Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Division of South Cotabato

District of Tampakan



“TEACHERS ARE PARTICULARLY WELL PLACED to observe and monitor children for signs of abuse. They are the main care givers to children outside the family context and have regular contact with children in the school setting. Teachers have a general duty of care to ensure that arrangements are in place to protect children and young people from harm. In this regard, young people need to be facilitated to develop their self-esteem, confidence, independence of thought and the necessary skills to cope with possible threats to their personal safety both within and outside the school. Principal and teachers have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils.

Children, because of their dependency and immaturity, are vulnerable to abuse. Child abuse may take many forms but it can be categorized into four different types: neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse. A child may be subjected to one or more forms of abuse at any given time. While parents/guardians have primary responsibility for the care and protection of their children, personnel working with children also have clear responsibilities in this area.

Indeed, the partnership between parents and teachers is crucial in ensuring that the well being and the development of children are fostered both in the home and the school. Teachers are definitely given the prime responsibility of caring for the children within the context of the classroom, and as such, are tasked not only to educate the children but to protect them as well. As for school administrators and other school personnel, it is important that they be able to collaborate in proactively creating an environment that is conducive to children’s development. The principal/school administrator should take the lead in ensuring that children are cared for, that their needs are addressed and that they are protected from abuse and other harms that may be caused by their surroundings, their peers and their teachers.

Lastly, with the growing recognition of the role of the broader community in the affairs of the school, it is important that community leaders such as the local government officials and other community members be more involved in collaborative efforts relating to education. Such efforts may include initiatives that would promote education among all the children in the community, protect children from exploitation, abuse and other harms inside and outside the school, and facilitate the development of children into productive, upright citizens of the community. These would also include undertakings that would help address root causes of violence such as the promotion of children’s rights among all community members, the engagement of various sectors to collaborate in activities that would raise the standards of living of families, and establishing policies, programs and mechanisms to address violence at the community level.


Training matrix on Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627) and Child Protection Policy / September 18-19, 2014 / DEP ED Region 12,South Cotabato Division / Jogie Marie Gallo-Barrios, Teacher-1 / Activitiesgave moreknowledge on implementationof this new law and helped a lot to teachersin implementing it at their respective school.
Renovation of Bukangliwayway Elementary School GAD Center / October 02-03, 2014 / Bukang- liwayway Elementary School(Parent Teachers Association) / Parents of Kinder and Grade-1 Pupils / Activities helped in improvements
of GAD Center in observance of “Bayanihan”
by the parents.
Programs and Parade / October 04, 2014 / Bukang- liwayway Elementary School / Teachers and Pupils of Bukang -liwayway Elementary School / Activities conducted in showing
support and participation for the celebration
of Gender Equality Month.
Gender and Development Evaluation / October 08, 2014 / Tampakan District / Bukang- liwayway Elementary School / Activities imposed in order for the school to be evaluated whether its implementation reaches the required standard by the higher office.

Apart from checking on project management, progress and performance of projects are periodically assessed as part of project monitoring. Meanwhile, project evaluation generally takes place at the end of the project. Monitoring and evaluation aim to ascertain the project’s success in achieving its targets and goals, assess practices and processes, and cull important lessons from the experiences and problems encountered by the project. The monitoring and evaluation activity is often participative and consultative, involving not only the implementing agency and the project management office, but also the key women and men affected or benefited by the project.



Bukangliwayway Elementary School was situated almost in the boundary of Brgy. Kipalbig this municipality, most of its constituent was belong to native tribe “B’laan” and the following hindering/facilitating factors in implementation of these projects were observed by the school staffs.

Hindering Factors:

  • Lack of information dissemination/education– In tribal areas most parents didn’t take for formal education and as early of their age they already took marriage, thats why they could not also guide their children especially in school activities/works.
  • Lack of Financial support – The school aimed to propose more projects/activities for strengthening the knowledge of its pupils and to their parents but budget/fund resources are limited.

Facilitating Factors:

  • Despite of hindrances in implementation of this projects this school positively looking for better improvements for facilities and learning of its pupils and parent in incoming school years.


Bukangliwaway Elementary School as one of role institution in the community its staff also observed the following rules/guidelines in dealing with pupils of this school:

  • Treat children with respect regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status
  • Not use language or behaviour towards children that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate
  • Refrain from physical punishment or discipline of children.
  • Refrain from hiring children for domestic or other labour which is inappropriate given their age or developmental stage, which interferes with their time available for education and recreational activities, or which places them at significant risk of injury.
  • Immediately report concerns or allegations of child abuse in accordance with appropriate procedures to the appropriate authority;
  • Among others...


On mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) the following recommended by this office to be observed for next following school years:

  • Enforce compliance to GAD, child protection and anti-bullying mainstreaming policies
  • Enhance existing structural mechanisms to accelerate mainstreaming of GAD, child protection and anti-bullying
  • Localize GAD, child protection and anti-bullying mainstreaming efforts
  • Enhance capability of local GAD practitioners/trainors to deliver GAD, child protection and anti-bullying programs
  • Strengthen linkages and partnerships among various partners.


Conducting lectures on nonviolence and human rights education as a compulsory part of the curriculum serves as a strategic move in instilling values among pupils. It also works for teachers and school personnel since it would help them work with the theories and principles of peace and interpersonal relationship. The Philippine education system could also incorporate classes in values education, social studies, physical education, and language education, among others with discussion on peer relation, respect and nonviolence. This school suggested that all schools should adopt a policy that highlights the character-building virtues such as respect, caring tolerance, and responsibility for others. The most effective (school) interventions appear to be those aimed at improving social and interpersonal skills and modifying attitudes and beliefs. Lastly, in order for anti-school violence measures to be strictly implemented, the Philippine government should appropriate substantial budget allocation. Providing sufficient funds for programs and projects would equate to successful policy implementation as it generates favorable results.


Prepared by:

Mrs. Jogie Marie Gallo-Barrios
School GAD Coordinator


