The DWO Live Chat with Terry Molloy (Davros)

Friday 10th December 2004 – 8pm to 9pm


Red type = Terry Molloy

Blue type = DWO Chat moderators (Seb & Harry)

seb_drwho_online: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I welcome you to the DWO Live Chat with Terry Molloy!

jettblackuk: hooray

severus_iii: Yes

dan_milco: Well, The Three Doctors wasn't THAT bad, and I rather like The Two Doctors

dan_milco: Oops, welcome, Terry Molloy

seb_drwho_online: Terry is known as "tmdavros" in here, so please wish him a warm welcome!

tmdavros: Excellent to see so many ready to be genetically re-engineered!

snhbuk: He's HERE!!!!!!!!

jettblackuk: hiya Tez

robophobia: hello Terry, welcome

thormatrix: Hey TM :)

the_handbag_of_omega: hello :)

severus_iii: Hello Terry

tmdavros: hiya jett

robophobia: :)

jettblackuk: excellent Davros

severus_iii: :))

snhbuk: Hi TM

erica24wirral: hello terry babe

tmdavros: hehehehehe!

seb_drwho_online: Now we need some kind of order in here, so please can we all take our turns to ask questions

tmdavros: yo erika-ka-ka-ka

jettblackuk: yep

seb_drwho_online: just wait for a suitable moment to ask your quezzies!

snhbuk: Now, be nice, he's only typing with one hand.....

robophobia: LOL

jettblackuk: lol

thormatrix: lol

severus_iii: And the Doctor's Second Greatest Adversary after the Master would have to be Doctor Davros the Kaled/Dalek hybrid man scientist

the_handbag_of_omega: :D

tmdavros: wrong.. just my nose

dan_milco: One finger, even

robophobia: hate to ask what you're doing with your hands, Terry :)

severus_iii: 5

tmdavros: lol rob!!

snhbuk: lol

severus_iii: Terry are your speakers on?

erica24wirral: heres ben

severus_iii: His speakers are on

tmdavros: yus.. but I have no mike

snhbuk: where

seb_drwho_online: welcome ben

tmdavros: hiya ben

regenerations_ben: HELLLOooooo!

robophobia: I din't realise this was an audio chat

severus_iii: Age 200 :))

snhbuk: is that you ben?

severus_iii: I thought his age was like 1000

regenerations_ben: Fantastic - 1st time I've heard an audio conversation like this!

tmdavros: indeed!

erica24wirral: Cor ben can we chat you up instead

jettblackuk: Terry; what's the best part of playing such a supremely evil baddie on Doctor Who?

snhbuk: i got no sound!!!!

tmdavros: not enough room on Yahoo for 1000

thormatrix: Hey TM, there are plenty of people here that can be remade in to daleks lol

seb_drwho_online: Erica, are there many people in the yawho chatroom

regenerations_ben: Erika you know I luv anyone and everyone chatting me up! lol

severus_iii: That is right Terry you could only put 999

seb_drwho_online: hopefully they read the notice that we are in here!

snhbuk: even me?

tmdavros: hi jett.. best part is ruling the daleks.. I don't have to be scared of them

erica24wirral: no they are all in here seb

regenerations_ben: Everyone! :)

seb_drwho_online: cool

dan_milco: Even though the Daleks can - and have - turned on you?

jettblackuk: but they dont follow Davros any more?

seb_drwho_online: not everyone, we still have at least another 30 people on their way!

snhbuk: mmm dalek bumbps

tmdavros: oh yeah.. i just make a new breed of bigger and badder ass's

robophobia: stop it, you're going to get yourself into trouble!

severus_iii: But he solved that problem he evolved them into a higher life form as the Imperials with I am sure genetic loyalty to him

thormatrix: Terry, have they got you playing Davros in the new series??

tmdavros: absolutely

severus_iii: I am sure they have some genetic loyalty to his character

dan_milco: ARE you allowed to discuss the new series?

thormatrix: bugger if i know lol

jettblackuk: in war of the daleks they say Davros imperfect but they aint no great shakes though

snhbuk: or even the Archers...

tmdavros: thor.. I don't think they have Big D in the new series...

erica24wirral: yeah the Archers and Beadle!!!!

severus_iii: When are you going to be on the new series as Davros, Terry?

andyt12314: hi terry

snhbuk: Beadle!!!!

regenerations_ben: Terry - don't forget that confidentiality clause in your new BBC contract! :^O

tmdavros: hiya andy

snhbuk: can't read yellow

erica24wirral: yeah Terry i will tell of you

tmdavros: yup.. my lips are sealed ben

severus_iii: I can read the Yellow

snhbuk: oh BEN!!!

andyt12314: you were great as davros :)

snhbuk: ARE great

robophobia: I second that andy

tmdavros: ta andy... i luved it

dan_milco: Did you REALLY wear a paper bag over your head in rehearsals to get into the character of Davros?

andyt12314: much better then michael wisher :)

severus_iii: Yes you were excellent as Davros especially in the scene stealing episode where you popped out of the Emperor's Dalek capsule

tmdavros: no dan... that was colin B

dan_milco: Oops, was it?

jettblackuk: lol

snhbuk: Ultimate Rice Pudding

dan_milco: I knew someone wore a paperbag.

regenerations_ben: The only way to get Terry to divulge 'Davros' secrets are to ply him with alcohol!

thormatrix: lmao

severus_iii: How did they set it up to just be your head there I mean was it special effects or what?

erica24wirral: RED wine for DAvros!!!

robophobia: what's your tipple, Terry?

tmdavros: giving away my secrets eh ben?

jettblackuk: how long does it take to come down after a Davros rant?

andyt12314: wasn['t thjat rememberance of the daleks ?

snhbuk: there are no secrets here

severus_iii: Yes

thormatrix: actuyally I found remembrance of the daleks one of the better daleks stories...

regenerations_ben: Go on then Ter, admit what the 2nd hand was doing all these years? Lol

tmdavros: couple of pints of drambuie shandy and I could spill anything... mainl;y myself onto the floor

jettblackuk: lol

snhbuk: Inebriate!!!!

chababug: So what was Davros doing with his other hand???

andyt12314: i was Playing that last night :)

severus_iii: Yes in Remberance Terry went by an alias so as to allow him to steal the entire show with his appearance as Davors in episode four Terry went by a suedonym

jettblackuk: excshwellenttt

severus_iii: psuedonym

tmdavros: right severus.. Roy Tromelly

dan_milco: Why "Roy Tromelly"?

robophobia: hehe, good idea not to spoil the suspense

tmdavros: .. er what 2nd hand ben???

dan_milco: Oh, doh - it's an anagram

severus_iii: Call me W my appearance name does not appear here for some reason as Kevin W

dan_milco: #-o

tmdavros: rearrange the letters.. it spells Terry Molloy

erica24wirral: yeah gon tell is about the 2nd hand!!

severus_iii: It is an anagram

chababug: Well there was always one hand stuffed in the chair... I wondered what Davros used it for :)

tmdavros: that would be telling

seb_drwho_online: Ok guys, if you want to start asking Terry you questions, please can we go in order. Post a question only when one has been answered, otherwise poor Terry will be exterminated with your enthusiasm!!!!!!

andyt12314: :)\\

andyt12314: hehe

tmdavros: doh!!!

severus_iii: That sucks there has only been one or two episodes with the Imperials that is an interesting dichotomy of the daleks between North and South evolved and devolved

dan_milco: even if the questions are directly related to the main question?

the_handbag_of_omega: I enjoyed the Big Finish audio Davros and am looking forward to The Juggernauts... will be hearing more from you, perhaps in other roles? Russell in Attack of The Cybermen was great and I was really disappointed he only lasted halfway through :D

severus_iii: Any questions

regenerations_ben: All set for a few hours signing after xmas at 10th Planet then Davros sir?

tmdavros: certainly ben.... I'm looking forward to Juggernaughts.. it promises to be really brill and fab

severus_iii: X-Mas hahahahahaha

erica24wirral: Terry do you like Fans who dress up as Leela

severus_iii: :))

the_handbag_of_omega: sorry, I was halfway through typing that and missed seb's instructions!

snhbuk: Mwuhharr harr harrr

tmdavros: LMAO erica.... only if they are female!!

robophobia: LOL!

dan_milco: And look good in a few scraps of windowcleaner's chamois, I guess

thormatrix: lol

erica24wirral: Ok will buy a costume for Swansea!

chababug: If it were you and Brian Blessed in a shouting competition, who would win? :)

andyt12314: Terry : since dr who original series finished i know alot dont watch it eg tom baker do you watch it particually to your perfomances ?

snhbuk: ooh erica, i see you in awhole new light...

tmdavros: oh thank you dan!

jettblackuk: what about a tale that tells us more about Davros in his early

jettblackuk: years

dan_milco: for what? 0:)

severus_iii: That gave me a good idea for a question but someone let me know when my number in line here at Schitzer's comes up

snhbuk: I know how about son of Davros

tmdavros: not that often.. though I did have a look at Genesis again frecently

jettblackuk: like how he got crippled

snhbuk: miniDav

robophobia: you know that wouldn't be such a bad idea

severus_iii: How about a son of Davros, daughter of the Master and descendant of Rassilon all together on like a Doctor Who version of the Legion of Doom?

tmdavros: whoooohaaaar.. mini dav would cost $1,000,000

seb_drwho_online: Ive got a question for you Terry.

tmdavros: go on seb

seb_drwho_online: How has being a part of Doctor Who changed your life?

seb_drwho_online: what with conventions e.t.c.

tmdavros: well when I did it i had no idea it would have such an enthusiastic following... it has been great

andyt12314: terry have you anyplans to come to Australia to do a dr who convention ? ed whovention which is run by Doctor who club australia based in Sycney

tmdavros: love to come to Aussie.. just need the invite and the time to do it

rocket88i: how about the states ?

andyt12314: i've meet Colin baker :)

tmdavros: just got back from Chicago Tardis

tmdavros: I have too andy!

jettblackuk: lol

snhbuk: Did you bring me any Rock?

jettblackuk: i met you twice terry,,ace both times

tmdavros: yup.. it's in the post snh

snhbuk: tah Dav

tmdavros: ty jett.. where was that?

erica24wirral: Terry are looking forward to coming to chester in Feb.. for an evening with

snhbuk: blatant plug

jettblackuk: blackpool and liverpool

jettblackuk: lol actually colin baker said i could be your son

tmdavros: ok.... yus Erika-ka-ka... very much looking forward to Chester in February and evening with blatant plug

snhbuk: hehe

jettblackuk: looks forward to chester also ;-)

erica24wirral: ok just the one.. it will please Brian!!

tmdavros: oh jet... colin is SUCH a charmer!

andyt12314: he sure is

snhbuk: arrgghhh

erica24wirral: Yeah Colin is a charmer!!!

jettblackuk: col is ace

tmdavros: down erica!

andyt12314: so is Sophie Aldred :)

jettblackuk: BUT

erica24wirral: grrrhhhh Tiger!!

jettblackuk: Terry is ACER

andyt12314: \

tmdavros: sophie is a doll

severus_iii: Hahahha yes

dan_milco: Question: Out of all the Doctors and regulars you've worked with, who did you most enjoy working alongside?

erica24wirral: Peter Davison is the Dr who totty got to be said

andyt12314: sylvester was good too

erica24wirral: and ben

snhbuk: oh god

severus_iii: I like Peter Davison as the Doctor

regenerations_ben: Hand's off Erica - the wet vet is mine! lol

rocket88i: Tom Baker was my first <grin>

jettblackuk: likes all the doctors

erica24wirral: No He is mine! ben!

andyt12314: same

tmdavros: Colin and I get on really well... but there have been lots.. Willam Gaunt.. Elenor Bron

severus_iii: Yeah

robophobia: as do I like the doctors

snhbuk: No, he's mine

thormatrix: I found i enjoyed many of the Jon Pertwee stories more....and yet Tom Baker is my favortie Dr

severus_iii: Rocket you must be young like me because I started watching Doctor Who on PBS when I was 12

tmdavros: now then ... no squabbling... I still have the hand of omega here

snhbuk: gimme

the_handbag_of_omega: waves

jettblackuk: whats the best thing you have done acting wise apart from Davros?

andyt12314: i missed the convention when sylvester came out & Nicola Bryant too

seb_drwho_online: he knows his who history - Ill give him that!

severus_iii: Did you get to keep it no deposit no return on it

tmdavros: it's in mehandbag!

robophobia: sylvester came out?!

the_handbag_of_omega: :D

jettblackuk: hehe

robophobia: now that's news!!!

erica24wirral: ok Davros!! just tell ben Peter is mine

robophobia: not that I'm suprised

seb_drwho_online: welcome to the DWO Live Chat with Terry Molloy, kevin_mercury!

robophobia: I met Sylv outside the stage door of the Derngate theatre after he'd played in the Invisible Man

andyt12314: terry i liked the special weapons Dalek ;) one fire and the daleks are nothing but dust ;)

tmdavros: no erica put him down!!

severus_iii: What were they squabbling about

erica24wirral: i refuse Davros!! the blonde timelord is mine! all mine!

dan_milco: Which blonde Timelord?

severus_iii: Peter Davison

jettblackuk: peter

tmdavros: Not after I've finished with he won't be... blond that is!

jettblackuk: lil petey

robophobia: blackened I suspect

severus_iii: He is rather handsome I can say that and youthful as well

tmdavros: handfull of clinkers!

erica24wirral: oh now your talking!!

jettblackuk: lol

severus_iii: Well I am glad to meet more Peter Davison fans because Peter is my favorite Doctor as well

jettblackuk: zap him

tmdavros: just need the Special weapons dalek and Gnnnngh!!

jettblackuk: trash him

regenerations_ben: Terry - had any thoughts about how you'll play the Master in Richards play in Regenerations? Bit of a challenge - you'll be required to stand up and not be wheeled about the whole time! Grin

severus_iii: Everyone in my area is Tom Baker this and Tom Baker that he is good but I like Peter better as the Doctor

the_handbag_of_omega: Terry, did it take long to get made up as Davros, and were there any differences between stories in the mask/makeup?

seb_drwho_online: Ok guys.... Lets have a quick check-in - How are we all tonight? Are you enjoying the Live Chat?

andyt12314: terry they should have though of it sooner for the earlier dalek stories ;)

severus_iii: At the time in 1980s I will bet it took hours to get setup as Davros

andyt12314: yeah

tmdavros: I thought the Master is supposed to be seated in a comfy armchair.. that's why I agreed to do it!!!

erica24wirral: yeah its great!

seb_drwho_online: good turnout!

regenerations_ben: Too late now!.... >:)

severus_iii: Because Ethan Phillips said it took him about an hour to get suited up as Neelix and that was in 1995 so figure it out in the 1980s a few hours for Terry to be Davros

thormatrix: yup :)

andyt12314: yup

tmdavros: The make up didn't take long as it was a complete mask... about 25 mins to do mouth and eyes

robophobia: that's pretty good

severus_iii: How can they bring the Master back again I mean he has only been killed about three or four times

andyt12314: yeah

thormatrix: good question......

andyt12314: a bit difficult

robophobia: he was 'killed' a few times in the series and he always managed to come back!

tmdavros: Hey guys and gals.. we are talking TIME here... any time??

dan_milco: Maybe he's a Mysteron

severus_iii: Well I know when I saw Planet of Fire I thought that was it for him there

snhbuk: seb could you invite bugsterb1 for me ta!!

jettblackuk: if they dont use the eighth doctor stories he is still alive from survival

seb_drwho_online: of course

severus_iii: No they should go with my idea where the Master's daughter works with Descendant of Rassilon and son of Davros to bring him back

thormatrix: i heard many was disappointed with the dr who movie

robophobia: Terry, may I ask what projects you have in the pipeline at the moment?

snhbuk: thanks

bugsterb1: thank you!!!!!


severus_iii: Good question

andyt12314: i wish ;)

snhbuk: yep bugsterb1 again ta

regenerations_ben: Richard Franklin asked Terry of he'd play the Master in a revamp of "ReUNITed - The Great T Bag Mystery" which he's reworking for my convention in Swansea next September. Terry gratiously agreed. How the master comes to live is all down to Richard Franklin....

tmdavros: Christmas... followed by recovering... followed by new year.. followed by recovering... followed by Trail of Davros in July

bugsterb1: thanks again

dan_milco: T-Bag Mystery? What, you mean like T-Bag and T-Shirt?

seb_drwho_online: and then i guess there will be some more recovering terry eh?

severus_iii: Hey will the USA be able to get the new episodes fast God forbid we have to wait a year like we did in the 1980s for Who episodes to go from BBC to PBS?

robophobia: looks like an unhurried year for you then!

bugsterb1: Hello Uncle Terry, Hello Erica

tmdavros: I guess before Swansea in September

erica24wirral: Hello Aunty Donna

tmdavros: hiya aunty donna

jettblackuk: next year looks like its gonna be good for Doctor Who

severus_iii: I mean it literally took a year in the 80s for Who episodes to go from BBC-UK to PBS-US

andyt12314: i wonder when we;ll get the new series as the origianl series here won't finish til early 2006

tmdavros: lol rob.. gotta fit a bypass op in sometime!

severus_iii: The original series is playing on BBC 2 right now?

jettblackuk: ?

jettblackuk: no

seb_drwho_online: welcome to the DWO Live Chat with Terry Molloy, Harry!

bugsterb1: Uncle Terry - you've not got to have a bypass op have you?

andyt12314: we only get it 4 days a week

robophobia: a heart bypass?

thexnthdoctor: Thank you, thank you, there's enough timelord for everyone.

tmdavros: I'm fit asafidsjhlkasjvhp uycnpiouyn pi[qtu vu p

severus_iii: Hey Terry do not worry I had a transphenoid resection done and a bypass much be better than that

thexnthdoctor: As DWO's resident Doctor, may I thank Terry for having this chat with us

andyt12314: hope so :)

tmdavros: excellent

dan_milco: It's on BBC 2??????

dan_milco: REALLY?

the_handbag_of_omega: Terry, what advice would you give to someone wanting to be a radio actor?

jettblackuk: u can always have the motorised chair any way

severus_iii: Thank you Terry

dan_milco: *raciong to TV schedule*

bugsterb1: oh! I'm the only one with a moterised chair around here at the moment - lol!

severus_iii: Question: What is your favorite beer, Terry? Guinness, Killian's, Sam Adams?

thexnthdoctor: and say "Davros, you're looking well, considering that we last saw you escaping a Dalek mother ship"

seb_drwho_online: Yes everyone, thexnthdoctor is my co-editor here at DWO!

jettblackuk: look dr who is not on BBC2

severus_iii: He ejected

tmdavros: handbag... get an audition for the BBC drama rep

dan_milco: Whew

tmdavros: hiya thenxdock-tor!!

andyt12314: do you use th enet alot terry ?

tmdavros: Favourite beer... Bud

jettblackuk: if Doctor Who was made in Greece

robophobia: forgive me I have to pop off :) best of luck with the bypass Terry

jettblackuk: Davros would be Stavros

tmdavros: ta rob

thormatrix: lmaoi

thormatrix: stavros..good one

severus_iii: Yes Roy Tromelly is a perfect anagram of Terry Molloy

tmdavros: exterminate peeps.. innit?

jettblackuk: i am gonna exterminate you peeps