H/M/L / Impact
H/M/L / Preventative Action / Proximity / Person responsible
1 / As part of the community consultation strategy community asks for things that we cannot deliver. / L / H / Set parameters for all consultation based on service level agreement / M / Joe Bloggs
2 / Opening date of December 2006 is not achieved. / H / M / Ensure all stakeholders are aware of the date and working towards it. Put milestones into the project plan to measure progress.Inform members of any delays / M / Joe Bloggs
3 / Staff not in place for opening of new facility / L / H / Build staffing levels into service level agreement / H / Joe Bloggs
4 / Staff not fully trained and confident in time for opening. / M / H / Draw up detailed staff training plan to include contingency plans for sickness/holidays of trainees and trainers.
Include detail of service to be delivered into service level agreement / H / Joe Bloggs
5 / Staff do not provide a customer focussed service. / L / M / Customer focus session in training. Customer focus explicit in service level agreement / H / Joe Bloggs
6 / Stock resources not in place in time for opening / L / H / Liaison between Stock team and New Openings Team and Stock Librarian.
Stock team to ensure adequate stock of spoken word material is bought. / M / Joe Bloggs
7 / Stock becomes damaged whist in storage / M / H / Work with drivers at staff at lepton to ensure boxes are stored off ground. Be aware of very wet weather and check for any effect on stock in storage. / M / Joe Bloggs
8 / Conflict of requirements of partners/other Council services / H / H / Ensure partners needs are clearly mapped and included in the project. Build into service level agreement / M / Joe Bloggs
9 / IT resources not in place in time for opening. / L / H / XXXX advising to New Openings Team – will keep updated on progress. LIST to ensure budget is available / M / Joe Bloggs
10 / Working relationship with Fresh Horizons is not successful / L / H / SLA to be produced and signed by both parties. Regular check backs and clear targets to be included. / H / Joe Bloggs
11 / Self issue allowing access whilst counter not staffed leads to loss of equipment and stock / M / H / SLA to include Building Support Officer to ensure self issue is used. Security gates to be installed at centre entrance. Access in evening/Sunday to be supervised by Building Support Officer as part of SLA / H / Joe Bloggs
12 / Low take up of service due to this being new addition to service / L / M / Mobile library to build up library use prior to opening. Strong marketing and publicity campaign. Highly publicised launch event involving local schools. / L / Joe Bloggs
13 / LIC not ready to open 2 weeks after building hand over / L / H / All team to prioritise time in late December/early January to ensure LIC is ready to open. Involve other staff as required. Involve Chestnut Centre staff. / L / Joe Bloggs
Risk assessment updated 24/02/06