each to support their participation in these courses. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of demonstrated interest, course relevance to student’s program of study, and students’ academic record. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA for undergraduates, or a 3.30 GPA for graduate students. Students are encouraged to meet with the Study Abroad office and/or with the course instructors prior to preparing their scholarship applications. Students with a GPA of at least 3.25 (Undergraduate) or 3.5 (Graduate) may compete for an additional scholarship of $1000.

Scholarship information is posted on the ETSU International Programs website:


The scholarship application forms with instructions are available here:

http://www.etsu.edu/honors/international/documents/st_abroad_scholarships_generic instructions_budget_ app_form_final_2014.docx

These Study Abroad scholarships are administered by the ETSU Office of Financial Aid (contact Amy Collins, 105 Dossett Hall; 439-4300; ). Scholarship funds will be made available to students two weeks before the course departs for Ecuador. Additional information on ETSU Study Abroad courses is available from International Programs and Services, 122 Yoakley Hall ( or 439-7737).

Course related paperwork and deadlines:

Note: Don't wait till the end of these deadlines. Scholarship applications are reviewed monthly, and earlier applicants will have more grant funds available. Apply for scholarships early. The course is limited to a total of 14 students, so apply to the course as soon as you decide to take it. In the case of underenrollment (fewer than six students admitted to course by February 15, 2017) the course may be cancelled.

Send completed Course Application Form to Dr. Tim McDowell: Sept. 2016 - March 2017.

Apply for ETSU Study Abroad Scholarships: Nov. 2016 - January 31 (extra $1000) or - March 1, 2017. (1/2 costs)

Apply for US Passport (if you don't have yours already): as soon as possible.

Pay $1000.00 deposit for Course Travel Fee to Dr. McDowell: March 15, 2017.

Send signed course forms (health information, student liability agreement form, medical contact form, course agreement form) to Dr. McDowell: April 30, 2017.

Pay remainder of Course Travel Fee to Dr. McDowell: May 19, 2017.

Register with ETSU for this Summer Study Abroad course: April 3, 2017- May 19, 2017

For information contact: Dr. Tim McDowell: phone: 439-8635 office: 327 Brown Hall.

Summer 2017 Ecuador & Galápagos Study Abroad Course Application Form

(please send your completed form as "doc/docx" file to Dr. McDowell:

I. General Information (to be completed by all applicants)

Name: E#:

Date of Birth:

Present Street Address:

City: State: Zip:

Telephone Number with Area Code: cell phone


Permanent Street Address:

City State Zip

Current Status: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Major: Minor (if declared) ______

Credits Completed to Date: Credits in Progress: Grade Point Average:

Activities, positions, honors while in college:

If you are presently receiving financial aid, complete the following:


1. 4.

2. 5.

II. Background in Biology and Interest in this course.

College level Biology courses taken:

Course Name Course # Year Grade Where taken

Please comment briefly on your familiarity with major concepts of Evolution and Biodiversity such as speciation, biogeography, phylogeny, or coevolution. In what courses have you learned about these topics?

Describe your interest in taking "Evolution of Biodiversity in Ecuador".

Describe how this study abroad course will benefit you in terms of your education and career opportunities.

This course will involve extended periods in the field in natural areas, including a one-week boat tour. Classes will involve walking, swimming and standing for hours daily. Some field sites may be at high elevations (8,000-15,000 feet) and terrain may be hilly and uneven. Do you anticipate that you will be comfortable with these sorts of physical conditions? Note if you have special needs with regard to these field activities.

III. Travel experience and Spanish language skills:

Have you traveled outside the United States? If so, where and for how long?

Do you have Spanish language skills, and if so, at what level of speaking and reading?

Do you have a valid Passport? If yes, what is your passport number and date of expiration? (Passports are required for travel to Ecuador. Allow several months for getting a new passport.)

Are you a U.S. citizen? If not, what is your nationality?

IV. Signature of Applicant (email now and sign a hard copy later)


please send your completed form as "doc/docx" file to Dr. McDowell,

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