At MANGO, we are aware that we are facing one of the biggest global challenges in recent years:climate change.For this reason, we wish to offer our full support to tackling this issue, by supporting all public and private policies and initiatives in this area.

In recent years, we have adopted various measures in our organisation aimed at optimising all our processes and installations in order to become more efficient, reduce consumption and, consequently, reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and therefore tackle climate change.It is worth pointing out that some of these measures have already been described in previous Sustainability Reports, in particular the 2008 Report, while others, although implemented prior to 2008, were not mentioned in these reports because they were at a preliminary stage or in progress.In order to provide a summary and an update on these actions, the most significant ones are described below:


Logistics chain

We have optimised all the stages and procedures of our logistics chain, achieving the maximum technically possible in terms of the number of deliveries, frequencies, means of transport, delivery capacities, etc., in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of our business. This process has been progressively developed and consolidated in recent years.As new improvement opportunities appear (infrastructure, logistical and technological possibilities, etc.), we will progressively apply them to this area.


In recent years, we have made every effort to improve our consumption and theconstruction materials used, in order to become more energy efficient and more sustainable.

This policy was first specified and implemented in 2004, and all new stores have adopted these guidelines since then.The majority of company stores already operating at this date have progressively been refurbished and it is forecast that the remainder will be completed within 4 years (in accordance with the scheduled refurbishments). The same policy for company stores is adopted for franchise stores, scheduling refurbishments on an individual basis with each franchisee.

The specified refurbishment represents for each store an average reduction in consumption of 20% and a linear reduction in BTUs.

Other areas of action

We have also adopted internal measures in different areas, such as:the use of group transport for our employees (60% utilisation), optimising business trips by reducing them and using alternative means of communication (video conferences, etc.), the implementation of a more efficient internal environmental system, etc.

It is also worth noting that we have progressively optimised the offices and warehouses in third countries.We can now say that we virtually operate from a single office in the world and our medium-term objective is to use a single warehouse, both in Spain, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on energy efficiency.

Policy and involvement of our suppliers

We believe that this responsibility towards environmental impact must be shared with our suppliers.Our Code of Conduct already involves their commitment to act in a more environmentally-friendly way, something which is verified in our audits (water treatment, waste treatment, optimisation of deliveries and transport, etc.).Our aim is to continue to progress and inform our suppliers of more sustainable practices in the manufacture and distribution of our products and in particular, from this moment on, of ways to tackle climate change.In order to achieve this, during the next quarter we will establish an action protocol to complement our Code, which will include good practices and recommendations.

“made in green” certification

It is forecast that our organisation will obtain “made in green” certification shortly, a process we have been involved in for some time now.This certification consists of a green total quality stamp issued by the Textile Technology Institute AITEX, which certifies the complete traceability of the product.This certificate guarantees respect for the universal rights of workers in the workplace, good environmental practices through the establishment of management systems and that the products are free of substances that are harmful for human health.

[For more information, visit


Study of the emission of greenhouse gases in our organisation through the MANGO-ESCI (Pompeu Fabra University) Chair

We are presently conducting a study which will measure the greenhouse gas emissions we produce in our activity, both internally and externally. This study is being conducted at the Mango Chair for Corporate Social Responsibility, which we have established in conjunction with the School of International Trade (ESCI), part of the Pompeu Fabra University.Specifically, adopting a standard protocol, this is being conducted by the Environmental Research and Management Group (GIGA), an environmental research and analysis team of international prestige.This study will be used as a basis for drafting a methodology which will serve as a guide for other distribution companies.

This study consists of two stages, the first and most important, since it covers the majority of greenhouse emissions, from goods dispatch following manufacture by the supplier until the moment of sale in stores, in addition to the total activity of our offices and warehouses.It is forecast that this stage will be completed in December 2009. The study will then enter the second stage, which focuses on the data for the emissions produced from manufacture of the raw material up to the production of garments and accessories. This second stage will be conducted during 2010, once the first stage is complete.

The content and the level of progress in this study may be consulted on the chair webpage:


Environmental quality mark

During 2008, we started our collaboration in the creation of a good environmental practices standard which includes energy efficiency and the resulting reduction and optimisation of greenhouse gases.It involves an environmental quality mark, granted by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, which aims to optimise the various energy consumptions and materials used in stores, in order to reduce greenhouse gases through a widespread commitment towards energy efficiency, among other environmental objectives.

This initiative is being carried out by a group of experts from the environmental think tank AUREN, in collaboration with the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and MANGO.

In order to produce this certification, we have verified and used as a reference the stores of the MANGO group, since, as mentioned above, these represent an established and consolidated model in such aspects, which are reviewed on a periodic basis in order to guarantee continuous improvement.

For more information, visit the Autonomous Government of Catalonia webpage which refers to this study project( and the webpage of the Association for the Development of the Bioclimatic Home, which includes a description of the project: This association is promoted by a group of multidisciplinary enterprises related to sustainable construction whose principal aim is the promotion and diffusion of health and the environment in housing, industry and services, in addition to seeking the best bioclimatic solutions.


At MANGO we are committed to working continuously in order to tackle climate change.The studies and certifications we are currently working on and described above have two aims:to produce an inventory of the environmental impact and to come up with possible measures and actions to adopt in this regard.Depending on the results, our organisation will improve the aspects which lead to a possible reduction in emissions, while offsetting the remainder by the most efficient means at any given moment.

In order to make this information available to consumers and stakeholder organisations, we will continue to update this space on our webpage with the results of studies and any additional data which emerges.

For further information on the above data, consult our 2008 Sustainability Report, which includes these and other aspects (building characteristics, new studies on the use of LED lighting, etc.) and is available on our webpage:

Enric Casi

General Manager