CMST 100 SyllabusFALL 2016- Interpersonal Communication

Course information, grade requirements, and paper composition format guide.

Professor: Mimi Ivey, M.A. Communication Studies.

E mail: . E-mail me with questions or concerns.

Please do not put me in your online address book.


Required Text: “Communicate!” A Workbook for InterpersonalCommunication, 7th edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. **Do not buy “used” books as they are missing pages you need for class.

Optional: Codependent No More, Beattie, Melody.

Suggestions for success in CMST 100

Strive for a positive attitude in class and bring your sense of humor along  We often work together in small groups. Celebrate our differences and practice tolerance for the various opinions you hear in class. Respect others. Be cognizant of the way you communicate and open to improving it. Devote your full attention to class: no drawing, reading books other than ours, or anyother behaviors that cause me to believe you are not “here now.” DO NOT BE LATE TO ANY OF THE CLASSES. 5 points are deducted for every “late.”

Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

1. Identify and distinguish interpersonal and intrapersonal communication theories and concepts and apply to personal communication behavior.

2. Identify and demonstrate intrapersonal awareness of self-concept, self-esteem, perception, and emotions as related to personal and professional interactions.

3. Identify and demonstrate interpersonal communication skills in areas including listening, nonverbal behaviors, language ownership, communication climate management, intercultural and gender similarities and differences, and behaviors that resolve conflict.

4. Distinguish and utilize concepts for developing and improving friendships, committed relationships, and the understanding of gender differences.

Your responsibilities in CMST 100

1. CMST 100 emphasizes participation and discussion. Expect to communicate (talk!)in everyclass. You

earn your “participation” and attendance points this way. No talking – no points. NOTE: This is not a

course to improve your English. Take instead “English as a Second Language,” if you have

difficulty writing and speaking English. You will need to write and speak English proficiently in this


This course challenges your ability to communicate with your “self” in regards to compliance

with work “due dates,” (challenging procrastination), attendance and participation (challenging

dedication, contribution, expression and involvement), course rules and boundaries (challenging

comportment), and writing composition (challenging intellect as it applies to written communication).

In other words, this course is challenging the self to excel incommunicationwith self and others!

2. Ground rules: While the great majority of college students are respectful of the classroom environment, a

certain few are not Please avoid behaviors that make it difficult to accomplish our learning objectives and

disrupt the educational process; ex: side conversations, showing disrespect to instructor and fellow students,

arriving late or leaving early, inappropriate comments or behaviors, monopolizing conversations, text

messaging, etc. Our environment should be comfortable where wefeel we canexpress ourselves.

Therefore, aggressive, rude or disruptive behaviorincluding tardiness will not be tolerated.

3. Your attendance class indicates your interest, willingness and intent to participate fully inactivities and

class discussion. Not showing up indicates to me your disinterest in same.

4. This is a participation and attendance-based class. Showing up and participatingis the easiest

way to earn points. You maydefend your participation points via the “Participation paper” so keep a diary of

each class – what you significantly contributed - what you offered to the class – comments, mini-shares,

topical information, etc. Discuss what risks youtook by sharingor commenting in class. Discuss your overall

“comportment” in the class.


This is a communication class. Your behavior reflects your interest and dedication to the course.

  • Tardiness is disruptive to the learning environment. It is also rude. Please be on time.
  • Latealso includes late returning from break. Automatic 5 point deduction for each “late.”
  • Scheduled breaks: Thereis a scheduled break half way through every class. Do not leave the class to take/make cell phone calls. You will have time at the break to make calls.
  • Leaving class early: If you leave class early, it is an “absence” for the entire class.

NOTE: If you have a problem being on time to the events in your life, this is not the class for you. Being late is an unacceptable behavior in CMST 100 and will not impress your instructor. It will also cost you valuable points.

Late work & Absences: Absences do not excuse late work. You are allowed one late paper, onetime only,accepted one week late only. Reserve this benefit for emergencies or for an absence. If you are absent when work is due, you can elect to use your “one time late work” option for one assignment.

No latework is accepted beyond 1 week, 1 time only. Once this option is used, no additional late work is accepted. **No late work accepted during the last 2 weeks of class – no exceptions. **Some work can be submitted early and will receive bonus points.Work must be submitted in person – I do not accept E mailed work.

MAKE-UPS: You may make up to two absencesonly in another of my CMST classes. They are: CMST 100 Wedn. 6:00-9:10 pm(Lit & Lang. #146)and CMST 100 Thurs. 6:00-9:10 pm(Lit. & Lang. #116). No make-ups allowed during the last two weeks of the course.

ILLNESS NOTE or Personal Emergencies: If you have a medical condition or other circumstance that will incurexcessiveabsences, dropthe class and take it again when you are able to attend all of the classes. CMST 100 requires consistent attendance. The course won’t work for those who have personal illness or emergencies.

Course work: Save all of your graded work, papers, etc. as proof you did them. Do not throw anything out until after the course is completed.

Early work: Bonus pointsare given for certain work turned in early. The assignments that qualify as early work are found on your grade pointrecord sheet, indicated by an *.

Drop dates: Sept. 10: last day to withdraw for a refund. Sept. 11: last day to withdraw to avoid a “W.”

Nov. 19last day to withdraw with a “W.” Note: After Nov. 19,if you do not drop, a letter grade must be assigned. Drop yourself if you are not doing the work and cannot pass the course.Excessive absences (2 or more) may cause you to be dropped fromthe class OR Fail the course. Instructors may drop students at any time for excessive absences.

Attention & PEDS: CMST class requires your full attention. No portable electronic devices of any kind turned on

in the classroom – no pagers,Ipod’s, cell phones, computers, blackberries, palm pilots, etc. No headphones on. No ear buds in.No “text messaging.” Realize this is a participation class. Nonverbal devices send a message of disinterest in the class. If you leave to take a cell phone call, take your books and do not return to class. My policy is NO PHONES or PED’s on in class. You can be dropped from the course for violating this policy.

For those “electronically challenged,”it is necessary to “separate self” from all portable devices during class. In addition, the recording or photographing of instructor and others in the classroom without their permission is prohibited.

BEVERAGES: Only bottles with twist tops are allowed – ex: bottled water. If you bring a beverage, be sure to throw it away after class. Coffee cups are not allowed in the classroom. Extras: No sunglasses, visors,

hoods, or hats, etc. that obstruct your eyes.This is a communication class – we need to see each other clearly 


This course is designed for you to have a choice of work to do, as well as a choice of what grade you would like to earn. Please note that Participation and Attendanceoffers you points for just attending class and “speaking up!” Most work below is “optional” and it’s your choice as to which to do in order to acquire enough points for your desired grade, or enough to merely pass the course. Do not wait until after the “due” dates to begin your work– or you will not pass the course. Due dates are firm. All work has a due date and expires on that date. It is up to you to be responsible for your education and honor due dates. Due dates are posted inthe class calendar and schedule. It’s up to you to keep track of your points and earn enough to pass. Communicating with “self” and accepting personal responsibility should assist you in passing CMST 100. NOTE: There are no make-ups for exams.

Attendance:5 points forattendance, showing up= 5X15 classes: 75

Participation: Contributing: TALKING in CLASS. 10X15 classes = 150 150

Positive Affirmation paper(minimum 1 page typed) 25

Lost in a Lifeboat comment paper(minimum1 page typed) 25

Learning Share (5 minutes) and Outline(outline 25/speech 75)REQUIRED. 100

(25 point deduction for “not being ready” on the day of your share)

Exam 1 100

Exam 2 100

Exam 3 100

Film Review paper (minimum 1 page typed) 25

Participation paper (minimum 1page typed) 25

Final Exam 100

(Some questions for the final exam are taken from all 3 exams,books, handouts,

lecture notes, and filmnotes).

Total points (not including early-work bonus points) TOTAL: 825

Requirements for A: 825-750 PLUS 5 minute “Learning Share” Outline.

One absence allowed for A. Absences cost point loss.

Requirements for B: 749-674 PLUS 5 minute “Learning Share” & Outline.

Two absencesallowed for B. Absences cost point loss.

Requirements for C: 673-598 PLUS 5 minute “Learning Share” & Outline.

Two absences allowed for C. Absences cost point loss.

Requirements for D: 597-522and three absences allowed for D. (with point loss for absence)

Requirements for F: below 522and four absences or more - Fail the course.

Extra Credit – Is in the form of “Observation” Shares (2 max.) – 10 points each. The objective is to discuss a communication example you have observed and APPLY IT TO A Comm. Theory or Concept from your text.

This opportunity is on a first come, first-serve voluntary basis. An OUTLINE is required – no outline, no share.

Perfect Attendance Bonus: For those students who do not miss any of the classes AND are not LATE AND do not leave the class early, the bonus is +25 points.

Two consecutive absences are cause for an “Instructor Drop.”

Note: The 16th class (final exam) is not counted towards absencesor participation. If you have enough points by the time of the final exam to achieve the grade you desire, you do not need to take the final.

The Final Exam totals 100 points. Not taking the Final Exam means you forfeit100 points. If you do not need those additional points, you do not need to take the Final Exam.

Grade Point Record Sheet

Due dates for the following are found in the “calendar and class schedule.” Elect which work below you want to do except for any work marked “mandatory.” Enter a “O” for work which you are not doing. This sheet will be turned in twice. See class schedule for due dates. ** = work that can be turned in early for a 5 point bonus.


Positive AffirmationPaper ______

Learning Share and Outline– REQUIRED. ______

Exam 1 ______

Lost in a LifeboatPaper ______

Film Review** ______

Exam 2 ______

Exam 3 ______

Participation Paper** ______

(submit no earlier than 1 week early for bonus points)

(Late option not offered on this paper)

Final Exam ______

(all chapters/both books, notes, films)

Observation Share 1(extra credit). _____

Observation Share 2(extra credit). _____

Participation points:10 points per class _____ *Class 1 through 15

Attendance points: 5 points per class _____ * Class 1 through 15

Perfect Attendance Bonus:+25 points

(no absences, no lates) ______* Class 1 through 15


Number of absences ____ Class 1 through 15 -______

LATES (to class, from break, -5 points per late) -______

Cell phone violation (-10 points per offense) -______

Unscheduled break violation (-5 deduction) -______



NOTE: I do not accept E-mailed papers or other work. Do not E mail me yourpapers or other work. You do not receive credit for work unless you submit itin person in class. The E mail is for youto communicate with me any questions you may have during the semester. Be certain you have a working printer or use the computing center’s printers for your work.

**If you have difficulty reading or writing English, please use the Student SuccessCenter: in

C&L 103A. Papers with numerous grammatical and English errors will be returned without credit.

Use an English tutor before submitting papers if you have difficulty writing in English.

1. All work should be organized and well written. Mechanics will be considered (grammar, spelling,

punctuation) as it affects “meaning.” Proofread your work and ask a friend to proofread your

papers to catch the errors you and “spell-checker” miss.

NOTE: Students who have difficulty writing ENGLISH should take their papers to the

Student Success Center first before submitting them, to receive help with corrections.

Papers that I cannot read will be returned for students to repair.

2. Do not use curse words or crude language as “descriptors” in your papers. Instead,

find a “scholarly” word that best determines “meaning” for what you are trying to say.

3. All papers must be typed, double-spaced, spell-checked, and stapled together

before presenting them to me. Papers not typed or stapled will not be accepted.

4. Use standard size fonts (10-12). Use regular or standard fonts, such as Ariel,

Gautami or Verdana. Do not use condensed, bolded, or scripted fonts. Do not use fonts

smaller than this one (which is Verdana 10). Use the size of this font as a guide.

5. Your name, date, and class should be in the upper right hand corner, single spaced.

If you are using a “cover” sheet, that sheet does not count as a page. Pages count only if

they are starting text at the top of the paper. Title: Center your title close to the top of the

1st page of your paper.

6. A full page is equal to lines that begin at the top of the page and end at the bottom

of the page, using a 1” margin on all sides.

If pages are ½ or ¾ in text length, they will not receive the full credit (points) of one

page. This can adversely affect the points you receive for papers that have a length-

requirement. It’s better to write too much than too little.

** Do not start text in the middle of the paper. This does not count as a full page.

** Do not start text ¼ of the way down from the top. This does not count as a full

page. Point loss will occur if these requests are not followed.

7. When printingyour papers, use the black ink option only.

8. Fair warning: If you turn in a paper that is single-spaced, it will be returned

for you to redo. This will make it “late.” I accept only DOUBLE-SPACED papers!

Note: Only your name, date, and classshould be “single- spaced.”

Ex: Your Name


Wedn. 6 pm.